Sorry I took quite a while to update. Camp during the last week, duties, obligations, you know the drill. Also, I'm sick right now, so the writing might be bad and all.

Thks to Sky Zephyrus, ByakuyaxRukiaKuchikifan and feronia. wings for the reviews.

And the dust settled...

Renji was entirely covered in blood as he used Hihio Zambimaru to support himself up as Ryuken panted hard as he stood, though shaking, with his lightsaber as a support.

"Woah! It seems the two warriors are still standing!" Yamamoto screamed through the microphone as the crowd screamed that nearly brought the roof down. Just that, there was no roof. "Now, we'll see who's the first to fall!"

Ryuken, on the other hand, wavered as he coughed out blood. 'Shit. To lose to a shinigami...' as he collapsed onto the ground. "Renji's the winner!!!" as the crowd yelled his name. "Renji! Renji!"

The pineapple smiled at the fans. He knew he had worked hard for it, though...

He collapsed too. Both received medical attention later.

"That was exciting!" Matsumoto commented.

"I agree." Hinamori said.

"Renji's good." Ichigo said in reluctance.

Byakuya vs Yumichika

"Now, the noble man of the kuchiki family. The man with the second most number of fangirls after Hitsugaya, the man who is known to hug a cherry blossom tree and scream "Bankai!" is none other than captain, Kuchiki Byakuya." as the fangirls screamed his name, but Byakuya just brushed his hair and remained silent.

"And, the flambouyant man, who has beauty issues, who wears feathers on his eyes like in the 1940s, the man who, by many, are called gay, Yumichika Ayasegawa!"

Both walked on stage as they sent glares at each other.

'It's against the Kuchiki Law to fight such an ugly man, let alone gay.'

'It's against my aesthetics to fight such a boring man. I'm beautiful!'

"Nii-sama vs Yumichika?" Rukia asked.

"Yea, both just as fucked up." Ikkaku popped up from behind. He camouflauged himself as a lamp, somehow, with his bald head, so he shocked everyone.

"Madarae, temeh..." Hitsugaya cursed as he turned back to the fight. "This looks interesting... After all, we all know of Yumichika's true shikai."

"Go!" the signal was given for them to start as Yumichika called out Fuji Kujaku. 'It's not Fuji you bitch!' the spirit lashed at his owner.

"Shut up, Fuji Kujaku. We do what I want." as Yumichika attempted to slash Byakuya, but he shunpoed off too quickly and said the words "Hado no 4. Byakurai." but Yumichika dodged too, and tried using Kido too. "Hado no 31. Shakaho!" but it blasted straight in his face. "Damn!" he grimaced as Byakuya appeared behind. "Worthless, to be in the 11th division is a disgrace to the squad. Chire, Senbonzakura." as the petals sliced him all over and finished Yumichika off quickly. Byakuya's blade reforged back and he turned. "Not worth my time." he said in that usual tone of arrogance.

"Round one, and quickly too, Byakuya Kuchiki!" the fans cheered. Byakuya remained silent. 'There's nothing to cheer about.'

The second round started off soon, and Yumichika used his sealed state to fight. He did much better, or actually, Byakuya was holding back. All Yumichika did was annoyingly dodge attacks and point the finger at Byakuya, who soon grew irritated. "Okay, I had it. Ban-"

"Now's our chance. Split and Deviate, Ruri'iro Kujaku." as he used the vines to snatch Senbonzakura away to prevent the bankai from beng unleased. Byakuya went shock as Yumichika sealed his blade back, grabbed his enemy's, and shunpoed forward, slicing him twice and catching the captain offguard.

"Winner 2, Yumichika Ayasegawa!"

"What! Yumichika won!?" Ichigo was dumbfounded. Rukia too. Hitsugaya was unfazed.

"Kuchiki had that coming."

Finally the third battle(A/N: I'm sorry, I'm struggling with my illness, but I needed to complete this...) came about as Yumichika walked up with confidence'I can use my shikai to prevent him from releasing. Great.' as he lunged on to Byakuya after the sounding of the horn, which Byakuya duly followed. Clashes of blades shook the stadium as Byakuya elegantly parried his sword away, but Yumichika would switch hands and block. Something he learnt from Ikkaku. Byakuya tried ending it again. "Banka-"

"Oh, don't worry, split and deviate!" as he grabbed the sword away, but he soon realised he brought back nothing. He heard Byakuya behind him. "Bankai."

"Impossible!" Yumichika was in shock as he turned back and saw the captain's haori. "Crap, not that move!" as Byakuya finished Yumichika off. "Gokei, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi."

"Winner, Byakuya Kuchiki!" as the fangirls squealed in delight.

"Wow, as expected from Nii-sama!" Rukia beamed.

"Sure, grats to Taicho." Renji snorted.

"Urgh, now, a higher chance of facing Byakuya...." Ichigo sighed.

The next matchup will be..." Yamamoto said as everyone focused on him.

"Rukia Kuchiki." the boys chanted her name. "Rukia marry me!"

"And Mayuri Kurotsuchi."

"I'm glad to do an experiment of a Kuchiki." the freak said.

Sorry, once again, for the crap chapter. I'm reallly sick now, I don't even know what I have. So, I promise for a better next battle. Thanks for reading, and please review.