Disclaimer: I do not own anything Covenant; I do own my OC's and plot.

Note: So I got a review, and then I got a couple story alerts and favorites so I decided I needed to get back on this. I also really appreciate the constructive criticism from said review and here are my replies to said review: The main character Morgan, I suppose in a way, is a bit of a Mary Sue in these first few chapters, but that is not how it is going to play out. Sure everyone likes her now, but now that she's coming back from London, let's just say that she's going to be a bit different (more explained in this chapter). Also, it was brought up in this review that Morgan didn't seem to care that her parents were going to be killed, my reasoning for her going out and partying etc was that it kept her from thinking about the inevitable, she couldn't change it and she didn't want to think about it occurring, so she was trying to tell herself that it wasn't actually happening; it was a way for her to block out the pain. Leastways, that's how I meant it.

Also, Morgan's powers are now limited to her mind-reading, premonitions and the element manipulation. Everything else I've taken out and will be correcting in the other chapters after this. Premonitions runs in her family (see previous chapters), and the mind-reading/element manipulation was part of the blessing (see previous chapters).

Anyways, Read and Enjoy!

There was only one thing I had to do before I went back. I had to see it. I had to. I had to see what was left of my home and my parents.

I sat calmly for a few moments, piecing together my thoughts. They watched me like hawks, waiting for me to speak. Would they take me there? Would they show me the place I called home? Now a place burnt to ash and cinder. Did I really want to go? Yes. I had to go. I needed to see the finality of it. I knew that they had wanted to protect me as long as they could, which was why my mother insisted on sending me to Ipswich. They refused to let me swerve their fate, honestly I probably couldn't have done a thing and I would have died along with them leaving the Sons to their doomed fate. The Sons. How much of all this would they believe? They'd been so sheltered. Outside of their own family group, they'd only ever met Chase who was their own kind. How could they believe there were other things that came out and went BOO! They were so entrapped in their own little world. Believing they were so safe and they were strong enough to take on whatever happened. How had I ever expected them to believe what I had to say? They wouldn't, they'd say I'd gone mad with grief. They wouldn't believe me. I'd have to handle this on my own.

My face must have hardened then, a look of determination must have crossed my face, because Cass reached for my arm and when I looked at her, there was concern written plainly. I simply nodded and I saw her mentally reside herself to whatever plan I had in my mind. I leaned back into the cushions behind me and stared up at the ceiling taking a deep breath.

"I need to see it." I spoke to no one in particular. "Take me there."

They didn't say a word, just silently agreed. We paid our bill and left, taking Cass's beat up old thing, to my old home. The only place I'd ever called home. The drive was silent. I sat in the back staring out at the scenery. Remembering every place we drove by and had memories flood me. I ate at that cafe with mum and dad. He always had their cherry danish. That store was mum's favorite. I got her a pretty purple scarf there for Christmas last year. That park. We had picnics there, we would play frisbee and look at constellations. All of them just kept coming. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the wetness on my hand. We were almost there. I stopped looking out the window and wiped my face with the sleeve of my jacket. I stared at the floorboards until Cass came to a halt. She parked across the street from where my home had been. I continued to stare at the floorboards unable to look up out of fear and regret. They both looked back at me from the front seats, waiting for me to move.

I closed my eyes, steeling myself for what I was about to see. I opened my door without looking out the window, still bracing myself for the destruction I was about to see. I closed the door behind me, still not looking. One more deep breath, and I walked to the center of the street. Then the sidewalk in front of my home. It was blackened. I looked up.

