Title: Straight Boy
Characters/Pairings: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang, Havoc, Breda.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 343
Disclaimer: All characters depicted in sexual situations in this post/fanfiction/fanart (including material in the comments) are fictional and are intended to be and considered to be by the author of said material of the legal age of consent in the United States, regardless of what age these characters may be in the material they are derived from.
Notes/Warnings: unbeta-ed; first in one hundred themes for the Fullmetal/Flame pairing. The theme today is "Straight Boy".
Everyone knew Roy Mustang was a lady's man. They also knew he didn't mind entertaining men from time to time. This was nothing new and nothing to gossip about.
Edward Elric didn't date until he was eighteen: and when he did, he never even thought to be interested in men. He did date Winry Rockbell for a while before they decided it wasn't right, and he took several girls out after that. This was nothing new and nothing to gossip about.
That's why Breda spit out his morning coffee when he overheard some military brats whining about the 'dreamy Colonel Mustang' and the 'bad boy Major Elric' being off the market. Well, it wasn't so much that as the fact that they were talking about how hot it was that they were together—yeah, that did it.
Breda pulled himself together and marched to the office. Everything was perfectly fine. Nothing was abnormal. Breda breathed a sigh of relief. But by lunchtime, he heard it again: this time by the enlisted soldiers wandering about and running errands. When he got back to the office, Fullmetal was there and looking over some paperwork given to him by Hawkeye. Breda frowned.
He wasn't the one who brought it up though. No, it was the hot-headed Lieutenant Havoc who burst through the door and grabbed hold of Edward's shoulders, shaking him roughly as he cried out.
"What happened to my straight boy?! You were perfectly good, safe… and straight! What happened?"
The Colonel, of course, popped his head out of his office with a frown. "Havoc, please un-hand Fullmetal and get back to work… quietly." He then retreated and slammed the door, Edward stood with wide eyes and Havoc hesitantly returned to his seat. The afternoon was filled with uncomfortable silence. One more hour to go and Edward finally answered.
"Havoc—not that it's any of your business, but Mustang happened." After that, he calmly got up and walked into the Colonel's office without knocking. Havoc was left whimpering.
"What happened to being a straight boy?"
Tomorrow's Theme: "Magnificent Opposition"