Author Note(s): I know you're all thinking finally! I have to agree with you on that. I finally got through the writer's block and now you see Storm and her family! I love N'Yami. She's so spunky.

I don't own X-Men: Evolution.

Azari stepped off of the Black Bird, Wilhelm and James following.

"If you haf any problems, just call," Wilhelm told him. "Y'know, if you get bored, oh leader."

"I'm rather sure affairs of state will keep my busy," Azari replied back as he looked around the Wakandan airport. Wilhelm rolled his eyes at that while James snickered.

"You are too serious, mein Freund," Wilhelm stated. That was when they noticed the limousine pull up. An elegant and regal looking couple stepped out. The woman had light brown skin while the man had deep, dark skin. The woman's long, snow white hair danced in the sunlight and the man had a military black hair cut. Both were in their black "hero" outfits-albeit, the Black Panther did not wear his mask. Azari nodded to his friends and walked over to the two, Storm taking him in a hug, her blue eyes shining. She made her way to the Black Bird, smiling at the two boys.

"How are my friends doing?" She asked.

"Vater is doing very vell Tante 'Ro," Wilhelm informed her.

"Gramps and Mom ain't doin' half bad either," James told her. "We also finally got that slimy Cajun to agree to join the team."

"Philippe?" Storm asked with a small smile on her features.

"Ja, all it took vas a girl," Wilhelm said. "Ve should've zhought of zhat sooner."

"Which girl?" Storm asked, raising a skeptically eyebrow.

"Shade," James and Wilhelm replied. Storm stared at the two for a moment then chuckled a bit.

"Really?" She asked.

"Really," James and Wilhelm said again.

"Vell, ve ought to be going," Wilhelm said. "Vater und Mutter are vaiting for me and James is supposed to have zhe Black Bird back in five hours."

"Can you make it back that soon?" Storm asked, shocked. James and Wilhelm traded devilish smirks.

"We're the pilots, Aunt 'Ro," James stated. "What do you think?" Storm rolled her eyes, an amused smile on her face.

"I don't want to think about that," she said. "You boys be safe."

"Hey!" Rachel said, exiting the plane. "Let's get goin', boys!"

"Ah, you have Rachel with you," Storm said. "Now I'm not so worried."

"You should be," Wilhelm said. "James might get...Distracted." James growled and jumped at Wilhelm, only for the boy to port into the jet. James grumbled and walked past Rachel, back onto the Black Bird. Rachel waved at Storm.

"Tell N'Yami and T'Wari I said hi," she said, turning to follow the boys.

"I will, Rachel," Storm told her. She turned and walked back to her husband and son.

"Speaking of those two, where are they?" Azari asked.

"T'Wari is handling some affairs of state," T'Challa stated. "And I'm not sure where your sister vanished off to this time."

"I'll stay on my toes when we get to the palace," Azari commented as the family got into the limousine.

Azari entered the Wakandan palace, looking from side to side cautiously but not noticeably. N'Yami had the silence of a panther on the prowl and often loved to test it out on him. He stopped for a moment and swung around, catching the sixteen year old girl firmly. Her dark brown hair was tusseled and looked as if she'd be running and fighting all day. She wore a golden colored headband with a matching jacket, belt, long gloves, and boots. Underneath, she wore a tight black tube top and tight black khapris. The fingers and toes of her gloves and boots were black. Her amber brown eyes glowered at Azari.

"Lemme go!" She ordered.

"Have you been fighting the warriors again?" Azari asked.

"Don't I always?" N'Yami said bluntly.


"Then duh." Azari gave her an exasperated look.

"N'Yami, you are the princess of Wakanda," he started. "This behavior is-"

"Blah blah blah," N'Yami cut in. Azari glowered at her. "You're just like Dad. I say it's a good thing that a girl can whip guys, y'know? Especially a princess. How often is a princess kidnapped for ransom?" Azari gave her an exasperated look.

"Who the heck do you take after?" He finally asked.

"Just like if you multiply a negative and a negative together, you get a positive," N'Yami said with a shrug.

