AN: I have quite a bit to say in the closing author's note, so I'll keep this short. First off, thanks to all of my silent readers. I know you're there. Thank you for being there. Your presence is comforting, to say the least. Thanks to Danni-la, Light Within Darkness, Sadist Schemer, terracannon876, Schizo-of-Destiny, luckless-is-me, LiteraryMirage, Li the Twilight Knight (especially for reminding me that you guys have a very deep-seated hatred for Ansem/DiZ), xStillxInxLovex, -JansenFriedh827-, Princess of Oblivion, DejiNekoChan, Lolmaster27, hollywood-135, Aindel S. Druida, blahgirl13, Dumb Apple, Marisa Tann, NiffStral, Yumeoni, raindrops on roses7, Chibi StarLyte, Knut Case, Festival of Asylum, kawaiikittey, TransformersFreak01, Ginri, otaku-michiyo, Zenxara, Chubby-King-Chocobo, musiclover1933, SkoRn3d, hearts are for losers, Finale Di Amore, and Oblivion96646 for reviewing at some point during the process.
That should be everyone that's ever reviewed... Props to Luckless-is-me, who's been reading since the beginning, and has reviewed every single chapter as it's come out. You were once one of four, and now look! Thank you so much, guys. It's really meant a lot to me to have your input throughout. If I had 50 yen everytime one of you said that this had made your day... I'd be able to buy a soda out of a japanese vending machine. An expensive soda. My Pepsi Nex Zero! Come back to me! *cough* Anyway, yeah. You guys make this all worth it. I used to be an average Akuroku writer, but you guys have made me something better: a slightly above average Zemyx writer. Many thanks to Niffstral, for neglecting Calculus to edit my chapters. If you hadn't been there for chapter 2, there would have been some problems. Now, enjoy the epilogue!
My sister drew cyberpunk Zexion. He looks amazing. Check it out. http:// kingofthieves. deviantart .com/art/KH-Cyberspace-Invader-148704330
Disclaimer: For the last time in this story, I have to say it. I simply don't own Kingdom Hearts.
Epilogue: Hell and High Water
Ansem called me for the last time once he got out of the hospital. I'm not sure that how he knew that I'd just gotten my phone back from Xion. He must still be watching me. He didn't say much in his call. He wanted to know what my plans were, and assured me that he would finance my continued education. It's hard to refuse a blank check.
He couldn't or wouldn't explain what happened after the explosion (why we all went to different worlds, but he didn't, etc). He probably knows what happened, but I'm better off not knowing. If we really did open portals of darkness, it would be unwise to do so again. As Ansem himself once wrote, "Darkness erodes the heart."
Ansem did not thank me again, nor did he offer any kind of apology. The last words he said to me were "Goodbye, Zexion." At that moment, before we both hung up, I felt like everything had been said that needed to be said. My life was irrevocably changed, but… that was how it was supposed to be. Ienzo, and the weight of the past, had been removed. My hatred was gone. What remained was pity: pity for a man who had been drawn in by the past, and couldn't let it go. I might have ended up the same way.
I spent several months attempting to remake Tron on my own computer. I don't know why. The Tron that had existed longer than the idea of a country of worlds would never exist again. Why should I feel bad about what happened to a computer program? Programs are always edited, and changed beyond recognition. I suppose, I must have been feeling sentimental. I'll always have a soft spot for talking computer programs.
For a while, we are all adrift. The only real proof of our identities had been destroyed along with the computer. Where could we go from there? The answer is simple, as it frequently happens to be.
There's nowhere to go but up.
"Settle down, class." The silence was almost instantaneous. He couldn't help but smile slightly at how quickly they learned. "Can any of you tell me what class this is?"
Not a trick question. He just wanted to see if they knew what they'd signed up for. Nevertheless, most of the girls exchanged glances silently, knowing better than to speak up. It was a red-haired girl that finally broke the silence by saying "World History."
A sharp blue eye met her softer ones. "And what do you suppose you'll be learning in World History?"
