Disclaimer: I do not own twilght...

I am so so sorry everyone. I've been triyng to get this chapter out for weeks but writers block was killing me and motivation was lacking. Don't get me wrong, everyone who reads this story, i love you all, but more reviews would nice, kept me writing. Hint Hint.

Once again, i am sorry for taking this damn long. A whole month... jeez, sorry about that one.

I hate to sound rude, but honestly guys, more reviews or i don't know if this story will contuine.

But enjoy.

"Tara?" Travis wandered into my room, knocking softly on the door before stepping fully inside.

Nodding to him I quickly placed my worn out guitar over crumpled sheets of music. Small scribbled words littered those pages, my thoughts and my fears, composed together with a melody.

"Please don't take this as me prying into your personal life, but I need to ask," he started, worry evident in his eyes. I simply nodded and gestured for him to sit beside on my mess of a bed. "Embry doesn't know about Julliard's offer."

"More of a statement then a question, but yes, he doesn't." I replied as calmly as I could manage. Being hostile over a simple statement seemed wrong, it was wrong and uncalled for, but a few notes of annoyance slipped in nonetheless.

"Again, not trying to influence your life or tell you what to do, but why not tell him? I mean, this is huge Tara. Julliard is the best music school in the country and they offered you a full ride." He said shaking his head at me, "I don't get it."

Rolling my eyes I shook my head right back at him, "You don't need to understand."

"Tara, please," He sighed, his eyes pleading to be let back into my life. "I want, need to understand. I want to help you through this."

"Stop being so damn melodramatic Travis!" I nearly screamed jumped off my bed to stand in front of him. "There is nothing to work though! No help required."

Travis watched me with careful eyes. Pursing his lips he nodded, "Alright, just tell me when the sister I know and love decides to come back."

He didn't slam my door, didn't scream, didn't do anything that would lead to the conclusion he is angry with me. He was simply disappointed and afraid of losing me, because he is convinced he's already lost me.

But lost me to what?

Even when inside I'm hanging by a quickly fraying thread, though it was surprisingly easy to get out of my house after Maddy left – easy as it gets at 4 AM. I explained to Danielle that I wanted to be with Embry so she helped me leave, she's been on edge when it comes to my boyfriend since I admitted to not telling him.

I suppose she does have a few justified reasons to worry. It's been over two months since I received news I got a full ride to the respected and international renounced school of performing arts, Julliard. And I have yet to tell my loving boyfriend about the chance to move several states away for months a time.

But on a better note, no one noticed me leaving, which totally rocked.

Truth is I did want to be with Embry, I always do, but now I'm starting to feel that our time is limited. I also want to see Paul though. I don't have concrete good news but still, I knew Maddy was really questioning her relationship with Aperio. As much as it hurt me to see her in such pain, I knew it was for her own good, since after all, she would always have Paul to catch her when she falls.

I just texted her to ask where she was and how she was doing and now I am waiting for a response while sitting on the couch between my loving Embry and a very anxious, semi-glad and pissed-off Paul.

Why is he pissed off, you may ask? Well after I told him all about the talk Danielle and I had with her, he got pretty angry that she was crying the whole time, and that she was in pain due to what was said. I suppose that makes sense but nonetheless, he is sitting next to me – almost on top on me, and this dude is freaking heavy! – staring at my phone like it is the last ray of light in an endless dark night.

He was semi-glad but was trying to hide it, not very well. I knew he wanted to be with her more then anything else so the news held small glimpses of happiness in it for him. He would never admit that out loud, but he was playing the part of the best friend who is in love with the girl, but is trying to be good and say they want whatever is best for her… bull shit.

"It buzzed! Open it!!" Paul got a little overexcited there. But I am also nervous about this since I can't be there after this shit goes down. I will be there afterwards though. If some shit does go down, Aperio better start running now. Being best friends with a group of werewolves is pretty useful because no matter where he tries to hide, they will find him.

Sighing, I opened the message and read it aloud for everyone else – including Kim, Jared, Emily, Sam, Quil, Collin, Brady and a sleeping Claire who was staying the night here- to hear because they were all in on this with me.

Hey-la Tara, I am pretty close to the hotel right now, only about 10 more minutes until I arrive. Maybe I should slow down… a lot!! I am doing okay I guess, I mean, I'm distracted myself by learning how to text and drive at the same time, so that's an accomplishment of some kind. Love Maddy xoxo

Out of the corner of my eyes I caught a glimpse of Paul's smile when I read the message, her attempt at humor may have been feeble, but it still had enough power to light up his eyes. It made my heart swell to know that my sister would always have him in her life, someone who is going to love her no matter what she has done or will do. And knowing Maddy that could be anything…

Smiling softly to myself I answered her message.

Okay Hun, no slowing down! The longer you wait the more the guilt will consume you. So get your tiny ass over there and talk it out with him! And that's a great new talent to have… I know you can do this, and remember hiding this from him will only hurt him more! Love you, Tara xoxo

"She'll be okay." Embry whispered in my ear, stroking my hair softy.

