HI!!! My poll is closer, so you already know what is means: NEW STORY!!!! :) As you can see on my profile "Seven Sins" got 6 votes (only one more vote than the story who got the second place).

I hope everyone has fun reading my new story. It is my first time writing a drama/dark/horror fic, so it can suck. But I'm doing my best and I can't wait to know what you think about the first chapter.

Oh, and I rated it T, but probably I will change to M because of later chapters. And before I forget, I'll try to update this story twice in the month.

This story is dedicated to Andrea019. She is one of the most wonderful people I ever meet around here and she is an amazing writer (you should read her stories.). As she dedicated one of her stories to me, I decided to do the same thing. Andrea, I hope you like this story.

Title: Seven Sins

Summary: After attempting to kill herself, Trish is sent to a psychiatric hospital. There she meets a group of teengers and each one of them have been sent to the hospital for different reasons. What happens when strange situations began to happen and no one can explain what is going on?

Characters: Trish Straus, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Mickie James, Candice Michelle, Randy Orton, Torrie Wilson...

Slamming the bedroom door, Trish left her body fall on her own bed. Tears were running from her eyes. In the past months her life had just became a living hell. Her life was just upside down.

"Nothing is right" the petit blonde thought to herself. She couldn't take it anymore. She was tired of being sad, she was tired of her fake friends, she was tired of her parents. They were suffocating her.

Putting on her feet, Trish walked to the small bathroom that her bedroom had. She looked to herself in the mirror. The past months had changed her, she wasn't anymore the same happy girl, she just wasn't happy anymore.

She looked to her wrists and then once again to the mirror. Despair could be seen inside her eyes. She backed to her room and walked to her bag. She had thrown it to the floor. Opening the bag, she took from there a very small item. Walking to the bathroom again, she closed the door.

- Everything will be just fine - Trish whispered to herself looking to her left wrist and then to the small item in her hands, a razor-blade - Nothing more will hurt me - with those words she cut her left arm. Seeing the blonde running, a little smile appeared on her face. In moments, the pain she was feeling would disappear forever. Taking a depth breath, she got the razor-blade closer to her left wrist - I'll be finally free - she said in a whisper and cut her wrist. More blood started running from her left arm. Without care about the physic pain, she looked to her right wrist and the razor-blade started getting closer of it. "I'm free" she thought to herself.

Some Weeks Later

- Trish, I know you don't want to stay here, but I'm pretty sure you will like this place - Trish's mother told her. Trish was looking to the outside by the window from her new bedroom - People will help you to get better. Some months here and everything will back to the normal.

- It will never back to the normal - Trish whispered without look to her mother.

- I talked with the nurses and they will take care of her - she heard her father saying when he entered inside the room. After what happened some weeks ago, her parents decided to send her to a psychiatric hospital - Trish, if you ever need something, just ask.

Trish ignored her parents. How could her parents think it was the best to her? She was locked inside a hospital with crazy people.

- We have to go - she heard her father whispering her mother.

- Sure - the woman whispered and looked to her daughter - We have to go, but we promise: we will be here every weekend and as your father said, if you ever need something just ask - Trish ignored her words. As always, they were only making sure she wasn't going to be their problem, she was going to be someone else's problem - I love you - the woman said trying to hold Trish's hand, but she didn't let the woman to touch her.

Without say another word, the woman walked to her husband. Both looked to Trish once again before walk out of the bedroom, leaving the teenager girl alone. For the first time since she entered inside the room, she took her eyes from the window and looked around here. All the white walls only made her madder. She looked to her wrapped wrists. "Why did he need to find me?" Stacy thought to herself remembering the day when she tried to kill herself. If her father hadn't backed home sooner, by now she would be happy; she wouldn't be prisoner in a mental institute.

Walking to the bedroom door, she looked to the people who were walking in the hall. She saw a brunette girl with long hair. She was wearing a very tiny dress that showed more flesh than covered it. She was talking with a tall guy with his arms full of tattoos. Looking to his eyes, she had the feeling of seeing some rage inside it.

Hearing some noises coming from the end of the hall, Trish decided to take a look. If she was going to stay in that awful place, maybe it was better to explore it. When she arrived the living room, she saw two girls sat on the couch talking and painting their nails. One of them was blonde and seemed to have come out from the Barbie world. The other girl was brunette and she was a little chubby. The two seemed to be aware of a boy, who was looking to them. He was laid on the other couch without do a move. If it weren't his green eyes and his rainbow hair, no one would say that existed life inside him.

In that moment a boy leant against the wall behind her - Are you new? - she heard a voice behind her that made her jump. Turning around she stayed face-to-face with the guy - I didn't mean to scare you.

- You didn't scare me - Trish replied very mad. How did her parents wanted her to get better in a place like that?

- I'm AJ - the guy presented himself with a smile on his face. Trish rolled her eyes and put a fake smile on her face.

- Nice to meet you - Trish said and started walking back to her room hoping he wouldn't annoy her.

- I didn't hear your name - AJ exclaimed following her.

- You didn't hear it because I didn't tell you…I'm not here to make friends - Trish replied trying to ignore him. Why couldn't he understand he was annoying her?

- No one came here to make friends - AJ said - But when you spend the most of your day with the same people, you end make becoming friend with them - Trish stopped walking when she finally arrived to her bedroom door - So, what is your name?

- Trish - she presented herself.

- Nice to meet you Trish - AJ said - So, why are you here?

- You don't have anything to do with it - Trish exclaimed getting tired of AJ. In the past months usually she would get tired of people very quickly. She didn't have time to their dramas and she had more to do than to have fake conversations.

- You need to learn how to calm down - AJ added with a smirk - C'mon, why don't you come with me? I can present you to the people around here. They are nice people, as me.

- You seem a little arrogant to me - Trish said and with those words entered inside her room and slammed the door. "Strange girl" AJ thought to himself and backed to the living room.

Sevens sins, seven characters...to which one belongs which sin??? Make your bets...LOL ;)

I'm sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. English isn't my first language. Please, tell me what you think about the first chapter.

