A/N – For the purposes of this fanfiction, 24's Day One takes place in March 2010, with the FlashForward "blackout day" and "prophecy day" as canon. The chapters are for certain characters from D1 of 24.

10.59am, October 6th, 2009

Jack Bauer was busy, and the CTU agents knew it. Bauer, the Special Agent in Charge of CTULA, was hard at work trying to finish a mound of internal affairs reports. It wasn't just the work on his mind, either – his relationship with his wife, Teri, was definitely at an all time low, and over the past few days he had begun to contemplate allowing himself to have that affair with Nina that he – and she - so desperately wanted. Looking down through the window of his office, he saw her talking to Tony Almeida, and was about to pick up his phone and ask her to come up to his office, when everything suddenly went black.

He was stood at a gravestone, in the middle of the night. The soft glow of a nearby street light illuminated the stone, but Jack was struggling to see who was buried below. He felt a great sadness, as if he didn't feel anything anymore, and he noticed the bunch of flowers in his hand, and the tiny teardrops that fell silently from his cheeks onto the lillies. Rubbing his eyes gently, he kneeled down and for a moment, he could see the name with dreadful clarity, but it remained for too short a time for him to read the name. Looking around, he saw his daughter standing close by, her eyes fixed on the gravestone. He walked over to her and embraced her, and there he realised who they had lost. Guiding Kim closer to the grave, he read Teri's name, and he began to cry. She was so young, so healthy, and Jack could not think of any possible reason why she would be dead. He wanted to ask Kim why she had died, what had killed her, but as he opened his mouth to speak, the solemn scene disappeared.

Lifting his head quickly, he looked down at the main bullpen, and saw all of the agents either getting back up off of the floor or sitting with their heads in their hands. Not knowing what the hell had just happened, he made his way down the stairs and approached Nina, who was rubbing her forehead gently.

"Nina? What just happened?," Jack enquired, although he was certain that she would have no more idea than he did. Nina looked at him with wide eyes, shocked, and Jack wondered if she too had seen a vision.