"…The history of the worlds?" The giggling that arose as a result of her statement was silenced by the piercing blue glare.
"What is your name?" Once again, not a trick question by any means.
The redhead met his eyes confidently. "Kairi Uchida."
He glanced down at the roster. "Kairi Uchida…" He made a mark on the paper next to her name. "Children, I do not ask trick questions. If I ask a question, you will answer it honestly. Remember, if a question seems like it has a simple answer, it probably does. Miss Uchida is the only one of you ladies to prove to me that she understands this. Try to let go of your cynicism, and perhaps the rest of you will join her."
What exactly do you say to that?
"History is a subject about which many are cynical," he continued calmly. "History may written by the winners, but that doesn't necessarily invalidate its value, or its truth. Now, shall we begin?" Twenty-five heads nodded frantically. "Good. Whether we are in the classroom or not, you will address me as Mr. Ishida. Not "Mr. I." Not "Zexion." Not, Kingdom Hearts forbid…" Zexion shuddered visibly, "A nickname of any kind." The wheels were already turning in the minds of those pubescent girls. There was only really one possible nickname that could cause such a reaction, with a first name like Zexion.
"ZEXY!" And Demyx had just screamed it in front of the people that Zexion had gone to a great deal of trouble trying to teach to fear and/or respect him.
…Zexion felt his aneurism coming on.
All eyes in the room turned to the much too cheerful blond standing in the doorway, and Demyx realized that they had company. He scratched his head and came inside. "Sorry about that," he murmured. "I didn't think you had a class."
"And I still have one," Zexion pointed out irritably. "You can harass me when it's over."
"But I wanna harass you now," Demyx complained, trying to hug Zexion. For reasons more of propriety than of displeasure, Zexion dodged. Twenty-five girls watched in awe. One of them started drawing.
Zexion sensed his fear factor flying out the window. He could feel it, like he could feel the time coming for another couch-cushion burning. He had to act.
"Demyx, this is why the other schools "didn't need someone with my skill set,"" Zexion hissed, trying to make the bored blond retreat. However, someone other than the intended target heard him.
"What do you mean, Mr. Ishida?" A girl in the back row asked innocently.
"He's gay," the drawing girl replied calmly. "The blond man is his lover."
There would be no point in denying it. It was probably better off that the girls knew exactly how ineffectual their attempts to flirt their way out of a bad grade would be.
…And then he caught of glimpse of what the drawing girl was drawing. How did she draw something so… pornographic, so quickly?
"You." Zexion pointed at Demyx. "If you don't have a class, go teach the girls smoking across the street how to sing a round." Never one to refuse a music-related order, Demyx complied. "You." He pointed at the drawing girl. "Don't… show that to anyone."
"Okay," she replied calmly.
She kept her word. But… it was already too late. Miss Naminè Snow's comment was all it took. Zexion never had to worry about controlling his classes with fear: a much more powerful force was at work (*cough*Fanclub*cough*).
Zexion cursed Kingdom Hearts and its cruel wiles, when really, he should have been cursing Demyx, who was simply too lazy to be discreet about their relationship. Axel would later call Demyx the master of "Selective Sloth."
Zexion was never called "Mr. Ishida" by a student again.
"So, Zex, how was your first day as official teacher?" Axel asked innocently, ignoring the warning look from Demyx. A cold blue eye met his green ones, and Axel thought he saw his life flashing before his eyes.
"I'd rather not discuss it," Zexion replied stiffly, withdrawing his death glare.
"That bad, huh," Axel murmured, forgetting that he was supposed to shut the hell up. Three pairs of eyes staring him down reminded him, and he mimed zipping his mouth shut.
"It's Demyx's fault, right?" Roxas asked calmly, ignoring the look that Axel gave him.
"Uh-huh," Demyx whimpered piteously. "I couldn't help it," he whined. "I saw Zexy in his glasses, and I-"
"Hold up," Axel interrupted. "Glasses?"
