Title: We Are Not Allowed To

Rating: M/R
Genre: Humor, Romance
Warnings: Language, post s5
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Summary: "But Sunshine, if you had this too, and I'm not saying I have it, wouldn't it make us so much more closer?"

A/N: Third part to the We Are series. Posted also on LJ. This is not betaed, so if that bothers you...well sorry:'(

We Are Not Allowed To

"Stay the fuck away from me, Brian!"

"No! This shit is going to stop right now! Get. In. The. Bed!"

"I said no and I ment it."

"I don't care if you ment it, you are sleeping in the same bed as me and that's it!"

"No, not while you are--"

"Don't you say it Sunshine!"

"Covered in--."

"I'm warning you!"

"Chicken pox!"

"I'm NOT! It's only rash from my new suit that's not agreeing with my skin tone!"

"Think what you want chicken boy, but while you are sick, you are staying the hell away from me!"

"I'm not sick! I don't get sick!"

"You are, Brian! Just admit it and go back to bed."

"Not without you!"

"Stop chasing me!

"Not until you come back to our bed!"

"No! The doctor said you are not allowed to touch me and that you should keep away from me so I won't catch it too!"

"But Sunshine, if you had this too, and I'm not saying I have it, wouldn't it make us so much more closer?"

"Stop mental fucking with me Brian, we may share cum, living space, breakfast and even your underwear but your Chicken pox is not going to be one of them!"

"You cold hearted bitch!"

"Oh, don't you go there wrinkle man!"


"You are 46, it is more old than young!"

"Your ass is floppy!"


"I'm going to go and stay with Mikey, good night!"



"Put the suitcase away, Sunshine."

"I said don't touch me you sneaky son of a bitch!"

"I'm not touching you, I just merely stopped your hands from filling the suitcase."

"I'm tired of this, Brian. You are sick, deal with it. Don't make me get it too, I have a major show in two weeks. Please."


"I lied. Your ass is not floppy."

"I didn't, you are still 46."


"I guess we can have make up sex when this shit clears out?"



"Fuck it, get your sick ass here and I will scratch your back for you."

"I'm not allowed to scratch."

"Are you going to tell on me, to the doctor?"

"No, scratch away."

"I tought so."


"Sorry in advance if you get this too."

"Sorry is bullshit, a 100 blowjobs on the otherhand..."

"Love you."

"You better, my hands aren't long enough to scratch my back when I get this."