"Is that so, N'Yami?' T'Challa asked, entering with Storm. He chuckled and ruffled the teen girl's hair.

"Hey Dad, hey Mom," N'Yami said.

"N'Yami, don't bother Azari too much," Storm told her. "You know how those trips can be tiring."

"Yeah, yeah, right," N'Yami said, not looking like she cared too much. Azari gave a slight smile. He knew she was just excited that he was back. Even if it was only for a little while.

"You get your things unpacked and rest," T'Challa told him. "Dinner at the usual time."

"Yes, Father," Azari said with a nod, heading up to his room with N'Yami following.

"So," she started.

"No," Azari said firmly.

"What? I didn't even get to my question!" N'Yami exclaimed.

"I know what you're going to ask," Azari said. "You are not joining the X-Men."

"Why not?" N'Yami growled.

"Because you are the princess of Wakanda," Azari said sharply.

"And you're the prince," N'Yami shot back.

"But I'm not the heir," Azari told her.

"Neither am I," N'Yami said.

"Oh-kay, let's go about this differently," Azari dragged out. "You are my little sister and I am the protective brother who says no no matter what your argument is."

"That's not fair," N'Yami groaned as they reached Azari's bedroom door.

"Live with it," Azari replied, opening the door, entering, and closing it before the girl could follow. She'd find a way in soon enough, knowing her. He let out a low sigh and threw his bag on the large bed, the black silk and white comforter feeling amazing as he laid down. Even though he was on leave, his mind kept wondering over the events as of late. And they all centered on Magneto. Who was this guy and where did he come from? The only person with Magneto's powers that Azari knew of before hand was Polaris, the original Magneto's daughter. From what mother, no one was entirely sure. He rolled onto his stomach and replayed the information in his head. Scarlet Witch was missing, Magneto may or may not of been behind that little ruse that the Brotherhood pulled, and the mind controlling devices. What was it all leading to?

He growled in annoyance and flipped back to his back, staring up at the ceiling. He dragged a hand down his face, trying to put it all together. He sat up, considering something. What was Scarlet Witch's power exactly? He knew her hex bolts hurt like hell (experience from Danger Room sessions when she visited) but there seemed to be more. He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed the Institute's number.

"Xavier's school for Gifted Youngsters," the crisp British voice of the newest adult member said. "Annalee Louis speaking."

"Doctor, can you patch me through to Forge?" Azari inquired.

"Forge actually is out for the time being, Azari," Annalee informed him. "Maybe it's something I can do...?"

"Just tell Forge to send me some information on Scarlet Witch from our database," Azari told her.

"You're working? You're on leave, luv," Annalee told him.

"I can't relax until I figure this all out, Doctor," Azari told her.

"Annalee, please," she told him. "And I'll tell Forge as soon as he returns."

"Thanks, Annalee," Azari said. "By the way, don't you have someone to visit over Christmas?"

"I'll be picking my son, Elijah, up for a week in a few days," she told him, a slight tone of sadness lacing her voice.

"Oh, sorry for bringing it up," Azari said, putting two and two together.

"It's perfectly all right," Annalee said. "You asked a legitimate question and I answered. Have a good vacation."

"Have a good time with your son," Azari told her. The two hung up and Azari decided to rest for a while like his father had suggested.

Annalee looked up from the phone station as Logan walked in.

"Which kid?" He asked.

"Azari," Annalee informed him. "He wanted information on Scarlet Witch. Do you know what exactly she does?"

"Hex bolts and stuff like that," Logan said with a shrug. "I don't really pay that much attention as long as I get use my claws." Annalee rolled her eyes, a slight smirk on her face.

"As usual, Logan," she commented. She glanced over the surveillance scenes, quickly taking in all of the details before turning back to Logan. "Isn't one of the primary rules when going into battle is to know your enemy and your allies? The Soviet Union did not obey that in World War two..."

"Watch it, Louis," Logan growled having flashbacks to the war.

"Apologies," Annalee said, turning back to the equipment. "He works far too hard, Logan."

