Disclaimer: I don't own Vocaloid, because I'm not that awesome yet.

Just in case you don't know... This is a collection of one-shot for the beloved Vocaloid. There are tons of one-shots I have planned, and some of them may be based on different songs various characters have sung. Well, I know lots of people hate reading long A/N's, so I'll try to errr, decrease its length :-P

So here's part one of the one-shot collection! Let's welcome the Kagamine twins!

Summary: Confessions are never easy to make. Not especially when the other party is your twin sister. Not especially when she's this dense.

Warning: Implied Len/Rin twincest. If twincest makes you feel uncomfortable then this isn't the right stuff for you, and you may want to consider clicking the back button! O.O"

Blood is denser than love

Sometimes, you would have to take the first step forward, and push yourself a little harder before you could race to the finishing line. It might sound a little too easy for most people, but for Kagamine Len, it was hell. He tried, really, but all his attempts ended up in failure. He hated to accept it, but the fact was there. He hadn't tried hard enough to make things clear.

It was all for her, isn't it? If she would smile and approve of what he was trying so hard to get her to agree to, then there wouldn't be any problem right now. How difficult would that be? All he needed to do was to open his mouth again.

Yes… It was all for her, for her, for her…

"I'll try it again. I'll just make myself clearer this time, I guess," he mumbled softly, careful enough to ensure that nobody would hear him. He was sitting in the couch with his legs crossed, and his arms folded neatly across his chest. He watched as his twin pried open her soft pink lips and inserted the spoon containing some rice and broth into her mouth.

The television was switched on with the volume at the maximum level, but all Len could hear was his loud heartbeat. Even Rin seemed to be oblivious to the volume, since she appeared to be enjoying her food. Usually she'd complain about the volume, but this time she didn't. Len had guessed it had something to do with her mood swings or something like that.

"Rin? Could you listen to what I have to say right now?" He slowly said, clasping his hands tightly as if praying for some reaction of some sort. He could feel himself trembling in nervousness, and he decided he had never ever felt this nervous before. Whether it was due to fear, anticipation or excitement, he did not know and he did not care.

"Mmm," came the only response from Rin. The older of the twin continued gulping down the glass of lemon juice on the table with a wide and satisfied grin.

"Well, I was just thinking… Actually, I have been considering this for a long time. We're twins, right, Rin? I know we're siblings and all, but there are times when I feel different… I feel comfortable when I'm with you, Rin, and I… Well, I… I'm… new to this feeling. I know it's not those sibling-love I am experiencing, Rin. In fact, I'm almost sure it's-" Len's sentence was cut off when there was a commercial flashing through the screen of the television with it's loud and crazy ear-piercing volume.

He was sure his eardrums were about to burst. Yet Rin was still happily feasting on her meal.

Len quickly grabbed the remote controller on the armrest of the sofa, and switched the television off. It was weird really, having crazed, insane high-pitched voices yelling in your living room, then plain good old silence a moment later.

"The food is good. Nice job preparing it, Len… Or whoever it was," Rin chirped optimistically, licking her lips in an effort to clean off the bits of sesame seeds scattered all around her lips. She took another huge gulp off the glass of lemon juice.

"Hello, are you even listening?" Len said lamely, wondering if Rin was just plain ignoring him or avoiding the topic at hand. Whatever was the case, he was sure he didn't want to confess to her while she wasn't concentrating on him. He stood up firmly and sauntered over to where she was, taking a seat on the chair beside her.

"Mmm," she nodded her head once, and then began to nod several more times as if once wasn't convincing enough.

"Like I just mentioned, Rin, I feel something for you, and it's not sibling-love," Len confessed, feeling heat creeping up his cheeks in an instant. "I think it might be… love. You know that sort of love? That love between the old man and the old granny next door? Y-yeah, t-t-that…"

There was silence as Rin stared at Len in shock. Len turned away from her, almost positive of what her response would be. He would respect her decision, no matter what she would think of him.

