sorry 4 waitn so long but now dat i got my new laptop i can update faster

I was half sleep when we landed in Briar Creek, I lolled my head to the side when Ash told me it was time to get out. He mumbled somethig about feeding later so that i woud sleep during the day better, and then got out the helicoter, he came back at me from the side door closest to my szeat and (bridal style) lifted me up into his arms and carrid me into the airport.

Not wanting to get carried like a baby to the car that awaited us outside, while Ash went back out to the plane landing strips to get our bag's (what you thought I lost desiner? Ha!) I shook myself awake and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. I noticed a bunch of people mumbling and looking at me as if they were amazed to see me, as if they new me back in grade shool and was mumbling to themselves "Hey, that Mare". I looked around and then looked down at my lap, afraid someone might walk up to me if I looked too long.

I turned my head, still down, to the seat beside me and saw a newspaper sitting there... With my picture on the front page! I snatched the paper up and double checked, yes it was me, a updated picture with my new hair with me and Fran and Zoey standing there, me in the middle smiling brightly like I was on the top of the world. In the three girl picture my face was circled and printed in red. I directed my eyes down to the writing under the photo and read as fast as my dark eyes would let me.

Find this child and Find some money

This teenage girl named Mary-Lynette Carter, now going by Lynnie or Mare, has been missing for the past four days and her father and family are in dire need of her survival. Her father has been on various talk shows and even fought his way onto Lary King Live in order to put word out there for his daughters rescue. Last seen with a tall, blond, male believed to be her ex-boyfriend Ash Redfern sources say he and her were fighting after a horrible break up sceen right after he hunted her down when she fled Briar Creek to get away from him.

What? Me run away from Ash? That's like little Tweety running away from Granny when she was feeding him homemade velvet cake! Rediculous! This wasn't even funny, we had to get to my father before people see me and Ash and make the instant connection.

Again please help us find this girl if you have any information call the father's number at 999-0986. And if you know any tall, dark, and handsome male named Ash Redfern believed to roam the night to catch more girls into his deadly web please call 911 if he is near, or if you have infromation on his whereabouts please call 766-8798-9898-0908 this number will direct you to a personal who will capture this suspect.

I just plain rolled my eyes at their description of Ash, it's like they got Fran to write down the whole article. Hell! She's probally the person who gave them the information for this stupid article I can't believe that my friend said something like that. Whoa, chill it Mare, I thought to myself, it could've been Zoey,too no jumping to conclusions.

"Hey, M'Lin what 'cha got there?" Ash asked making me slihtly jump.

I threw the newspaper face down back on the chair beside me and looked up into his forever changing eyes that were now admiring violet, and smiled into his eyes. "Just a big sale go n' on this weekend that I just can't miss." I smiled through the lie and avioded his eyes as soon as the words left my mouth.

"Okay, let's go, we need to get to your family before they start taking things alittle too far, huh?' he said and raised a specktical eyebrow. He smiled and took my hand and helped me stand, and we were on our way out the door when a chubby, tan, man walked up to us with papers in his hands.

"Excuse me, sir. Ma'am." he tipped his little hat at me. His voice was rich with country accent. "You got your 'copter parked in our strip would you like us to dispose of it or will you be comin' back?" he asked.

"Think of it as... as donation. From me to you." said Ash and turned so that we couold go when the chunky man's voice made him turn back with a fake smile plastered onto his face.

"Um, and your name is..." he let it drag out into a question.

"A-" he began but I cut him off.

"Arnold Livings." I chirped with a smile, "Arnold and Micheal Livings that 'copter is brand new, tippity top shape n' it's gonna pur like a kitten on a grill." I said giving him my best country bumpkin voice inpersonation. Like he was getting our real names and information? Puh-lease, he could've read the papers today.

"Um.." Ash said and I elbowed him in the side lightly just to that the guy wouldn't see but Ash would feel.

"Now, if you excuse us, we're in a hurry, don't need you makin' us later than nessasary now do we? Or should your manager find out?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Sorry to waste your time." he tipped his hat and swatched away.