It was then that I felt the pain of my nightmares all over again. I felt the flames licking at my skin, the agonizing burning spread across my body. I almost screamed and collapsed to my knees as I stared at the black spiky remains of my home. Some basic infrastructure was left. Our stone fireplace was still somewhat intact. I knew that was where they'd been sitting when they'd died. In their matching red overstuffed chairs, reminiscing over their lives and mine. The pain they must have felt and endured. The darkness and the people within it, wouldn't have let them go quickly. There was nothing left. No lucky photo frame that escaped the inferno, no piece of fabric to remind of home. All of it was gone. A burned corpse was left in its place. I lost it then. I cried out and buried my face in my hands as the tears and sobs of despair, pain, grief and regret poured out. It had all been buried, saving itself for this moment. I had tried to hide it all away while in Ipswich and now it reared its ugly head in full force. I wanted to scream. I wanted to die myself, but more importantly I wanted to wrap my hands around the throats of those three in the darkness and kill them all myself. I was shaking out of grief and rage, trembling with the enormity of everything I was feeling. I didn't even hear the slamming of a car door, the footsteps come up behind me. I just suddenly had an arm around my shoulders and then an embrace. A shoulder to cry on, someone to help ease the pain. It was Sam. His warmth and strong embrace were reassuring. I knew what had to be done, I just had to do it. Slowly, the sobs and tears subsided. I pulled back slightly to look him the face, for a silent thank you. His blue eyes were sad and sorry. We leaned our heads together, resting our foreheads on one another, eyes closed. A cough brought us back to reality and we looked towards Cass. Her head nodded in the direction of a nosy neighbor down the street who was peering out the window. When we looked at her directly she quickly disappeared and pulled the curtains closed. I rose stiffly and shook myself with a sigh. I was tired, but there was still so much to do. I had plans to make. I walked back to the car, with Sam close behind and as I opened the back door, I looked at Cass. She was just as sad and grief-stricken as I.

"Take us home, Cass. We've got things to do." She just nodded and started the car.

Meanwhile back in Ipswich...(Caleb)

It was five o'clock and Morgan had only been gone a day. I wondered what was going on, how she was doing, what the fuck her secrets were that mom wouldn't tell me. The guys had just left, taking Sarah and Kate back to the dorms with them. I sat in the front room starting at the fireplace, just trying to figure out what was going on. Mom came and sat down in the chair parallel to mine, not saying a word, just sipping the glass of scotch in her hand. Her constant companion. She'd drank less with Morgan in the house, a welcome change. We sat there together for sometime, just sitting in amiable silence. I was about to start in on her telling me what Morgan's secrets were, when her phone rang abruptly.


I answered, knowing who it would be already. Who else would it be, but Morgan? I answered after two or three rings, afraid of what would come from the other end.

"Hello dear."

"Aunt Evie. I need you to listen closely."

"Of course dear." I heard an engine in the background, she was in a car and on the move.

"You cannot under any circumstances, tell the boys what I told you. No matter what they do or say, you cannot speak a word. What I told you was for you and you alone. Not a word to anyone or anything else. I'm not telling them Aunt Evie. They cannot know, they won't understand or believe what I have to say."

I was shocked by her words, how could she think that the boys wouldn't understand? "Dear, you should reconsider. You might be surprised at what they'd understand." I glanced at my son saying this, he was watching me intently.

"No. Now I need you to repeat after me, Aunt Evie. Say every word as I say it. 'I take this oath into myself like a black elixir.'"

"My dear is this really-"

"Repeat it."

"I take this oath into myself like a black elixir."

"By my honor, my lips shan't part..."

"By my honor, my lips shan't part..."

"While my mortal coil doth bind me."

"While my mortal coil doth bind me." I felt like I'd been gently squeezed and an uneasy pit settled into my stomach. It was magic.

"You will never be able to say a word to anyone about the conversation, unless it is me you are talking to, Aunt Evie. I'm sorry I had to do it this way, but I had ensure that you won't ever tell anyone else."

"You feel this is the right course of action to take. I can only hope you reconsider. I trust you to do what is right."

"Thank you Aunt Evie. I'll be back in a couple of days, I might have a friend, possibly two, with me."

"Of course dear, they are more than welcome. I will see you when you return. Be safe."

"I will. Goodbye Aunt Evie. Try not to worry."

"Goodbye my dear."

I hung up the phone and looked up at Caleb. A look of anger passed his face, pure unadmonished anger. He knew she made me say an oath, one that was binding. I sighed and sipped at my scotch, waiting for his anger to boil over as it surely would.

"What the hell was that? You said a binding oath, I felt that magic. What the hell is going on?"

"I cannot tell you, dear. I simply cannot." He looked at me angrily one last time, before storming out of the room and running out the door, presumably after the other Sons. I sighed and sipped my scotch, staring into the fire. I only hoped Morgan would change her mind and involve the boys rather than exclude them.