"…" Len swung around to face his twin only to be met with the same shocked expression on her face.

"Great… I, uhh… I need to go now; I have tons of things to, like, do already… a-and-" It was better for him to excuse himself instead of staying here to make a mockery out of himself.

"What did you say?" Rin whispered, removing something white from her ears-

… 'Oh.'

Earpieces meant for listening to music in her cell phone. Why was she wearing them, anyway? It was lunch, nobody was home save the both of them, and she rarely listened to music unless there were tons of people gathering here in the house. Reason? She hated engaging into conversations with other unknown people, and smartly figured that if people were to see her with earpieces, they'd know she was unavailable for the moment.

'Great, just great!' Yet Len wasn't able to see that.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you since the music's so loud, arggghhhh!" Rin repeated and complained, clutching her ears tightly. Len nudged her with his arms.

"If I remembered, you weren't exactly one for music. What gives?"

"Hello? With the television switched on like that, who wouldn't? I would have gotten some hippos to block my ears, but they weren't on sale, thank you very much. Besides, I'd rather hear the blasting music… the television's so lame, and I can't believe you like hearing some chicken and duck clucking over there at the farm. What's that show again?"

"I thought you were the one who liked watching that show!" Len argued, pointing at Rin quickly.

"Whatever, forgot about it. Stop changing the topic! I was asking you what you were saying just now, you freak!" Rin crossed her arms and pouted her full lips in annoyance. Len could spend hours wondering why she was this adorable… almost irresistibly so. He could feel different shades of red spreading through his cheeks like wildfire.

"… I-I was just saying… W-well, I think I feel s-s-something for you, and it's not the sibling type of love we have…"

"Well, yeah. I feel something for you too!" Rin cheered and grinned like a Cheshire cat, her enthusiasm level almost enabling her to leap through the rooftop.

"R-r-really?! So I-"

"Well, I practically feel for everything that moves. I even feel for Kaito, Miku, Neru, Gakupo…" Len almost died of a heart attack then.

Rin was not getting it. Rin was just not getting it. Maybe he was being a little too vague? Yes, he should try a little harder. After all, you have to reap what you sow, right?

"Not that! I mean, I'd like to spend my life with you. You know, till' we get old? Yeah, that… I want to take double care of you-"

"Of course you have to do that! We're twins, if you don't grow old with me, then we don't have the same age! By the way, you can grow old yourself, I don't want any wrinkles and such." Rin snickered at the thought of Len getting tins of wrinkles covered on his face. She could never imagine how she would look like when she got old. No, she would never want to try and imagine something as horrendous as that.

"No! Not that! You know the love between the old man and old granny next door? That kind of thing!"

"WHAT?! T-that's… That old man is dead! So you want me to worship you day and night, is that it? Arggghhh, I can't believe you'd stoop to such means just to get me to bow down to you!" The older of the twin smirked and said teasingly, but Len was emitting raw anger and impatience now.


"Geez, Why are you making it so hard for yourself? Just say what you want already! Your hesitation is making me mad, you know…"

"I-I-I MEANT TO S-S-AY 'I LOVE YOU'!" Len's face turned a million times redder than now (if that was even possible).

Rin sighed and shook her head in disappointment before staring innocently at her twin brother, who was already staring at her with serious and determined eyes. "Yeah, I know, Len. I know."

"Really? You do?"

"We're siblings, duh! If I don't love you, and if you don't love me, who would?"

It wasn't because he wasn't trying hard enough.

It was because Rin could never get it, no matter how hard he tried.

… Len almost felt like slamming his face on the table.

Strange thing to write, but yeah, first one-shot is complete! Sorry for my grammar, I know it is horrible and such. Well I have tons of ideas for the next one-shot but opinions are greatly welcomed, so yes, feel free to suggest anything you want for the next oneshot. I'm considering the aku-no-series already, but I could go with less angst for the moment, so maybe I'll do some light and bubbly ones?

Reviews are greatly me know your opinion :-D