"Arnold?" said Ash as we scoped the parking lot for a car, "A million names you can go with and you chose Arnold? That's a nerd's name." he said and chased after me when I headed for a black, sleek Farrari.

"Oh, well you didn't really give me a wide selection by saying 'a' now did you?" I asked and looked around for any owners, the lot was empty except for a ford SUV leaving, I elbowed the window and slipped in that way feet first. Ash did the same and hot wired the car.

"You know I think someone would notice if their Farrari goes missing." Ash said, but pulled out anyway.

"Obviously they don't give a damn, if they're too ignorant to turn on the freaking alarm." I said and turned on the radio. I listened to unwritten by Natasha Beingfeild and tried to stay calm. I told Ash about the paper and he was gripping the steering wheel tightly when I was finished.

"Let's go to my sisters house first then see what we can do." He reashed over and grabbed my hand, "Relax, my little M'Lin, you know I love you. Nothing will happen I promise." He lifted him hands up to his lips and kissed them, and then put my hand over his heart. "This is yours, to break, to kill, to love...It's yours." he whispered to me.

And it did make a little of my axienty go away, he knew me so well. "Ash, I think I want to take the dye out of my hair." I looked up to his eyes to see them sparkling at me.

He smiled and said, "I'd like that, the whole original Mary-Lynetter back." he said and drove off the road into the forest. When he smiled and got out I followed him, into the forest on the side of the road, it was night time and I could see better than I could before, the trees were covered in little insects and birds and the sky was cloudless and the stars were bright, I could even see the dust surrounding them. I looked at the moon, the biggest star near Earth and I actually saw the thin purple line upunder it!

"Wow! This is..." I looked around some more in the grass and then climbed into the top of a tree in a matter of seconds. "Wow." I whispered. "Ash come up here." I called down to him.

Ash was standing next to me with his hand on my lowerback in a matter of seconds. "Yes?" he whispered, his lips close to my ear.

"I love this, thank you." I said and kissed Ash. He sucked in a sharp breath when I kissed him long and hard, even taking my tounge across his lower lip as a tease. I finally pulled away, and wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder. We gazed up at the stars for what seemed like hours, not saying a word just feeling. Then when I felt as if I needed oxygen, I tugged on Ash's shirt.

"Mare, I don't think a tree is really romantic enough to do it in." Ash said, looking down at me.

I hit him in the chest before saying, "I'm thirsty, or hungry, or whatever. I need some blood." I told him and he nodded and smiled.

He picked my up bridal style and carried me through the forest, he took me deeper and deeper until there was nothing but trees and the sounds of animals surrounding us. He put me gentally back on the ground and stood there silent, cocking his head lightly as if listening to something. I heard it and smelled it, I could smell the blood flowing in it's body and I could hear it's heart beating fast. I licked my lips. A medium sized, femal mother wolf jumped through the bushes with her teeth bared. I jump at her at the same time, I felt my fangs extend to a full lenght and went straight for the neck. I bit deep into it's jugular and blood spewed everywhere. I drank in the coppery, sweet juice of life and dulged myself in it's pure deliciousness, I closed my eyes and enjoyed my meal, and then with my hightened vampire hearing I heard and felt another person on my meat.

My eyes snapped open and I struck out, hitting Ash in the face. I growled at him and finished drinking. I released the wolf and threw the empty carcase in the bushes. I licked my fingers and lips for any blood. "I feel half full. I want more. Why?" I looked up at Ash with questioning eyes.

He sighed and walked over to me, "It's because animal blood isn't fully satifing only human's blood has that special kick that makes us feel full." he said. He bent his neck down and licked my lips, cheek, and neck. "Mind if the shirt gets ripped?" he asked before proceeding. He riped the neck of my shirt slightly and I finally saw what he was doing when he licked all the blood off my breast. His lips rose back up to mine but stayed an inch away from mine. "You really don't like sharing your meal do you?" he said and then back up away from my and then jumped in the far bushes to our left in one leap.