Zexion coughed, his cheeks turning pink. "I need them to read."
"He's lying," Demyx whined. "He just wears them to look more "scholarly.""
"Oh yes, let's just ignore the fact that you have a glasses fetish," Zexion hissed. "Mature, as always."
Axel coughed. "Are Demyx's fetishes appropriate dinner conversation?"
Three pairs of eyes turned on him. "You started it!"
"Zexy?" Demyx asked over breakfast one day (they had to get up the earliest, so Axel and Roxas were still dead to the world).
"Yes?" Zexion glanced up briefly from his cereal before ascertaining that Demyx wasn't trying to show him something.
"I know it's been a long time since this happened, but I've always wanted to ask…" Demyx hesitated. "Was it weird meeting Riku? He was the one that-"
"He wasn't the one who killed me, Demyx," Zexion interrupted. "It was the one he calls his brother, the Riku Replica. History makes no mention of him, because he was less than a Nobody. The creation of one who does not exist cannot exist either."
"Riku… Replica?"
"Made by Vexen," Zexion supplied. "He made others, with somewhat mixed success."
"But then… why is there a Riku Replica now? Is he… real now?" Demyx really didn't know how to ask that.
Zexion snorted. "He's as much of a replica as he was before. Like Pinnochio, he still dreams of being a real boy. That's why he ran from Vexen and found Riku."
"So… wait. Vexen made him again?"
Zexion sighed irritably. "That is what I've been saying. Vexen made him. He escaped, and found the person he was based on. Several forged documents later, and "Kiru" is a member of the Gallagher family. It's not all that surprising that they pulled off such an elaborate hoax," Zexion observed with some amusement, "given the identity of Riku's father."
"Who's his… oh." Demyx knew. Riku's father was influential on the Destiny Islands. Frighteningly so. "So, it wasn't weird meeting Riku, then?"
Zexion chuckled and Demyx's refusal to drop the subject. "No, it wasn't. Even if I had met his replica, it would have been no different. A being more lowly than a Nobody cannot be blamed for trying to become whole," Zexion explained. "He thought he would become real if he killed me. Axel's nonsense. You cannot become something by destroying nothing."
"But you don't blame Axel either." That was a weird thought for Demyx. His reaction upon seeing his killer had been… less than manly.
"Among Nobodies, nothing is personal, Demyx. You cannot form a grudge when you cannot feel hatred. I am grateful, rather, that I was killed by those who could not truly feel dislike or contempt for me."
"You're really grateful for something like that?" Demyx asked disbelievingly.
"Yes. It's better that way." Zexion's tone declared the subject closed.
Demyx remembered the blue eyes staring at him, hating him just for being there. "Just because I don't have a heart… that doesn't mean that I won't die when you kill me," Demyx murmured absently.
Zexion chuckled softly.
"What?" Demyx demanded.
"When you learned that the entire Castle Oblivion team had been killed, you laughed. You and Xigbar told Roxas that Axel was probably dead, while laughing." Zexion's tone lacked any obvious emotion. "I'm glad to see that your way of thinking has changed."
Demyx felt inexplicably cold. "But… weren't you in Castle Oblivion? How would you know what I did after you died?"
"I went to Castle Oblivion last year." Zexion replied tonelessly. "It hasn't changed. It still reflects the memories of those who enter it. I was able… to learn some things."
"I thought you didn't want to learn any more about before?"
"I…" Zexion stared blankly at the wall. "I thought if I saw the place where I had died, I might have an easier time letting go."
"Have you?" Demyx doubted it.
Zexion smirked. "When Axel found out that I'd gone there, he tried to burn the place down. Needless to say, he wasn't successful. Castle Oblivion holds many secrets. I'm content with letting them remain undiscovered."
"How did you even find it, though? It's almost impossible to get to The World Between Worlds!"
Zexion's expression became conspiratorial. "That, Demyx, is a secret."
