Here's the ending! Hope you all enjoy it! Bunnies will rule the world! I tried fixing this chapter so many times but failed. Still I like how it turned out and hope you will find joy in it.

Chapter 10: Rain

Sesshomaru parked his silver GT in the driveway. Rain hit the car windows as he turned off the engine and sighed silently.

It was raining and he had a long day of work with no sign of Rin being home.

She's still working.

His silver eyes scanned the house windows for a light but it was pitch dark inside. With a heavy heart he pulled an umbrella from the back seat and swung the car door open. He exited with a suitcase and the umbrella in one hand, and shut the door behind him with his left.

He found the sound of the water hitting his umbrella soothing and the sound of thunder in the distance gave him peace in his own way. Sesshomaru took his keys out and opened the front door before shaking the excess water off his umbrella before taking shelter inside the house.

After, Sesshomaru locked the door behind him he didn't bother to turn on the lights. He could see just fine in the dark.

Sesshomaru took a shower and changed into normal clothes to wait for the arrival of his wife. He swept his long silver hair over his shoulders and decided to go back downstairs to watch TV.

He was hit with the scent of mango when he reached the living room and noticed candle lights coming from the kitchen.

She's home.

The demon made his way to the dining room that was linked to the kitchen and saw Rin setting food on the table. She was dressed up and her eyes looked so beautiful even in the candle light. She looked up at him with a smile, "Sesshy, your home. I was setting dinner earlier, but the lights went out about half an hour ago."

"Did they?"

"Why else would it be dark in here?"

She looked over his clothes and frowned, "You took a shower already? Or did you change at work?"

"Rin, didn't you hear the shower running?"

Rin pouted, "No, the thunder is loud. I was worried that the food would go cold and you wouldn't be able to enjoy a hot meal… and I had trouble finding the lighter for the candles."

Sesshomaru walked over to her and embraced her from behind, burying his face into the nook of her neck giving it a light kiss afterward.

Rin smiled and closed her eyes. She loved Sesshomaru and was glad she was still married to him.

I'm one of the happiest women alive.



"Let's eat."


They ate by candle light and listened to the rain pouring outside as they talked about their day. After dinner was eaten Sesshomaru and Rin washed the dishes together.

Sesshomaru pulled Rin away from the sink and held her face between his hands. Her skin felt so soft under his touch. She was all his now.

Sesshomaru pushed her gently against the counter's edge cornering her and ran his claws into her dark hair. Rin stared up into his eyes. She was breathless and her lips parted slightly as she anticipated a kiss from him. Sesshomaru's hand rested on her cheeks again and slowly he pulled her face closer to his own.

His hot breath fell on her face and Rin half-closed her brown eyes dazed by his presence. Sesshomaru closed the small gap between them and kissed her hard. His lips raved her round ones and Rin intently tried to back away to get some space, but the counter behind her made it impossible. Her hands gripped the edge of the counter.


Rin moaned into his heated kiss and let him into her mouth. He intently continued to kiss her and ignored the slight pain on his lips. Rin's hands reached for his shoulders as he pulled away from the kiss. Rin was sure her lips were more swollen than Sesshomaru's but she didn't care as she tried to even her breathing.

He didn't give her enough time to recover as he pulled her into another passionate kiss.

"Rin, my love."

Rin tried to answer but Sesshomaru didn't want to pull away from her anymore.


Sesshomaru released Rin before he got out of hand.

"We better head up to the bedroom."

Rin nodded still overcome by his kisses. They headed upstairs holding hands in silence. They were content with this life. It was real and they didn't have to hide anything anymore. Everything was perfect.

Rin went to take a shower and Sesshomaru decided to read a book on the bed till she got out. Rin stared at herself in the mirror with a towel wrapped around her wet naked body after finishing her shower.

I wonder what our children will look like. I hope we have a girl… that way I can go shopping with her.

Rin smiled and giggled to herself.

I bet she'll be a daddy's girl.

Rin poked her head out of the bathroom door to peak into the bedroom to find Sesshomaru reading his book by lamp light. Rin licked her dry lips and debated to go in as she was or put some undies on.

I think undies are better.

Rin disappeared and Sesshomaru smirked lightly as he kept his eyes on the open book in front of him.

She came out minutes later with her hair dry and dressed in a short night gown. Rin jumped on the bed and pulled the blankets over her. She shut her eyes as her cheeks flushed.

What am I thinking? Sesshomaru is probably tired… dirty me…

Sesshomaru closed his book and placed it back where it went before turning off the light and wrapping his arms around Rin. It was nice being able to hold her in bed now. He liked the way her skin felt against his own; the way she matched her breathing to his. He truly loved Rin and for once his brother had done something right in matching him up with Rin- by force but that didn't matter, anymore.

Rin felt his breath on her cheek and smiled to herself in contentment.


"What is it, Rin?"

"Can I have a goodnight kiss?"

Sesshomaru felt Rin turn her body to face him and looked down into her large eyes, before she closed them waiting for the kiss. He closed his eyes in return and leaned down to cover her mouth with his lips.

He savored the intense kiss from Rin and couldn't help, but steal another kiss before letting her catch her breath.

Rin snuggled into his chest and traced a line down his arm, "I hope we can have children, soon."

"I just need one, Rin."

Rin looked up at him, "Let's have two."

He stroked her hair with his claws, "Alright."

Rin stared at his silver hair in the moon light. It was still raining outside, but the moon shone now.

"Sesshomaru, can we skip work tomorrow?"

"What happened to not missing?"

Rin wiggled in his arms a bit, "I changed my mind."

"Was it, Kagome?"

Rin made a circle with her finger on his chest, "Not, really... " and in a lower voice, "It was you who changed it for me in the kitchen."

Sesshomaru smiled and lifted her chin to look at her face, "Why start tomorrow when we have all night?"

He kissed her then and Rin blushed as he deepened the kiss. Her heart sped up and they rolled on the bed leaving Rin under Sesshomaru's body as he trailed a line of kisses down her body.

"Sesshy, that tickles!"

A/N: Well, here it is the end!I know it's really short but I hope you all enjoyed this fan-fiction, because I sure enjoyed writing it. :3 So Review and tell me what you think!