After the unfortunate accident that happened in the kitchen Jena knew it was time to come out with the whole story about what had happened to her while her parents were away. After almost an half hour of explaining details to her parents Jena finally came to the conclusion.

"So after Mom called me and told me you guys were coming home I didn't have enough time to come up with a good explanation for you. So that's why I was going to keep it a secret till I found a better way to break it to you guys gently so you would understand better. But I'm sorry I should have just told you right from the start about the kittens, but I guess I was just scared about what you guys would think".

There was a long silence between Jena and her parents while the kittens were standing near Jena looking slightly worried about what her parent's response would be to her story. Till Jena's mom finally said...

"Jena why don't you and the uh...kittens go your room for a while your father and I have to talk about something".

Jena nodded meekly and turned to head upstairs to her room with the kittens following close behind her. When they came to Jena's room, Jena flopped herself on the bed even though the burden to telling her parents about the kittens was gone there was still the worry about whether or not she was allowed to keep them.

The kittens looked at Jena she seemed to sad they understood why she was upset and couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Random felt so guilty he felt that this was all his fault. Why didn't he listen to Jena? Now Jena was so depressed which made him feel even guiltier. Random, Icy and Hothead were unsure what to do so they just decided to try and comfort Jena in any way they could.

They climbed onto Jena's bed and walked over to where Jena was just staring at the ceiling. They gently nuzzled her arms while making soft purring noises hoping that she would a least feel a little better despite the situation. Jena lifted her head to see the kittens were trying to make her feel better. She reached out to pet each of the kittens on their heads giving them a small weak smile to so her appreciation for their work.

"Thanks guys I appreciate what you're trying to do and I want to apologize".

The kittens gave her a confused look why was she apologizing?

"I'm sorry that I drag all of you into this I should have just came out and told my parents you from the start. But now all of this happens and I feel awful about it. So again I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you guys in trouble along with me".

The kittens were in shock Jena was actually blaming herself for what had happened? How could she do that when none of it was her fault?

"No, Jena don't blame yourself it's all my fault I didn't listen to you and I got you in trouble because of it I'm the one who should be sorry" says Random.

"It's all our fault we should have never disobey your word please don't beat yourself up" says Icy.

"Icy's right, I feel like such an idiot" Hothead adds.

Even though Jena couldn't really understand what the kittens were saying to her she still had a pretty good idea about what they were trying to say.

"Thanks guys you're the best" Jena replies with a smile.

Jena continues to lies on the bed with the three kittens huddled near her as if it would be the last time they would see her.

"I don't want to lose you guys I would miss you too much. You made me feel even happier about my life and a lot less dull. We may have a bumpy start when I first meet you, but I really grown attached to you guys" says Jena.

"We would miss you too Jena"says Random.

"Random is right we would miss your company" Icy says.

"We would miss how you always take such good care of us even when we thought we couldn't trust you" Hothead adds.

Just than there was a knock on Jena's bedroom door.

"Jena can you come out we have something important to tell you" says her Mom.

Jena and the kittens come out of Jena's room to follow her parents downstairs to the living room. Jena's mom and dad sit on the couch while Jena sits in the rocking chair with Random, Icy and Hothead on her lap with worried expressions on their faces.

Jena's dad finally speaks up "Jena your mom and I have decided tha..." Jena quickly interrupts him.

"No, before you say anything I have something I want to say to both of you. I know it was wrong of me to hid the kittens away from you guys, but I'm not going to let you get rid you them. Over the last month that they stayed with me I feel happier with them around. I didn't feel so lonely while you guys were away on your trip. So you see I...I...I love them more than else in the world. Their not just my pets their my family and I've always believed that family should stick together no matter what. If you tell me to get rid of them then you better get rid of me too because I rather be out on the streets with them then to get rid of them and never see them again. I love them so much I can't even picture my life without them, I need them and I know that they need me too"

Jena's parents were in shock and so were the kittens. They didn't think Jena was going to have such an outburst like that. But the kittens couldn't help but feel happy inside knowing that Jena would give up her life with her parents to be with them. They felt the same way they loved Jena so much they couldn't even picture their lives without her. And they need her just as much as she needed them.

"Jena please let us finishes what we have to say" her Mom says trying to calm Jena down.

Jena's Dad continues were he left off "Anyway your mother and I have decided that we're going to..."

"We're going to let you keep the kittens" her mom finishes.

Jena gasps in surprise and so do the kittens.

"You're going to let me keep them"? Jena asked making sure she wasn't hallucinating or having a dream.

"Yes you can keep them" Her father says with a smile.

"I don't see why not it's obvious that you care about them very much and we trust that you will take good care of them" Mom adds.

Jena thought her heart was going to burst with excitement so then she says....

"Oh Thank You Mom and Dad"! Running up to give them a powerful hug.

"I promise I won't let you down and oh... Thank you so much" Jena starts crying but they are tears of joy.

"We're glad you're happy Jena"says her Mom.

"We know you won't let us down" her Dad adds.

Jena stops hugging her parents and turns to the three kittens to see they each had a big smile on their faces. Jena bends down and holds her arms out while the kittens leap into them to receive a big hug.

"I'm so happy you guys get to stay, I love you guys so much" says Jena still crying.

"We love you too Jena" the brothers say in union.

So everything turned out better then Jena or the kittens could ever dream of. But one thing is for sure Random, Icy and Hothead were glad they meet Jena and Jena was glad to have found them. And there's nothing in the world that could ever make them change their minds about the feelings they had for each other. Finally they could all be one big happy family.

There is going to be a sequel it's called My Decepticon Guardian