Disclaimer –I don't own anything to do with Harry Potter. Well, I mean I've bought the books and the movies but… You know what I mean!

AN- Hey so this is going to be a Romance... just so everyone reading knows that. I'm going to try my best to be as close to Voldemort's true character as possible!


Some weird things had been happening all over campus lately; Explosions with no explanation, disappearances, odd cloaked people who seemed to simply vanish. None of it was really all that frightening to me though. I walked to my classes the same way, at the same time, so it was even pretty likely something would happen to me. But I wasn't the type to be easily scared. I had been fearless most of my life; my parent's always said it had been since I was born.

He laid there motionless on the floor of an enormous room with semi-transparent looking ceilings. There was commotion all around him; crying, screams, and more motionless –DEAD- bodies. Some were whispering in triumph that he was finally dead- the bald man on the floor? He was far from dead…

They drag him out into the hallway; no one cares to look on him again. He's forgotten... that's his favorite place to be…

My alarm woke me from the dream. Class… uhg.

I dressed quickly and grabbed my messenger bag full of books and threw it over my shoulder. I considered all the other dreams I'd been having while I walked to class…

In all of the other dreams the man had been very strange looking from the parts I'd seen of his face. My dreams of him had started a few months ago and they all were from his point of view. I'd seen a glimpse of him every now and then in a mirror, his face was flat looking, and he didn't seem to have lips.

Most of my dreams consisted of him throwing a fit about some boy who had destroyed one of his Horcruxes, whatever that was. I'd seen, on more than one occasion, the man use green fireworks which seemed to kill people, and a few other times he'd been flying through the air.

I'd had one dream that stuck with me, only because he seemed to be afraid rather than angry, which was the emotion he usually sported. He was frantically trying to come up with a plan for something, he was pacing and making things around him explode. The scene around him changed from a dark, book filled room to a busy street. I couldn't remember all of the rest, just that he used his green fireworks on some delivery driver. I wished I knew what made me have these bizarre dreams; I was starting to doubt my sanity.

"Marnie!" A small, short haired girl came running out of building 303, "They've canceled Communications class."

Good, I didn't have my essay finished. "Why? Something happen?"

"No, actually. Mr. Findley is just sick. Come to think of it, nothing strange has happened in a few days." The girl stood stiff, looking around as if something was going to explode any second.

"I think whatever was going on is over." I tried to sound convincing even though I didn't really believe myself, "I'll see you later…"

I adjusted my bag and turned to go back to my dorm room.

I decided to take a longer route through the gardens to figure out what I could do for the rest of my day. I'd never really seen much in flowers or trees, not all too interesting to me.

The pavement changed to decorative brick walkways. I looked up from my feet and almost ran into an attractive 20-something guy from my accounting class. He swerved and didn't even give me a glance. I hadn't had a guy look at me since freshman year in high school. I wanted to blame it on the accident, but it was most likely because I hadn't smiled since junior high.

My parents had divorced the summer before high school, and then my father, who I lived with, had died in a car accident after I graduated. I moved in with my mother and she had been trying to make up for lost time ever since. And then most recently, my mother had taken me for horseback riding lessons where I'd lost part of my skull…