Because this is what happens when you end up reading the wrong thing on a forum.


Conan stared blankly at the white wall two inches away from his nose, his head plopped on his pillow out of the most utterly existing boredom that had befallen him and forced him to sigh so often that Ran had ended up getting horribly worried. As an idea to cheer him up, Ran figured that rather than cook, she would order something that was anything but Japanese- namely Italian pizza. She knew Conan liked foreign food, and when Conan didn't seem to care about the sudden food change for the evening she wondered what else she could do. Conan didn't say anything and just left himself to die, because he knew nothing would help.

Not only was he bored, he was also horribly depressed. Obviously it was the same reason as always, which included shrunken body, elementary school, and living with the person you loved without being able to be friggin' open and honest. "There is only one truth" indeed…even if he did get his body back, would he be able to look her in the eye ever again? He who had been so devoted to truth his entire life and has now been living in nothing but lies?

Conan got up and slowly slumped his way out of the room. Just as he was about to head out of the entire area and go do a round with his skateboard, the doorbell rang. Conan couldn't help but open.

And look up at the guy.

And stare.

"Hey kid!"

And gape in utter shock and horror.

"Oh! Hello sir." Ran smiled brightly as she came to the door as well.

Long hair.

"Your delivery, miss." the man grinned.

Silver hair.

"Thank you."

Cold eyes.

"How much do I owe you?"

Grey eyes.

"Ah, it's…umm…"

Scar on the cheek.

"Here you go!" Ran chirped, giving him the money.

"Thank you, miss- just out of curiosity, what's wrong with the boy? He's been scared witless ever since he opened the door."

Whether he wanted to or not, Conan was unable to snap out of his short trauma. He couldn't explain for the life of him why the hell GIN of all people was the one at the door. Delivering PIZZA.

"I have no idea…" Ran admitted. "He's been acting strange all day, I wish I knew the answer myself."

"Oh. I won't ask anything else then. Also, I won't delay you any longer- the pizza will get cold otherwise. Have a good day, miss! You too, kid."

And with that, Gin was off. Ran looked down at Conan and was about to say something, but the moment the lock on the door clicked the shrunken detective immediately zoomed to the telephone and dialled a well-known number.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Hakase! Is Haibara there?"

"Y-Yes, she is…just a moment."

Conan waited.

"What are you calling me for, Kudo-kun?"

"Haibara! Gin is a pizza delivery boy!"

"I knew that."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't think you needed to."

As Ran saw Conan repeatedly banging his head against the wall not too long after, she decided that the boy definitely needed to go see a psychiatrist.


Inspired by a lovely thread by Abs. on the DCTP forum where people may speculate about the cover jobs of each B.O member. Why thank you Abs., I'm happy to be able to blame you if you happen to read this.