Livid, was an understatement. I was enraged. Morgan had my mother speak a binding oath, a magical one at that. Something was going on and I needed to talk to the guys now. I jumped in my car and sped off after them. Knowing them, they'd tarried getting back to school so hopefully they hadn't gone in yet. I raced down the roads, ignoring the speed limits. Thoughts rushing through my head. How did Morgan know such a thing? What had she told mom that had made her use it? She was into something she didn't want us to know about. What the fuck was going on? I raced into the school parking lot and saw my brothers and the girls slowly walking up the steps to the dorms. They looked back when they heard the roar of my engine in the lot. They stopped confused. I screeched to a halt in front of the steps and was barely out of my car when they had already scrambled back down to meet me.

"What's goin' on man?" Pogue immediately knew something was going on and that it wasn't good.

"Caleb?" Sarah was at my side now, reaching for my arm. I looked down at her, her face became more etched with worry than it had been before. Reid and Tyler looked at me, Tyler's face etched with concern, for Morgan no doubt. He definitely had a crush on her, he'd confessed it to Pogue and I in the locker room a week or so ago. Little does he know, I thought.

"Its about Morgan." They started and waited for me to go on. "She called my mother only a little while ago. She made her speak a binding oath, a magical one, swearing her to silence of everything Morgan told her before she left for England."

"What the fuck? Why would she do that?"

"I don't know, but I plan on finding out. She'll be back in a couple days. We need to be on guard. Something is going on and we need to know what. If Morgan knows magic like that, there's no telling what else she knows. We need to watch her."

"So what is she? The enemy?" Spoken in true Reid fashion.

"No, but she is involved in something that she doesn't want us to know about and it involves magic and I think the death of her parents. We need to keep an eye out."

They nodded in agreement. Tyler looked hurt, like a wounded puppy and the girls looked frightened, they really liked her. We had to figure out what was going on. I had many questions that needed answering when Morgan got back.

Back in merry ol' London...

I clicked the phone shut, after swearing Aunt Evie to silence. I hated doing that, it left a bitter taste in my mouth and uneasiness in my stomach. It had been necessary though. I couldn't trust the Sons with my secrets, just as they didn't trust me with theirs, though they didn't know I already knew it. There was simply too much to explain and not enough chance that they would believe what I had to say. It was silly of me to think so in the first place. What had I witnessed back Ipswich? It was simple. They were confident in their ability to handle anything and everything that came at them. They believe Chase was gone and that all threats to them and their little family were gone with him. Outside of themselves they knew naught about the supernatural world. Had their book of Damnation said nothing about their lineage in England before the five families came to the new world? It obviously hadn't, or they would be far more wary. How many demons or sorcerers had they walked passed without knowing? It was too much to explain and too much to hope that they would understand. I could deal with this on my own. I glanced around Cass's car, surprised at how clean it was, before looking at the other occupants. Cass was focusing on driving back to her apartment, with frequent glances back at me in the rear view mirror and Sam was sitting erect in his seat and apparently in deep thought.

I stared at the head rest in front of me and became lost in my own thoughts once again, trying to think of a plan. Cass would help me, there was no question there. Sam, however, would try his damnedest to keep me here. That would simply not do. I had to go back to Ipswich. I had to take care of this darkness, no, I needed to. If there was one thing I would not allow, it was the darkness claiming more lives. I may not trust the Sons to participate, but I could not just leave them to their deaths. Not Caleb, my "big brother", and Pogue, my fellow speed junkie, and Reid, that gallivanting bad boy and Tyler, sweet Tyler. I frowned outwardly at that sentiment. Sweet Tyler? Where the bloody hell had that come from? I'd barely known the boy a month. I snorted at my stupidity and went back to planning. The darkness was merely a concealment or projection of the three within it. It was their strength and magic that made it. I knew two of the three, Chase and Chris, but who was this third? That I knew not. It had to be someone from the Shadows. A demon? A banished necromancer? But how had Chase met them? He'd last been seen at Putnam Barn. Hmmm, I'm going to need to investigate the surrounding area. There may be a rift between our realm and the Shadows there. It was always a possibility. Rifts happened between the worlds. It was only natural.

