"Your what?" Michael asked shocked at what Maria just told him.

"I'm pregnant." Maria repeated. Michael smiled at Maria then frowned.

"Wait a minute. How long have you known?" Michael asked her.

"Not that long." Maria told him.

"How long Maria?" Michael asked her again getting a little mad.

"Almost a week, but not a week. Just almost." Maria told him. Michael sighed and looked at Maria.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Michael asked her getting angry.

"Michael, please don't be mad. I was just scared and I didn't want to know myself. And then Liz saw the test in the trash..." Maria was cut off.

"Wait a minute. Liz knew before me?" Michael asked her.

"Well, it's not like I just came out and told her. She saw the test in the trash and asked me and I had to tell her." Maria tried to explain.

"Wha.. wha.. who else knows?" Michael asked her.

"Juuu just Tess." Michael sighed. "I'm sorry, Michael. If your mad at me I understand. It's just that I was scared that I wouldn't be a good Mom for the baby and how you would react." Maria told him. Michael sighed again and looked up at Maria.

"So, we're going to have a baby?" Michael asked her. Maria nodded her head. Michael stood up and picked me up and hugged her tight. "WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!" Michael yelled. Maria was relieved that Michael didn't get to mad. Michael held Maria tighter. "Oh wait. Did I hurt you or the baby?" Michael asked concerned.

"No, you didn't. It's okay to hug me." Maria told him.

"Wait we had ......... while you were pregnant. Are we supposed to do that?" Michael asked. Maria just giggled at Michael.

"I've read that it's perfectly fine." Maria told him. Michael looked into Maria's eye's and kissed her passionately.

"Good, because all I want to do is make love to you." Michael told her while walking to their bedroom.


The next day Maria was sitting down on the couch. Michael wouldn't let her do anything. She wasn't allowed to cook or clean. She was surprised he let her in take a shower by herself. Michael came into the living-room holding a tray of food. Maria got up to get the tray but Michael frowned at her.

"Michael, I'm just standing up. It's not like I'm going out for a run. If things stay like this I'll turn into cow even after I have the baby." Maria told him. Michael just gave Maria the tray. There was a knock at the door, Michael answered the door and Tess and Kyle walked in.

"Finally! I was wondering when you guys were going to come." Maria said to Tess and Kyle. Tess smiled and sat next to Maria.

"I brought you some taco's from Jack In The Box." Tess told Maria handing her the bag. Maria smiled and took the bag from Tess. Michael grabbed the bag from Maria.

"No taco's. That's not good for the baby." Michael said. Maria glared at Michael.

"Michael Guerin, if you don't give me those taco's I'm going to make you pay." Maria told him. Michael looked at Kyle and then at Maria.

"I guess some taco's won't hurt." Michael said giving the bag back to Maria. Maria smiled and took the taco's out of the bag. Tess giggled at Michael's reaction.

"Okay, you guys go. Leave us girls alone so we can sit down and talk." Tess told them. Kyle and Michael rolled their eye's and walked to Michael's bedroom. Tess turned to Maria and smiled.

"I can't believe while I was gone, you got engaged and pregnant." Tess squealed and hugged Maria. Maria laughed. "So how did Michael take it at first?"

"He was kinda mad, cuz I didn't tell him right away. But he was really happy." Maria told Tess.


"I can't believe you got Maria pregnant." Kyle told Michael.

"I know. I can hardly believe it myself." Michael said with a sigh.

"I mean, I thought it would be me and Tess having a baby first, you know. With us being married and stuff." Kyle said with a chuckle. "So how do you feel?"

"I don't know, different." Michael explained.

"Different? Is that a good thing?" Kyle asked.

"Ya, I think it is." Michael told him.


Michael and Maria were laying down on their bed. It was one of their favorite things to do together. For them to just lay down and talk to each, hold each other, or just watch one another sleep. Michael had his hand on Maria's stomach and was kissing her neck.



"Do you think we'll make good parents?" Maria asked Michael. Michael sighed and stopped kissing her.

"I think, no! I know, that we love each other very much and that this baby will be loved very much. And really great parents who love each other, are the best parents you can get." Michael told Maria. Maria looked at Michael and smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. And the baby." Michael told Maria. With that Maria closed her eye's and drifted off to sleep.

The End