"Terra, no!" Starfire cried desperately, eyes glow. "Please, friend!"

Terra. eyes, wide, glanced up at her then back at Beast Boy. Her hand was aglow with yellow earth energy, and trembling slightly from the strain of holding the great spear of rock hovering above the changeling.

Raven emerged from the blackness behind Terra, black energies swirling around her hands.

"It will be the last thing you ever do!" She threatened.

"Do it, apprentice! Release it!" Slade shouted.

"Don't do it, don't do it!" Yelled Cyborg, shaking his head sonic cannon pointed at Terra. It would hit her dead-on if released.

Robin was stationed right next to Cyborg, exploding discs at the ready. He glared at Terra.


"I gave you an order!" Slade yelled furiously. He wanted the boy to die. His one chance for the boy to die was slipping away... "I said, that's an order!"

Their conflicting voices, pleading and arguing became an overwhelming dissonance of noise. Terra just wanted it all to stop...

Beast Boy's sad emerald eyes looked into her soul. "It's your choice, Terra. No one else's." His voice was soft, yet somehow it pierced into her heart.

Her hand shook. "No." Just to let go...yet what she should have done seemed to be taking so long to finish.

He pressed on. "Terra, you can still change. You can still do the right thing."

She wavered, about to relent. Then something clouded her mind. Betrayal. Traitor. Liar. Spy.

Her voice became a snarl. "It's too late." And with a scream, brought the rock crashing down.


Robin's eyes widened and he gasped. The blast at the ready in the sonic cannon died away as Cyborg took a step back, shocked, horrified. Starfire fell back, murmuring 'no..no...'

Raven was momentarily speechless. Then, as one, they all released their attacks at Terra. They all hit dead-on target.

The smoke and dust cleared. Slade was gone. There was nothing where Terra had stood. And a large pile of pointed, jagged boulders where the spear had fallen.

Raven ran over to it, lifting all of the boulders with her magics.

They ran over, united in grief.

The still, battered body lay on the hard ground. Two emerald eyes, full of pain and sorrow, opened for the last time.

"Too...late." Beast Boy murmured, his vision swimming. His friend's voices were just rambles, their familiar faces blurs darkening into black as death claimed him once and for all.


The Teen Titans never forgot what had happened that day. As the years passed, they would stop and bow their heads in respect whenever they passed a messy green room, untouched save for an eternally burning candle upon the windowsill.