This is currently my last chapter to this story, I was toying with the idea of adding an additional chapter, but I'm not too sure.

If you would like another chapter, please REVIEW and let me know what you would like to see!!!


"EDWARD!" I screamed his name as loudly as I could for five minutes, until my voice grew hoarse. I pulled out his letter, which was now stored in the same place as his photograph, and held it tightly above my head. "I know you told me not to," I sobbed, nearing the cliff edge. "But I can't stand it anymore. Edward! If you're there, please, come to me!" A part of me wondered why Alice wasn't here, trying to stop me. There was no way she could have not seen my plan; I'd been forming it for a month. Maybe she knew that I could never truly let Edward go. Maybe this was her gift to me; she wasn't going to try and stop me, since she knows that this is what I need. My toes teetered on the edge of the cliff top, and that was when he came to me.

"Bella," it was only a whisper, but I knew that it didn't come from the wind. It was his voice, of that much, I was certain.

"Yes?" I didn't feel I was being stupid; Edward was truly here with me. I was certain of that. I would have bet my life on it. I was going to.

"Bella, love. Don't."

"Why not? Why are you allowed to, but I'm not?"

"Please. For me."

I shook my head.

"I can't carry on like this, Edward. I want you. I can't be with anyone else."

I heard his intake of breath turn into a hiss as I prepared myself to jump.

"Bella, no!" My lovely, angry delusion was back, but this time it was real. The growl I heard in my head was real. In that second, he was truly back here with me. I could almost see him. I took his photograph out from my pocket, kissed his picture, and then flung myself off the cliff. This time, I didn't scream. Edward was growling at me, but I didn't care. I was going to rejoin my love. His presence here today proved to me that there was an afterlife. I hit the water hard, and, just as I had predicted, the current soon grabbed me and dragged me under.

"Fight, Bella!"

But I don't want to.

"Dammit, Bella!" he growled.

Don't you want me to join you? Don't you want me there with you?

I heard his heavy breathing, but there was nothing more. There were no growls, no hissing. I knew that he could not deny that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. He had broken the rule first, after all. I had told him he wasn't allowed to hurt himself, even if I had died. Why should I be the only keeper of a contract which was no longer valid?

Edward, I love you.

I started to feel light-headed as my oxygen supply started to run out. But I wasn't afraid. I knew that, when I died, Edward would be there on the other side, his arms outstretched, waiting for me. As I waited for unconsciousness and death, I replayed every moment I had shared with Edward, and I didn't regret anything.