I walked behind and moved passed the bushes, I saw Ash ontop of a antilope (which by the way I didn't know were over here in this area) biting at it's neck. His body shook with every raspy breath and he drank slowly. You could see his extended fangs probing the neck of the poor animal, as the antilope tooks it's last breath Ash took his last gulp and lifted up from the animal. He began licking his fingers and lips. With still a little blood on his lips he bent towards me and said, "You want any?"

I licked his lip with my tounge and shivered at how the blood tasted better when mixed with Ash's ymmie taste. "I'm sorry for growling at you." I whispered.

"Hey, you were hungry I growl when I'm hungry, too." he said, taking my hand he looked into my eyes, "Look, your a prefectly fine vampire, and your healthy. So..." he dragged the word out, "Let's go to Briar Creek, it's about twenty miles away from here." Ash said, and then he pulled me on his back and ran.

Wind whipped my face and I closed my eyes and burried my face into his back. In moments time we were in the forest where Mark and I first discovered the sisters secret and where we became blood sisters... and brother. I pulled my face from his back and jumped off. "If I'm a vampire too why did you have to carry me?" I asked.

"Because, I liked the way if felt when you were bumping against my back." he said slyly, I hit him in the shoulder and we walked silently to the houses. We walked through the backyards of the houses and ran whenever we weren't under the protective cover of the houses. I paused momentarily at the backyard of my home, and silently ran up to the back window and looked in. My father was standing there, back to me, on the phone. By his posture I assumed he was testy.

"I don't care if you have to get the army out there, find my daughter, if the leads are pointing to the forest them follow the forest I don't give a damn." he said and hung up. He pinched his nose arch, in between his eyebrows. "God, I just want my daughter back." he mumbled to himself. With my new and improved vampire eyesight I saw the tear roll down his cheek.

This sight broke me, I yearned to go in and comfort him, and tell him how it would be okay. I turned and bent donw as my dad turned and faced the window. Ash was beside me ducking down under the window with me as my father looked out. I held my breath as he opened the window and looked out and up into the night's sky.

"Mary-Lynette, everytime I look up into the stars I see your smiling face," he said up into the sky, "come back to me." he whispered and turned back into the house.

"Let's go Mare, you'll return to him soon enough." Ash tells me and then pulls me over so that we run into his sister's back bushes. We ran in and then we were coming in thorugh the back door of the sisters' home. "Jade! Rowan! Kestral!" Ash called once in the house.

Just then Jade came running towards the back and ran straight into her brothers arms, "Ash! Oh, I thought something happened when Mary-Lynette went missing!" she whined in his arms. Then she pulled back and attacked me. "Oh, Mare thank Isis your safe! I thought we lost you." then she sniffed and stiffed then pulled up and screeched, "Your a vampire!" and with that the other girls started to come walking to the back.

Kestral's eye brow was risen and she had her arm folded across her chest. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? You changed her, huh? I thought she couldn't handle being bad like us?"

"Well, things happen for cetain reasons Kestral." Rowan said and hugged me, she was so understanding what a friend.

I hugged her back, "Thanks Rowan. It's good to see you guys again." I looked at fiesty Kestral and perky Jade then asked, "Is Mark at home with Dad?"

They looked at each other than Jade said slowly, "Mark has had some recent changes. He's out hunting." she looked down and then perked up and laughed, "Just kidding, okay Mark and I have been taking it to fast so he has stopped living here," he was living here? Wow, even me and Ash haven't done it yet and their sleeping together talk about uncomfortable moment, "and he's at home with your father and Claudine, she's actually pretty nice and Mark doesn't ming making them feel better he thinks your alright and that Ash is keeping you safe for about a second I doubted him but then I thought about Ash and the way he looked at you and talked about you when you weren't around and thought 'Wow I must really be stupid if I think Ash is goin to let M'Lin get hurt.'" Jade said and smiled.

Ash's eyes were wide and he was embarrassed but I thought it was kind of sweet. I wrapped my arms around his waist and said, "Yep, he makes me feel safe and he'd never let anything happen to me no need to worry!"

He looked down at me and smiled. I knew he appreciated my non-laughing. "Let's go get you home." he said.

okay half of ya'll nailed me about updating so here it finally is after months and before the weeks over the last chaps gonna hopefully be out.