Now how to dispel their darkness, this cloud of magic and evil that they were giving shape to. I would need to borrow a volume...or ten, from Ms. Hastings. Having a retired sorceress for a landlady had its boons. I'd also need Cass's apothecary chest. Now how much would that cost to fly to Boston, and then how to get it through Customs? I suppose a simple 'see me not' spell would do. I leaned back into my seat and slouched down a bit more, glancing out the window, before turning my mind to my friends in the car.

Cass was torn between focusing on driving and wondering what kind of plan I had forming. There was no question in her mind that she would be helping me throughout it all. She knew that we could and would figure it out. She'd be with me through thick and thin, even if she was throwing me concerned glances in the rear view mirror. I caught her eye on one such glance and gave her a little smile and nod. She smiled in return and focused more on driving. She had confidence in me, in us and our ability to figure it out. Sam, however, was a much different story. He had the utmost confidence in himself and that he could get me to stay here in England without much persuasion. His cockiness had grown since he'd graduated the HSDF academy last year and had risen through the ranks rapidly. Sam was very very good at what he did. He thought I'd be much safer here under his and the UK HSDF's protection and didn't think that I'd argue very much. He thought he'd be able to crush my ideas about going back to the States easily since my parents had just been murdered by the darkness. I'd feel scared, alone and I'd want the comforts of home. Home, home was gone, home was nowhere. I'd have to make a new home when this was over, if I lived through it. I pulled back into my own reverie of thoughts. The drive continued on in silence, save for the buzz of thoughts in our heads.

A halt and the clattering engine dying in Cass's old beater brought us all back to reality as we parked in front of Cass's apartment. The lights were out in Ms. Hasting's bottom apartment as were the lights in the apartment below Cass's. It must be later than I thought. We slowly trudged up the front walk, trying to be as quiet as possible so as to not wake Ms. Hastings schnauzer, Robert, which in turn would wake up the whole neighborhood. The back steps were creaky and dangerous in the daylight, at night, they were treacherous. Cass went first, lighting the way with her cell, then myself with Sam heading up the rear, ready to save us all if the stairs decided to fall. A click sounded our entry in the apartment and I immediately went and sat on the couch/my bed and breathed a deep sigh of exhaustion. It had been a long day. Cass leaned against the door to her room and Sam sank into the love seat by me. They were both just as exhausted as I.

"Let's save the chats for the morning, eh loves? We could all use some shut eye." I got lucky and was blessed with nods of agreement. Cass quickly disappeared into her room and I heard a thump on her bed. She was out like a light. Sam shrugged off his jacket and kicked off his boots before hanging his feet (and almost all his legs) off the arm of the love seat and rested his head on the other end. I untied my own laces and tugged off my boots. I pulled an old afghan over me and curled up with my back to Sam and stared at the faded coloring of the couch. I don't know how my mind managed to switch off, but it did and I slept through 'til well into the morning.

I awoke to the beautiful sound of tweeting birds and the absolutely divine smell of bacon and pancakes. A lovely start to what was sure to be an absolutely beastly day. Cass was in the shower, as I could hear her horridly off-key singing erupting from the bathroom and Sam was towering over the stove cooking breakfast. Have to love a man who can make breakfast. I yawned and stretched myself up and standing. I felt better than yesterday, less tired at least. My emotions were still running high, but I wasn't about to burst into tears at any moment, which was something. Coffee. I needed coffee. I turned and sauntered towards the little kitchenette and prayed for coffee. I got even luckier and Sam was already brewing some and had three cups out and waiting. A man after my own heart. The next thought was 'he's doing this so I'll stay'. My deep sense of suspicion kicked in and I peered at him through slatted eyes, before deciding to take it as is and deal with it later. Coffee was coffee and I wanted some. I poured his cup too as soon as it was done and poured in the usual cream and sugar. I set it down next to him while he toiled over that amazing smelling bacon and left to sit back on the couch with my own. I was half way through my cup when Cass appeared and Sam brought me a plate piled with food.