"Being assigned leader does that to you," Logan gruffed out. Annalee looked over her shoulder at him, smirking a bit.

"Oh? So if we randomly decided to make you a leader, would you not be so flighty?" She inquired. Logan merely cocked an eyebrow in reply. "All right, all right, I'll get back to work, Mister Logan." She then turned back to the screens while Logan walked out.

Dinner within the Wakandan royal household was normal as far as their family was normal. Which was not that much. While the parents and the eldest sibling held themselves regally and would inquire of Azari's time in America, while the daughter attempted to annoy Azari in any way, shape, or form. Azari was not entirely amused by this but would indulge his sister.

Suddenly, a guard entered and whispered something to Azari's father. Azari and N'Yami's keen hearing managed to pick something up about The White Wolf. T'Challa rose.

"Continue with your meal," he said as the other members of the family moved to rise. "T'Wari is going to come with me." T'Wari rose and the two men left. N'Yami leaned over to Azari and muttered so only he could hear

"I wonder what they're up to." Azari gave her a scolding look.

"N'Yami, no plotting," Storm ordered her daughter. N'Yami opened her mouth to argue but Azari gave her a quick jab with his elbow. N'Yami glowered at him but returned to eating.

By nightfall, T'Challa and T'Wari had yet to return. Azari had returned to his room and was skimming over the files of the Scarlet Witch. His keen ears picked up a soft, barely audible sound in the courtyard below. He slowly made his way over to the balcony to look out. He swore under his breath as he saw N'Yami taking off towards the wall. He quickly made his move, leaping down to the courtyard and following after her. He saw her leap over the wall and did so when he reached it.

"N'Yami!" He said in a loud whisper. "C'mon, let's go back so you don't get in trouble!" He looked around, trying to find his sister. His sensitive eyes saw a bush move and quickly went over towards it. "N'Yami?" He moved closer to the bush cautiously. "N'Yami?" He repeated, growing anxious. Suddenly, a figure leapt out at him. He gave a surprised yelp and his hands glowed blue with electricity. He quickly defused it when he saw the figure clearly. "N'Yami," he said, exasperated.

"I need your help," N'Yami said stubbornly. Azari gave her a look and crossed his arms.

"With what?" He asked.

"Finding Dad and T'Wari," she told him. Azari rolled his eyes and sighed.

"It's Dad and T'Wari. They're fine," he stated. "Now let's go back before we get in trouble."

"But I have a feeling!" N'Yami said, grabbing his arm as he turned to go back to the palace.

"N'Yami, let go!" He ordered.

"No!" N'Yami said, almost sounding like a panther's scream. Azari froze and looked at her glowing amber eyes. Before he could react, N'Yami slammed him to the ground and twisted his arm behind his back. "I. Have. A. Feeling," she growled out.

"Fine," Azari managed to get out. "Now let go so we can look otherwise I will electrocute you." Slowly the hold on his arm loosened and he stood up, N'Yami staring at him, her eyebrows furrowed in determination. "Where do we start looking?" He asked, crossing his arms and giving her a stern look.

"From the information I managed to gather, the White Wolf's headquarters are possibly in an old abandoned factory on the edge of the city," N'Yami informed him. "Even if that place has cleared out, we'll be able to possibly catch a scent." Azari nodded, slightly surprised by how in depth N'Yami was being.

"They'll have a lot of security set up," he told her.

"That's where you come in with a nice charge," N'Yami told him.

Azari paused for a moment then nodded, saying "all right, let's go."

Azari landed quietly on the roof and looked down in the window. Through the dark he saw Hatut Zeraze men standing guard with assault rifles. He lifted his wrist and spoke into the communicator.

"Where ever you got that information, N'Yami, you were right," he said softly. "I'm seeing about five Hatut Zeraze from my position."

"I've got two here," N'Yami replied.

"All right, I want you to come up to the roof and-" a sudden smack on the back of his head shocked him and everything started to fade to black.

Before everything was gone, he felt his assailant pick up his wrist and say to his sister "It would appear you are on your own."

N'Yami stared at her wrist communicator, her face paling as the voice rang out over it. Then, her face darkened, her eyes flashing dangerous.

