This is my first FanFic ever, so, to anyone who decides to read this, constructive criticism is strongly encouraged!!
Disclaimer: OH BOY!!! I finally get to write one! Ahem, I DO NOT OWN THE TEEN TITANS!!!!
wow, that was not at all as fun as I thought it would be.
Raven entered the main room. The time was 10:25. Normally she was one of the first people to wake up but after the fight with Adonis she was sore in so many places she had a terrible night sleeping. Sure she could've healed herself but for some reason it was taking so much trouble and she opted to go to sleep instead.
She poured some water into a kettle to let it boil. She looked around at her friends. Starfire was sitting across from Robin at the table, both were eating bacon and eggs made by Cyborg, who was sitting on the couch eating a plate of his own breakfast perfection while watching TV. Beastboy, being a vegetarian was at the stove making his own breakfast that consisted of tofu. The kettle soon started whistling and Raven now had her own breakfast, tea.
"Raven," starfire turned towards her friend. "I am well pleased at the sight of your awakeness, tell me are you feeling better?"
"Yes star."
"Glorious!" she beamed. "Now we can begin the planning of our day! First I suppose we must do the cleaning of the house before we continue with a trip to the mall of shopping. After that I propose that we visit the 'salon' as you call it in which we can have the styling and placing of earthly ornaments upon each others Hair. I shall pay."
Slightly shocked at starfire's proposal, she stared at her happy alien friend but before she could say anything a plate of food was placed in front of her, causing her mind to drop the previous subject.
"Beastboy," Raven spoke in her usual monotone voice. "Why is there a plate of tofu eggs in front of me?" She put down her cup of tea and looked at the goofy green chef.
"Well after Adonis knocked you halfway across the city in one blow, I figured I'd be the nice guy and make you some breakfast."
"You figured wrong." She slid the plate away from herself and lifted her mug to her lips.
"C'mon Rae, It's really tasty." Beastboy coaxed scooting the plate back her direction.
"Don't call me 'Rae'"
"Fine raven, just one bite? I didn't do anything to it I wouldn't have done to my own. I promise."
"No." She said a hint of annoyance in her voice.
"Gee Raven, I'm only trying to be nice, just eat the eggs they're not that bad."
"I...said...no!" Her eyes were shut, her fists clenched tight, trying to suppress the emotions that controlled her powers.
It didn't work though.
Various cups and plates shattered, food exploded in several places. Even Raven's mug broke at the use of her powers, spilling its contents all over her lap.
"Ughhh…" Raven groaned. "I need to go." With that she left the table, leaving behind a bunch of stunned titans to clean the mess.
"What is wrong with me?" Raven questioned aloud, once she was within her room. "Why didn't I just take the food? I could've saved myself the embarrassment if I had just taken that stupid plate..." she sighed. "I need to keep my powers in check, I need to meditate... Azarath Metrion Zinthos..."
Meanwhile, in the kitchen,
"You shouldn't have done that." Cyborg said, returning to the kitchen with his dishes, ready to be washed. "You know she doesn't like that dreaded tofu stuff, honestly I can't see how you can stand it."
"Indeed," Starfire took Cyborg's side. "You should not have pestered her over such matters. Raven likes the personal space."
"Yeah, you're right." Beastboy said, trying to get them off his back. "I get it I'm annoying." He grabbed a wet washcloth to clean up the mess. "Guess I'll go apologize after this."
"Beastboy, don't feel too bad." Robin said "If you haven't noticed, Raven's been having trouble with her powers. Last night she couldn't even heal herself."
"I hope for raven's sake she is doing better." Starfire said. "Perhaps a little of the meditating will help our friend."
After they finished cleaning up the mess, Cyborg went and Robin were heading towards the gym, Starfire to her room. Beastboy was left doing the dishes, as it was his turn. Along the way to the gym however, Robin decided to check and see how Raven was. Cyborg followed.
Inside Raven's room, Raven floated above her bed, quietly repeating her mantra to herself.
She heard a knock.
Slowly, she opened her eyes and walked over to the door. It slid Open, revealing her friends Robin and Cyborg behind him.
"Is everything okay?" Robin asked
"Fine." She replied.
"You sure? I've noticed you've been meditating more then usual but you still seem to have...trouble."
"I said I'm fine." Her answer didn't seem to convince him though. "Robin, I look to you like a brother, I understand you're trying to help but really, everything is fine. I have no reason to hide anything from you."
Robin still wasn't sure whether or not to be satisfied with her answer, but Cyborg was. Grabbing Robin by the arm he said, "C'mon man, you heard her, she's fine! Now let's get to training already!" With that they were off. Raven turned, the door slid shut behind her. She walked over to her bed and resumed her meditation. Not long after though, there was a knock on the door.
This time, it was Starfire.
"Raven," She smiled. "I was wondering if you are then prepared to visit this Mall of shopping. After this morning, it could be nice to have something to put the mind at ease."
"Sorry Starfire," Raven replied. "Going to the mall doesn't exactly put my mind at ease. Right now, I'd really rather meditate."
"Oh, I see. Perhaps then, I could join you?"
"I think I ought to do this alone today.
"Very well then," Starfire said. "I shall leave you to meditate alone." Then she turned and left, followed by a faint "good-bye" from down the hallway.
The door slid shut. But this time she didn't even make it to meditating before being interrupted. She rubbed her temple in a frustrated way and answered the door.
"What is it?" She asked in a slightly annoyed manner.
Beastboy, who was outside her door, took a step back in slight fear but sook it off. "Hey, I just wanted to say sorry 'bout the whole breakfast thing." He rubbed the back of his neck in search of words to say. "I shouldn't have tried to make you eat something you didn't want."
"It's alright. I shouldn't have snapped at you, you were just trying to be nice." Although she said it in her usual voice, her words put him more at ease. "Now if you want to continue to be nice, which would be much appreciated, you can leave me alone to meditate in peace."
"Oh, heh heh, sure. See ya." And with that she closed the door on him.
Raven walked back to her bed. It was quiet, which was nice, but something bugged her. Suddenly she realized that she never felt beastboy's presence leave her. Was he still outside? 'No matter.' She thought. 'I must return to my meditation.' And with that she returned to her previous position, floating atop her bed.
Humming to her Bumgorf, silkie, as she put him to sleep, Starfire smiled at the precious creature she took care of. "Sweet dreams." She said as she shut the door to her room. In the hallway, she came across beastboy. "Friend beastboy, Might I ask why you are sitting here outside of Ravens door?"
He looked up. "Hey star, I'm doing nothin', just kinda avoiding training."
"Oh," She sighed. "Then I shall assume that you do not wish to accompany me in the watching of our friends dish out the 'butt whooping' in the training room."
"Nah," He said. "I'll come." Then he got up and followed the alien girl down the hallway, who returned to humming a strange and foreign alien song.
Inside Raven's room, Raven had this strange feeling, her eyes shot open. 'what was that? ' she asked herself. Suddenly she knew. She no longer felt Beastboy's presence, She felt...alone. 'That's odd, normally something like that isn't strong enough to knock me out of concentration.' She sighed and returned to her meditation