The all-girls school that had foolishly employed Zexion and Demyx (Princesses of Heart Academy- the name made Axel gag every time he heard it) was not the only school that would hire them. Zexion chose it because the ideology behind the teachings was compatible with his: to create good citizens of the worlds, who embrace tolerance and understanding. With an emphasis on these citizens being girls, of course. Many schools might preach a similar message, but Zexion felt the need to focus on it with girls. As a man with a younger sister who'd spend four years of her life imprisoned, the brotherly side of Zexion ached when he saw young women shutting up and taking it. He wanted to give them the tools to be successful. Such thoughts tend to create good teachers.
It is with these thoughts that he embarked on the journey that is teaching the history of various worlds. It doesn't help that a lot of the "facts" are utterly unsubstantiated.
"Now," Zexion began one day, "Are there any among you who can relate the story of the separation of the worlds?" A hand went up. "Miss Snow."
"In the beginning, the worlds were all one," Naminè began. "At some point, they broke apart, and became completely disconnected. Later, they became connected again, though they never became one again."
"Thank you for that… bare bones explanation."
"But that's all anyone can prove, isn't it?" A brown haired girl piped up. "No one knows exactly how or why the worlds separated and came back together."
"Do you really believe that?" Zexion stared the green-eyed girl down.
"Well… When people tell the story, they say that it was magic, but-"
"But, nothing," Zexion interrupted. "There are a number of things that relate to the worlds that can't be explained scientifically. It is undeniable that "magic," or what passes for it, existed in the world at some point."
All twenty-five girls deadpanned. A new record.
"I'm a history teacher, not a science teacher," Zexion continued, undeterred. "If the history books say that a magical weapon that looks like a key was used to save the worlds from destruction, who am I to disagree, until someone proves otherwise?"
Those twenty-five girls always had a lot to think about after Zexion's class. It was an uphill battle, trying to restore childlike willingness to believe in teenage girls. Zexion hoped that at least Naminè believed him. Then again, she had no reason to. Like Roxas, she hadn't truly been killed while she was a Nobody. She would remember nothing out of the ordinary. That was probably for the best.
…Demyx had taken to buying Naminè's drawings. Oh, the aneurisms Zexion had to look forward to.
Becoming a history teacher was the result of Xemnas's proposition(a proposition that didn't involve Xigbar or Xaldin, as they were still wanted by the government). Xemnas believed that the increased birth rate, and the relatively low life expectancy were the cause of Kingdom Heart's speeding up the process of creating new hearts, and if the proper steps were taken, the process could be slowed down, or even stopped all together. Education being the first step, Zexion went and got himself certified to teach. World History being a fairly influential subject, he thought it the best subject to pursue. Xemnas set up a foundation with a puppet leader (you've got seven guesses who, and the first six don't count) in order to further this aim.
Had Organization XIII been reborn as a propaganda agency? Not really. Demyx somehow scraped his way through "teacher school" to become a music teacher, Axel was employed by the government as an engineering consultant, and Roxas… Roxas… Roxas attained brief pop music glory, until he tired of whoring himself out to 12-year-old girls. He made enough money in that time to buy out all of Radiant Garden's politicians, but instead of spending that money on a lifetime supply of sea salt ice cream, he did buy out the politicians.
Guess what things are now illegal in Radiant Garden? The list includes using the phrase "got it memorized" in public.
As for what Roxas bribed those politicians into legalizing, well… let's just say that rings and white dresses are involved. Roxas refuses to admit that he had another last name before he became Roxas Flynn. Axel happily agrees.
Demyx was a popular teacher. Music teachers generally are, unless they're complete assholes. Demyx's general laziness only helped. True, music was one of the two subjects about with he was passionate (the other being "Sexy Zexy," "Smexion," etc), but true musicians are not born by being forced to play. They must enjoy their craft, and devote themselves to it. Demyx knew that (from experience), and so tried to make his classes as low pressure and as fun as possible. His students are encouraged to call him by his first name, because "Mr. O'Donahue is my sister." Demyx realized after an awkward silence fell that he probably shouldn't have said something so… possible. And that was how Demyx's students learned that the filter between his brain and his mouth frequently malfunctioned.
