Disclaimer:I don't own InuYasha

A/N: I made this a while back... Decided to share it after editing it a bit. Actually it's a piece of an earlier work, but it's not that good as to how I write now so I just decided to post this part up. The thing is that Sesshomaru was forced by InuYasha to marry Rin for at least a year before he had to devorce her. When InuYasha and Sesshomaru met Rin it was during a summer break and rin was sulking over the death of her boyfriend Kohaku. Rin was then asked out by Sesshomaru. (Under the influence of InuYasha) She turned him down and when school started they met again. Sesshomaru being parttime student helper in the school already taking universatiy courses. ETC. Anyway Rin finds out about Sesshy's and Inu's plan and decides to marry Sesshomaru to ruin his life for the next year. They get married at age 18 and 25. Rin and Shesshomaru are married for about two years and their relationship is seemingly 'sweet'. This follows...

~The Night that things began to change~

~Sesshomaru p.o.v. ~

Tonight, I requested Kouga and his date to join me and Rin. I know Rin hates being trapped in our dwelling. I loath it as well. Especially, since I've had a hard time controlling myself around her. I've began to let my guard down around Rin too much. It's a dangerous thing to do, but her actions always lead to me to give in; just to her please her. I do believe I'm getting in too deep. We've been married for 11 months… Within a month I'll have to give her a divorce.

-Normal pov. ~

Rin seated herself as Sesshomaru pulled out her chair and afterward watched as he seated himself next to her. Kouga and Ayame seated themselves across from them. The restaurant was classy, but it was only visited by young rich people so the music was global and some could go and sing on stage. The dance area was in the center and the tables were skillfully decorated. Rin thought Ayame looked especially stunning for the occasion.

Ayame had a dark glossy shade of pink lipstick and the dark mascara around her eyes made her eyes stand out more than usual. Rin also noticed that the blush on Ayame's face added a nice affect to her oval face, the big silver hoop earrings complemented her long slender neck that wasn't bejeweled with a necklace. Ayame's dress was cream colored with white shimmering glitter and was knee length, but with a shorter hem on the front to show more of her legs. Rin glanced at the tall heels Ayame wore, they where a silver shade that made up the simple refined dress. Ayame's hair was up in a messy bun with curls of her hair falling around her face and her hands were adorned with silver cuff bracelets and a ring with her letter engraved upon it.

Ayame took a sip out of her champagne glass," What's wrong Rin? You don't like it here." Kouga picked up the menu, "Well, the foods plenty good here." Rin shook her head," No. I like it. It's nice here." Rin couldn't help but envy how beautiful Ayame looked compared to herself. Rin felt Sesshomaru's arm wrap around her shoulders. Rin blushed lightly as he brushed her hair out of her face. "What would you like to eat, Rin?" Rin picked up her menu, "Let's see…"

Kouga and Sesshomaru were talking among themselves as Rin and Ayame continued to eat. Rin poked at her food,' Just one more month- Then why do I feel sad. I should be happy that we're going to get divorced. Happy that this game will be over with. So what, I didn't ruin his life. I could do it after the divorce.' Rin glanced over at him. His laugh comforting her at the moment, without him knowing. 'I can't help but think that it'll hurt when he tells me he wishes to divorce. I've grown to enjoy his company- his affection.' Rin felt Sesshomaru's hand cover her left hand. Rin looked up at him to find with a look of concern. Kouga and Ayame didn't see it, but Rin did. She knew him. Rin squeezed his hand," I'm fine, just daydreaming." She gave him a smile, but he didn't let her pull out of his grasp. Rin pouted playfully, "Sesshy, I need it to eat." Ayame laughed lightly," Sesshy?" Kouga stood up and blocked Sesshomaru's glare, "How about a dance, Ayame. You need to show off that dress." "Sure."

Rin watched them walk off in hand. 'I like playing with Sesshomaru… I get away with it without disturbing him. Well for most of the time anyway, sometimes he ignores me, and then gets revenge. Meany!' Sesshomaru stood up," I'll be back." He left without another word. Rin nodded even as he hadn't waited for a reply. 'At least I've been torturing him. I mean he hasn't touched me all year and that has to affect a guy somehow.'

"May I have this dance, Miss?"