"You need to eat, what do they feed you over there? Rabbit food?" He grinned at me. It was hard not to smile back and I simply shrugged in reply. He chuckled and went to dish up himself and Cass's plates. She sat down next to me after grabbing her own cuppa and we all ate in comfortable silence. We sat in silence for a few moments after we all finished. I felt the atmosphere shift uncomfortably from content to tense and laced with anxiety. The anxiety came from Cass. She could tell what Sam wanted and she knew what I was going to do. A fight between Sam and I was bound to ensue. When he'd become this over-controlling, over-bearing, protective, somewhat obnoxious arsehole, I don't know, but it only seemed to be directed at me because Cass always got off scott-free. Wait...that meant something didn't it? It always did, but my experiences with the opposite sex were not helping me to remember what at the moment. I never had been good at deciphering males, was I the only woman that couldn't? Sam cleared his throat, snapping me out of my meaningless tribulations and I looked at him expectantly. He gave me a look. I knew that look. That look meant I'm going to tell you what I think is best for you and you're going to do it or else. I don't do well with that look.

"Now listen, Morm" I gave him a withering glance at the use of that nickname, "after everything that's happened I don't want you to go running off again. You should stay here. The HSDF and I can handle what's going on and keep you safe. Those priss warlocks over there can figure out what to do, if it goes there. You don't be needin' to go over there and puttin' yerself in danger. We can handle your safety over here and they can handle their safety over there. I'd say you can either budge up here with Cass or...you are more than welcome to stay with me." Ohhh, wait that was something else that meant something too. Right? Oh why hadn't Cass learned to communicate with her mind, she was good with deciphering man-speak. I glanced at her and surprisingly her face was blank. When did she learn to do that? I glanced back at Sam who was looking at me expectantly and a bit triumphantly. The look of confusion on my face must have led him to believe that I was going to do what he said. Little does he know. I shook my head and sighed while leaning back into the couch and returned his gaze.

"I'm not staying, and neither is Cass. We're going back to Ipswich day after next." There simple as that. Tell him straight and plain that we're not staying, easy enough to understand right?

"You must be out of your mind. You can't go back there. You've got no protection, you're thousands of miles away from anyone who could help you! Cass are you agreeing with this? You're going back with her? Help me out here, you know she needs to be where she's safe."

"Sam listen, I trust what Morgan has planned, I think we can figure out how to stop the darkness. I'm going with her to help. The two of us solved more complex spells and translations than you had to do to pass your final exams. We're good, we've got resources, we can and will figure it out." Oh Cass, you really are my damsel in shining armor. I grinned happily at her, before turning back to Sam and that same smile fell instantaneously. He was turning red, a very angry, irate red.

"You are not going back Morgan and you aren't going at all Cass. You are both staying right here where you're safe and where I can keep an eye on you. You're both being ridiculous. The two of you against whatever the hell it is that's doing this? No way. No bleeding fucking way. I won't allow it. You're staying right here."

"You, Sam, are not the boss of me. I go wherever the fuck I bloody well please. If I want to go back to Ipswich, then I'm bloody going! You can't stop me and you can't make me stay."

"You are not going. Are you hearing me? I will not allow you to go off and get yourself killed over a bunch of little warlock wannabes. Did you forget how Caleb forgot about you a few years back? Just stopped talking to you like he dropped off the face of a cliff? How hurt you were afterwards? Why should you be sticking your neck out for them, would they do it for you? What if they found your little secret about your abilities, huh? Think they'd accept you with open fucking arms? I don' think so. They'll do the same thing to you that they did to that Chase Collins. Bloody murder you for threatening their own."

"How do you know about Chase?"

"You don't think I looked up those four idiots when you left? You don't think that the HSDF watches foreign magical beings just in case they pose threats? We know all about what happened their a couple months ago. They murdered him, Morgan, damn well killed him dead. He was their blood, their brother and they killed him without even trying to help him! They aren't proper mates. If you're outside their little group, you're as good as dead."

"You don't know them Sam, they wouldn't do that. Not to me."

"And how can you be so sure of that? You put a binding oath on that aunt of yours so she wouldn't speak your secrets to them. You don't trust them either."

"I don't trust them to believe me, there's a difference. They'd never kill someone!"

"Tell that to Chase Collins."

"You're being a bloody twit! I'm going and that's it."

"You bloody well are not! I'm not letting you go!"

"Oh and you're going to stop me are you? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I'm the guy that's always had your back. The one whose always looked out for you, taken care of you, made sure you were safe and okay. I care about you and I'm not going to let you throw your life away for some twits who don't give two shits about you! For god's sake, I don't want you getting hurt, you damn fool. Is it too much to ask for once that you listen to me because I just want what's best for you? I want you to stay here, with me. I can keep you safe, I promise."