He was like them, they realized. Fallible, but he'd gotten a teaching license anyway. Demyx, who'd been shunned in high school for being gay and a weirdo, was now loved and respected by his students for the same reason. Zexion suspected that Demyx would have to be forcibly retired. He'd never gotten this much positive attention in his life.
"So, what are we going to do today?" A girl with long red hair asked Demyx eagerly, bouncing in her seat. The other girls all added in their opinions, creating a clamor. This was Demyx's music theory class, a place where people came to die to learn what makes music work.
Demyx grinned cheerfully. "Today we're gonna talk about scales!" He announced. The whole class deadpanned. "Don't give me that look," Demyx scolded. "Scales are the foundation of music-making! And they're a lot more complicated than you think."
By the end of the hour, the ladies had no choice but to agree. It was collectively decided that scales suck. But, they could also all tell you the difference between a g flat minor scale and a g flat major scale, among other scales. When you're assigned a note, and you have to find the other members of your scale, it tends to stick. Sometimes, running around like kindergarteners can actually be productive, or so Demyx believed.
Zexion couldn't believe that it actually worked. Making teenage girls move around, and be active? And they actually got something out of that? They, the girls who would stand in one place during a game of dodge ball, and wait for someone to hit them?
…Demyx probably did that in gym class too. Now it all made sense.
Demyx was a teenage girl at heart. That explained everything. His mind was full of boys and music after all, and how to make those two lines intersect.
"Zexy?" Demyx began tentatively, on their drive home one day.
"Why didn't you do anything with Computer Science? You spent four years of your life on it…"
"I didn't choose it for myself," Zexion explained calmly. "Ansem chose it. I never had an interest in it. I only used it as a weapon against him to show him what exactly he had created."
"He wouldn't let you do something that you wanted to do?" Demyx didn't sound all that surprised.
"I was fourteen, Demyx. I didn't know what I wanted to do. I had ideas, but at that age, you're going to change your mind. And since I wouldn't get the chance to pick anyway… I was almost grateful to him," Zexion admitted quietly. "It's difficult to decide what you want to do, and I thought that I might make the wrong decision. I wasn't as upset as I should have been about the decision being taken away from me."
"I guess that's the disadvantage to being such a genius," Demyx observed cheerfully. "I've only ever had one thing that I'm good at, so it wasn't much of a choice. It's always been that way."
"Are you certain that I'm the disadvantaged one?" Zexion asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's better to have a choice."
"But making decisions is so hard, isn't it? You're better off not having to make them," Demyx replied confidently.
"Hmm." Zexion tapped the steering wheel absently. "I see. Are you saying that you'd like me to make all of your decisions for you?"
Demyx felt like this was a trick question. There was something… off about the way Zexion was saying it. Demyx couldn't quite put his finger on it, though. Wait a sec…
"Wouldn't that be a problem for you? You don't like making decisions either."
"How right you are," Zexion agreed.
"Then why would you offer to make mine…?" Demyx felt like he was missing something important.
"Because," Zexion replied shortly.
"Because why?"
"Because I'm an enabler, all right? If you want to be lazy, I want to let you be lazy," Zexion explained quietly.
"Zexy, are you saying… that you want to spoil me?" Demyx asked hopefully.
"Something like that."
Zexion almost swerved off the road from the force of Demyx's bone-crushing hug.
"I think I'll make my own decisions," Demyx decided. "I just realized that I made a really good one. A series of really good ones, actually."
"Oh?" Zexion had an idea of what Demyx was talking about.
"Yeah. I told you how I felt, I asked you out, chased you to the Destiny Islands… Those sound like good decisions on my part." Demyx leaned on Zexion's arm.
"True," Zexion agreed. Very true.
Water droplets began to fall from the sky, splashing gently down on the world. Demyx watched them indifferently, while Zexion's attention was rapt.