Rin looked up at the owner's voice and her eyes widened in horror and disbelief. "Kohaku?" He blinked at her," Have we met?" Rin stood up. It really was him. Tears filled her eyes. "It's me Rin! Don't you remember me?!" Kohaku shook his head," No, I lost my memory. Are you a relative of mine?" Rin placed a hand to her mouth," memory loss? Oh, I'm your-" Sesshomaru's face entered her mind and she felt a lump form in her throat. Kohaku placed a hand on her shoulder," My what?"

Rin stared at the ground," Your girlfriend, but that was then." Kohaku blushed," Really? Wow, no wonder you caught my eye. Are you going out with that man that was with you? If you don't mind me saying he's a bit old for you." Rin blushed but the words stung inside. 'He's right. Why would it bother me? Sesshomaru is nothing to me.' Sesshomaru placed a firm hand on Kohaku's shoulder," Do you mind? I wish to dance with my-" Rin cut in," Your sister lives at Giving 205 Ave. Nice seeing you. Bye." She pulled Sesshomaru away. Kohaku watched them leave," Rin, I know you felt something. I did."

Sesshomaru pulled Rin into a slow dance position even as the song was upbeat. His eyes stayed on the boy with freckles. "Who was he?" Rin felt his muscles tightening. Was he jealous? "His name's Kohaku. He's my ex-boyfriend." "Isn't he supposed to be dead?" Rin's chest tightened. How did he know? And how could he say it so carelessly? Sesshomaru felt her anguish over his comment and found himself getting annoyed. The fact that she still held feelings over an imprudent boy irritated him.

"How do you know that?"

Sesshomaru ran his hand up and down her spine to appease her. Rin shuddered at the new touch, but she didn't think much of it at the moment what she wanted was a reply. Sesshomaru gave her his responce.

"Your friends told me, during the summer that I met you. They said I didn't have a chance, since you were still clinging to him."

Rin swallowed. She'd forgotten about that. "Oh." Sesshomaru lowered his head and whispered into her ear, his voice in a tease," You're not planning on leaving me for him now are you, my love." His fingers tangled into her hair and pulled her close to his face. Rin stuttered," No, of course not." Was he taunting her? Would he use this as an excuse for their divorce? Rin still felt the tightened muscles under her fingertips that lay on his shoulders. He was stressed- troubled. Why? Rin looked up into his eyes as she had been keeping her view on his crescent moon to avoid his stare. Before she could access eye contact with him, he pulled her into one of his passionate kisses, but lately his lips had hungered for hers more often. The kisses had gotten intense and more profound than before. Rin didn't complain she wanted them too, even as she refused to admit it.

Kouga and Ayame waltzed by," Get a room. – Ow!" Ayame smirked," Serves you right."

Rin stayed awake that night. Kohaku was alive. Her heart didn't soar at the thought, but confusion filled her mind. She loved Kohaku. She had always loved him. Even now, but she didn't understand the terror filling up in her. Was she fearful that maybe he wasn't the same boy?

Rin was startled when she felt a hand slide down the side of her waist. Sesshomaru's tranquil voice spoke out, "What's bothering you? You're thinking about him." Rin grasped the sheets," No, I just can't sleep." Sesshomaru pulled her to him; her back pressed up to his powerfully built chest. His lips pressed to her ear," I know your lying to me." Rin tried to pull away," I don't feel comfortable like this. I already told you." Rin had never been this close to him unless they were dancing or kissing. This was neither. Sesshomaru ran his claws through her cluttered hair. "I'm not asking for anything, Rin. I just wish to hold you close. I am your husband after all." Rin tried weakly against him to get away, but failed.

His claws continued to stroke through her hair. She liked the feeling of it and the warmness he enveloped around her. 'He's never been this affectionate. Why now? Wouldn't it be easier if he started being spiteful towards me?' Rin knew Sesshomaru hardly slept during the night. She would sometimes find him awake humming to himself. He'd never noticed when she woke, but she'd be lulled back into sleep with his tunes. "Can you hum for me, Sesshomaru, then?" He didn't seem surprised at her knowledge. He'd probably known about it. "Acceptable." Rin smiled she knew Sesshomaru more than anyone else. 'My Sesshomaru.' -was the last thought that ran through her mind as she dozed off. Kohaku was already at the back of her mind.

A/N: Review! :3