"Now I know you're a fucking twit. You care, eh? You care? You don't give a flip about anything other than making me do what you say. Someone has got to stop this thing and that person is me. It went after my parents, it is directed at me. It is just going to keep coming for me and people I care about no matter what and next on its hit list are those 'priss warlocks' back in New England! I am not standing idly by while more people die you fucking wanker!"

"You're being a bloody idiot! I'm not going to let you kill yourself for this or them! You're staying here."

"I am not! I'm going back and nothing you can do or say will make me stay!" He paused then and I should have swept his mind, because what came out next was not what I expected at all.

"You won't stay. Not even if I tell you how much you mean to me? How much I wanted to be the one you went running to after every hurt? How much I wanted to be the man for you? How much I love you? Because I do, I really do. I love you and I have for a long time now. Now please, just stay here."

And this is when I must have died for a moment, because I simply gaped at him. How the bleeding hell had I not known all this? Stupid frigging HSDF training to shield minds, he'd hid it from me! That and I am extremely oblivious to men, unless I'm drunk...maybe I should drink more often. Yes more alcohol, was there some around? And then I regained consciousness and started screaming back because there was no way that any of that was the truth.

"YOU FUCKING WANKER! Using that bullshit emotional crack-up to make me stay! Piss off you fucking arsehole! I knew you would try and be an arse and make me stay but I didn't think you'd stoop as low as that! Clear off! I'm done talking to you!" And just to illustrate my point I shoved past him and down the hall into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. Cass tried speaking to him quietly with words I couldn't hear, but he just yelled angrily back and left the apartment, slamming the door shut and storming off. Good riddance. I crept back out to the room and stared at Cass as she stared at me with a sad face.

"He wasn't lying, Morgan. He really does care about you."

"He bloody well does not. Fucking wanker was just trying to use any means to make me stay. They teach them that bollocks at the academy you know. Fucking wanker." She shook her head at me in dismay and put her hands up in a giving up motion.

"Come on. We need to borrow your landlady's library, we're going to need some literature to figure this out."

She followed me out the door and down the stairs, with no sign of Sam and to Ms. Hastings door downstairs. I knocked smartly three times and she answered the door almost immediately.

"We need to borrow some books, Ms. H, if that's alright with you."

"Of course dears, come on in."

We stepped into the dim and vanilla-scented apartment to search for the answers to our problem. The first step towards saving the Sons, and more than likely, myself.

I hadn't heard from Sam and neither had Cass, since our big argument and now it was too late to reconcile as we all packed and loaded up onto a plane to Boston. Our plane was set to land while the Sons were still in school so that Aunt Evie's chauffeur could pick us up and get us to the estate before the boys were home. If we were lucky, we could keep our presence hidden for a bit longer. I had a feeling that there was a bad aura around the boys right now and that it was directed at me. That and a premonition about a very intense argument between Caleb and I with the boys getting all amped up behind him and me striking out in a fury with a lash of fire to prove my point. Not a very good dream about returning to Ipswich.

The plan would have worked too, if it hadn't been for a delayed landing at the Boston airport due to rain and then insane traffic out of Boston. By the time we pulled up to the estate, it was much later than I had planned. I didn't see any cars in front of the mansion when Cass and I stepped out of the limo into the pouring New England rain. We were soaked in just the short twenty feet from the limo to the door and dripped liters of water onto Aunt Evie's very expensive foyer rug. I shrugged off my jacket and took Cass's as she peered about the place. Something this ritzy was as yet unknown to her. Wait until she hears they've got eight bathrooms, I thought. The chauffeur brought up our luggage, or I should say, my backpack and Cass's three pieces of luggage, apothecary chest and a duffle devoted to books. His slamming of the door alerted our presence to the rest of the residence and before I could say 'bleeding hell'. A dark haired head appeared out of a room down the hall and looked at me with surprise.

Caleb strode out angrily, followed close behind by the rest of the Sons, all in various states of anger and cautiousness. I heard Aunt Evie start calling at them from somewhere behind them, but they just kept coming towards us. I looked warily at Cass, who shrugged at me and gave the boys a wary look. This could not end well.

And that's it! Woohoo! Hope you guys like my first chapter back into this story! I'm determined to get back into this. Please leave me a review and let me know what you think!