"It's raining," Zexion murmured.
"It rains a lot here."
"Yeah," Demyx agreed indifferently.
"I used to complain about how much it rains here," Zexion continued. "Not anymore, though."
"Why's that?"
"Because," Zexion answered with a smile, "You're like the rain."
"How so?" Demyx asked.
"You used to be so unpredictable. No matter what you or I would say or do, you would always get under my skin. I thought I hated you."
Demyx flinched. Not very positive so far.
"I don't hate the rain anymore. I've learned to expect it. Once you get used to it, it's not so unpredictable. Sometimes, I even look forward to it. Rain washes the away the filth," Zexion concluded.
"I'm not seeing the connection here, Zexy," Demyx complained. "Maybe I'd rather not. Couldn't you use a more romantic metaphor for my awesomeness?"
"Other "more romantic" metaphors are easily sexualized. I'm being romantic by not using such a metaphor."
"I dunno," Demyx murmured. "I think I could make some innuendo outta this one."
Zexion smiled. "Pervert."
"I know you are, but what am I?"
"Oh, so I'm a pervert now, am I?" Demyx should have been afraid of the look that Zexion was giving him. "Are you sure you want to call me that?"
Demyx's eyes widened. "Keep your eyes on the road, and your hands to yourself!"
"I'll pull over," Zexion offered.
"Agh, Zexy, no…"
And thus they lived, ever after.
The End
AN: Alrighty... I'd just like to say thanks again to everyone who ever read or reviewed. With this last chapter, do you think we can get to 200 reviews? I'd be so ecstatic, I might just spit out a one shot soon. *wink* *EDIT* We have reached 200 reviews. Thanks so much, guys. I've got a one shot in the works. Don't let reaching our goal stop you from continuing to review, though *END EDIT* Now, there were a lot of things that I meant to do last chapter that ending up getting left out. I was originally going to actually write out Zexion's trip to C.O., but it slipped through the cracks. I wanted to do more Akuroku, but Roxas has been a problem for me to write since 358/2 Days. Argh. I was also going to provide my official explanation for why they ended up on different worlds after the explosion, but... my official explanation involved magical computer programs, and I realized that it made more sense to just let you guys think what you want. I also wish I'd had more time during Zexion's time in the castle... I didn't give Xaldin any dialogue, and I didn't even mention who his Turk was (Rude). Likewise, Lexaeus had no lines, despite being Zexy's brother... I wanted to do more with Riku (though not Sora), but when I originally planned out the Destiny Islands part, Zexy didn't have Reno and Cissnei with him, so they kinda stole Riku's role. Niff, you may curse me now.
I mentioned in the very first chapter that I already had the ending in mind. The truth is, that ending would have cut the story off after Zexion's escape from the castle. It was the kind of ambiguous ending favored by some of the cyberpunk writers that I read. Does Zexion live? Does he make it back to Demyx? In that version of the ending, Demyx left Zexion when he found out that he was Ienzo. He did that in the endings that I came up with before, too. In the original ending, Zexion got shot and killed by a Turk. Niffstral demanded a happy ending. The next ending involved Roxas getting caught in the line of fire, getting killed, and Axel joining Zexion in his crusade against the government. When I finally settled on the ending that we have now, it was because of the first chapter written from Demyx's perspective. I realized that if he cared that much, Zexion's acts of questionable legality wouldn't matter to him, and that's how we got the ending that we have.
This story began because I had to do a presentation on cyberpunk. I developed a beginning and an ending, and worked out the middle as I went. Parts of the middle came out the way that they did because of you, my readers. I got ideas from some of the reviews that you guys left, actually. I got ideas from other places too, but we're not going to talk about those, are we, Niffniff?
Lastly, I'm taking fic requests, because my winter break is coming up soon, and it's a month long. I'll have a lot of time to write. So, if there's something that you want to see, and you think I can write it, give me a holler. I really want to write, so you'd be helping me out. For now, this is Lindoreda, saying see you next time!