I own nothing except the plot. SM owns Twilight
pairings at bottom.

First Meeting

March 5th, 1987~ Charlie POV

Today is the day. I thought to myself as I walked into the airport in Port Angeles. I was going to fly down to Phoenix, Arizona to surprise my beautiful baby girl of a year, Isabella or as my flighty ex-wife Rene` likes to call "Izzy". I have a feeling she won't like to be called either names but, I hope she prefers something closer to Isabella. Like Bella, or even just Bell those three are all beautiful and are perfect descriptions of her in my eyes. She has my dark chocolate brown eyes and from what I can tell from how it's growing in she'll have my chocolate curls with some of Rene`s auburn hair color. Look at me rambling to myself probably looking like the fool I must be if I need to fly to Arizona and using my baby's cute face to talk her crazy mother into better custody arrangements now that I plan on moving there. Oh that will go over as well with her as the Michelin Man would go over the Pacific Ocean if you filled him with a ton of pure lead. I can hear it now.

"Oh sure Charlie. Now you decide to move. AFTER our marriage ended from the claustrophobia of that small dismal gossiping town killed it along with your job. I see now where you priorities lie. Not with what your wife's wishes are but, where your daughter lives".

"Finally, Charles, I'm sorry Charlie, you have no idea how long I have been waiting for this moment. I must tell you I wouldn't go through with it though." She started off without a preamble of who she is or even going through the motions of introductions and, whoa hold up she knows my name and from the way it sounds she knows I don't like being called Charles. What the hell is going on here? Do I have a sudden bout of amnesia and not remember meeting her? Think Charlie, say something, ANYTHING. Don't just sit there gaping at her.

"Uh, do I know you?" I finally mumbled coming out of the fog this woman induced on my brain which I'm sure is going to skip out on me sometime soon seeing as the only thing I can do is stare and force myself not to go cave man and throw her over my shoulder. I kept telling myself 'No Charlie, you just met her, you don't know her name even if she somehow knows yours. You CANNOT just take her off and ravage her. Bad Charlie."No you don't but we will know each soon and trust me everything will work how it's supposed to. Now what I need to tell you is that you shouldn't move to Phoenix. You should still visit for the week, just don't move there. I'll explain on the plane and on the way to the hotel everything you need to know and, then once we're there you can ask your questions. Do we have a deal?" She asked sweetly but, oddly in a very knowingly way.

"Yes but, may I ask something now?"

"No need. My Name is Alice." She giggled in the cutest voice.

A/Ch J/B Em/R C/Es E/Kate the rest will unfold in the plot. okay I have no set time line for updates. I know where I'm taking this story don't worry. It just depends on insperation and how fast possible readers want it coming. If I ever think of MAYBE taking it a different direction I'll post a poll. Don't expect author notes often if ever unless it's important and even then I'll put a chapter with it.