"You know what I miss?" he asked aloud, opening the refrigerator door and bending down to look inside.

"What?" his twin sister responded, taking a sip from the drink she had poured earlier.

"I miss the way mom and dad used to steal looks" Rex answered with a smile, taking out a pitcher.

"I know!" Alexis exclaimed with excitement, nearly spitting up some of her drink.

"Dad would be washing the dishes in the kitchen and mom would be on the couch reading a book" Rex began to describe, pouring the contents of the pitcher into his glass. "Dad would look up at her, and slowly start smiling".

"Yeah, but she always caught him" Alexis said waving her index finger at her older brother. "Mom had this knack of knowing when dad was looking at her".

"Yep, she wouldn't even raise her head" he stated while walking toward the pantry. "She would just raise her eyes from the page to meet his" Rex stated, imitating his mother's look.

"I loved how it used to make them both smile and then just like that…" Alexis began, snapping her finger. "They would go back to whatever they were doing as if nothing had happened" she said, walking over to the kitchen sink. "There was so much love in those small glances" she sighed.

"Yeah, it's the small things like that that I miss" Rex said solemnly.

"You know what else I miss?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah?" her older brother returned.

"I miss the way mom couldn't walk by dad without touching him" she stated.

"You're right! Sometimes they'd be walking in completely opposite directions and mom would slowly reach out and just softly touch dad's hand" Rex remembered.

"Yep. He'd return her touch, but they wouldn't even break stride. Sometimes they wouldn't even look up" Alexis said with astonishment. "Their affection was so mutual and so natural" she stated smiling.

There was a brief silence as both looked at the ground and sighed.

"To mom and dad" Rex declared, holding his glass up, breaking the silence.

"To mom and dad" Alexis echoed.

Again, there was silence as each took a sip from their drinks and together spread their respective wings in tribute.

"You two finished?" their father asked, breaking the silence.

"Ya know, we go on a little vacation and you two act like we're dead. For the life of me I have no idea where the wise ass comes from" their mother stated, hands firmly on her hips.

"From their mama, obviously" John Stewart spoke, dropping several luggage pieces onto the couch.

"What?!" Shayera Hol Stewart asked incredulously, turning toward her husband.

"Yeah mom, we sooooo get it from you" her first born, Rex said matter-of-factly.

"Dad's right mom" Alexis, her second born, yet certified "daddy's girl", affirmed.

Shayera shook her head from side to side in disbelief.

"Turncoats! And to think I gave birth to you two! I have no children!" she exclaimed, throwing up both of her hands.

"See? You just proved my point" her husband said laughing.

"Quiet you!" she stated with a smile.

"Well, at least we get it honestly" Alexis stated, walking over to her parents and kissing them on their respective cheeks.

"Welcome home you two" Rex said, walking over to his parents and embracing them.

After hugging his son, John began to walk toward the kitchen, but then paused

"Do I really stare at you like that?" John asked.

"Yes! Ya damn stalker!" Shayera answered, laughing.

"Well, if you'd keep your hands to yourself, I wouldn't have to always be on the lookout. Groper!" John retorted with a laugh.

"Ya know what mom, I take it back...we get our wise ass from the both of you" Alexis stated shaking her head.

"Yep. Definitely…both" Rex agreed.

John and Shayera looked at each other and smiled.

"Ya know what?" Shayera began.

"We're going back on vacation" John finished.