A/N: Hello, everyone! This lovely little one-shot is dedicated to Terracannon876! She helped me out of a tight spot, so now I'm writing her a Latias/Ash fic.

The following is based off of a poem I wrote for someone I truly loved. I'm afraid it isn't exactly what I set out to do, but ideas just wouldn't come to me for a proper story. Still I hope you enjoy this!

~Lady Venamisa~

In The Garden Of A Thousand Eons

In the garden of a thousand eons, two hearts beat in flawless harmony

While we kiss and caress each other's cares away

Simple, sweet and perfect

As our tounges begin to meet and mingle

I can't help but taste the faintest trace of cherry

I savor it as much as I can before we have to breathe

I lay upon my back, and all I can think is

That I want more


In the garden of a thousand eons, there is but a single, hidden phrase

It sits there, precariously, wanting freedom from my lips

Soft, shy and unbidden

As your hands send shivers down my spine

The words I long to say are ones I cannot speak

For how could I begin to explain what you do to me

When you gaze at me with those honey-brown eyes

That peer in to my very soul?


In the garden of a thousand eons, time loses all plausable meaning

It has torn from existance, and thrown to the wind

Brave, bold and unrestrained

As our bodies mesh and mash underneath the moon's soft glow

The intesnity of it leaves me gasping for breath

All I feel, all I see, all I hear is you

As we yell each other's names in to the heavens


In the garden of a thousand eons, there is only heavy breathing

It seems that even the gods were speachless

Quiet, so very quiet

As you brought me in to your protective embrace

You whispered the words I could not speak

I wished I could repeat them, at least just one time

But somehow, as sleep called out to us, I think you figured it out

I love you.

A/N: Terra, I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted, but I hope this okay! If not, let me know and I'll write something else, (I accidentally deleted your message that told me what you wanted for this fic, and I forgot. Heh, heh, stupid me)!