"I swear, if you have hurt my brothers or father, you will deeply regret it," she growled out.

"We'll see, little panther," the deep voice replied. Azari's communicator went dead at that moment. N'Yami bit her lip, trying to come up with something. She hid herself in the shadows, her eyes gleaming in the moonlight. She waited patiently and saw that the Hatut Zeraze were even more watchful than before. She waited for her opportunity and took out one of the females and quickly changed outfits. She then followed the guard path she watched the female go on and managed to get inside. She slowly crept down the hallways and managed not to be detected.

Eventually, she found her way to the holding cells. She slowly crept along the shadows, her eyes spotting her brothers and father there. She examined the cells they were in. She noted that they were power neutralizer cells and that you needed a special code to open them. She double checked to make sure no one else was there and removed the mask, stepping into the light.

"N'Yami!" T'Challa said, almost scolding.

"No time," N'Yami told him. "Did any of you catch the combination used to lock these cells?"

"Try this combination," T'Wara told her and said the combination. It worked instantly.

"You pay too much attention," N'Yami muttered as the three men exited the cells. Suddenly, an alarm went off.

"Of course it set off an alarm," Azari muttered, rubbing the back of his sore head.

"Let's go!" T'Challa ordered, taking off. His three children followed after him. The moved quickly and were stopped just short of the exit by the Hatut Zeraze. In the front of the group was the White Wolf.

"It would seem it's a family reunion," he said coolly.

"I suppose so," T'Challa replied. Suddenly, the two were at each other with lightning fast reflexes.

"Squall," Azari said to T'Wari, "want to give a blast?" T'Wari grinned a bit.

"But of course," he said, conjuring up a wind and blasting some of the henchmen back. One managed to escape being swept back and leapt at N'Yami. She skillfully avoided and managed to slice the fabric along the fabric's grain with her claws. When she did that, she gave a hard round house kick to the cut, sending the man flying back. Azari's markings glowed blue as lightning danced off of his hands. He sent a bolt to one of the henchmen has he ran at him. The lightning was so intense it ripped through the fabric and the henchmen flew back, knocked out.

The Black Panther and the White Wolf were in a deadlock. Neither had yet to yield and it did not seem the battle between the pair would end for a while.

"Father, let us help!" T'Wari exclaimed.

"No! Stay out of this," T'Challa ordered, avoiding a hit from the White Wolf. Azari examined the building. He looked at N'Yami and grabbed her, running to the door.

"What're you doing?" N'Yami exclaimed.

"There's an electrical bomb!" Azari yelled as he threw her out of the building just in time. The building was demolished. N'Yami covered her head to protect herself. She looked up as soon as the blast was done, her eyes wide.

"No!" She screamed like a panther. She scampered up and ran to the wreckage, searching for her family. "Dad! T'Wari! Azari! Please! Someone!" She threw some debris to the side, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks. "Please...Be alive..." Suddenly, a blue lightning bolt shot up into the sky, blasting away some debris. "Azari!" N'Yami exclaimed, rising and running over to the spot. She saw the three men and let out a relieved sigh. She saw that her father had protected her brothers by covering them with his body due to the fact that his outfit was made from a protective, armor like fabric.

"He got away," Azari muttered, annoyed.

"There will be another time for our meeting him, Azari," T'Challa said. "For now, let's just be happy that we're all alive." On that note, N'Yami rushed the three and gave them big bear hugs, crying tears of joy.

Wilhelm waited at the entrance of the Blackbird for Azari to say his farewells. The prince made his way to the plane, walking up the stairs.

"So, mein Freund, how vas your vacation?" Wilhelm asked.

"Oh, nothing out of the ordinary," Azari told him. "How about yours?"

"Just helped mein Vater wizh zhe kids in de European branch," Wilhelm replied. "Ready to head home?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," Azari said with a small grin.

Next time in Evolved. News of Magneto's whereabouts leads the team to Nashville, Tennessee. There they meet a rogue mutant who does what he wants. Will he be an ally or something else...?