Forcing a small smile I nodded, leaning gently against his shoulder. My heart ached with so much intensity my lungs were having trouble holding the air I was breathing in. Embry was everything and I was hiding something huge from him.

I want to tell him so much it's hard to believe that somehow the information has yet to slip out. Paul doesn't know, and Maddy doesn't know. No one really knows except my family and even then they don't understand why I am so ruthless when it comes to keeping this huge accomplishment under wraps.

"Has she answered!?" Paul leaned over to stare at my phone that was settled in my lap.

"Paul, can you not squish my girlfriend?" Embry asked, a little annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. She'll live… but right now, I need to know if my Maddy is okay!?"

"Paul!" Emily screamed from across the room, "You break that table; I swear to god I will break you!" Her accompanying death glare was frightening. Paul snickered but sat back in his chair, tapping his fingers over and over again.

"Paul!? Holy mother of a freaking banana farm in Peru!" I slapped his arm for the fourth time but the dumbfound look stayed on his face. I may actually kill him.

"Paul! For Christ's sake, listen to me!" I tried again. This time, after some unseen miracle, he turned to look at me as if this was the first I ever I demanded his attention. His attention didn't last long. I knew the look he was sporting. Eyes glazed over, staring into space, a small delicate smile tugging on the corners of his mouth and radiating joy.

His only thought was of my sister. I've seen the look on many of the pack members; whenever they are consumed by the power of the imprint they have that look. Quickly clearing my mind I wiped away the stored imagine of Embry with that look playing on his features. Guilt was swirling in my stomach again, rising up, threatening to spill over and bring the truth into the open.

Silently wiping away my inner turmoil I glanced up at Embry, asking him to please regain his friend's attention. Leaning over me Embry gladly punched Paul's arm with a little more force then required, but it worked. Paul was not a happy camper, guess being pulled from dream-world was not something he enjoyed, and it was plain on his face.

"Don't even give me that look, Paul," I snapped trying not to sound too soft, "Now Maddy hasn't texted me in a while, so I know that her little talk must be close to being done. I have an idea that will hopefully help both of you," I used the pleading look, something I knew would push him over the edge because he was already ready to jump on a freaking horse and run across the world to find her. "I want you to run to Port Angeles and wait for her to leave the hotel. She needs to be with someone who cares right now, and I know you are perfect for that job."

I know my sister and pain was never been something she could handle on her own. We all have our tactics when it comes to living though vast amounts of pain, Maddy's is talking or ranting like a mad woman about everything for hours. The topics are never related but it does help her work through the mess of thoughts in her head.

I would gladly be the one to listen to her and try to comfort, but I knew without a doubt that Paul is the man for the job. And, I am sure that if he doesn't see with his own to eyes and be completely sure she is fine, something is going to get broken.

"I don't know Tara." Paul muttered his voice was broken and defeated.

"Paul, trust me. Just go find her, and then take her somewhere to get breakfast or something. You are the only person I know that can make her smile no matter what, please do this for her." I pleaded with him, hoping that the use of the smile card would be too powerful to resist.

A fast wave and quick smile was all I saw before the back door slammed. Burying my face in my hands I sighed. Maddy was able to face her fears because of the encouraging words Danielle and I gave to her.

Why can't I take my own advice?

"Paul is with her Danny, she'll be okay."

"But it's been so damn long without any form of communication!"

"I trust Paul. Don't you?" I was defensive of Paul. He'd never hurt Maddy, I'd bet everything I have on that, so when Danny started to question that it did get me annoyed.

"Trust can be misleading." She muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded, although I am fairly sure I know what the jab was about.

"Embry trusts you…" She trailed off, not even looking at me.

"Really Danny? Another blow about this? Can't you people just let me do this on my own?" Shaking my head, I snorted at her comment.

"We would, but Tara, we care about Embry too, you know, and every day that you don't tell him, is just another slice to add to the heartbreak when you do." She looked at me with hard eyes, an expression that concluded her statement was dead serious.

"I'm not telling him because it'll hurt him!" I exclaimed, but my logical sounded wrong out loud, it resembled an excuse.

"What about Maddy, huh? You haven't told her yet, let me guess, because it would hurt her too?" Danielle rolled her eyes, "At first, I figured I would sit back and let you tell him on your own, because I thought you loved him enough to tell him about this, to let him know that your dream is now a reality. I also figured that you'd want him to be part of this decision, since he seemed to be such a hug portion of your life. But what do I know right?"

Her words stung, the truth was scolding and the sincerity behind her thoughts was suffocating. I was stunned into silence. I couldn't defend a single accusation she made. I wanted to deny it all, claim once again that I was doing all this to make sure I didn't hurt those that I love. But I knew the reasons, I was selfish and Danielle said what everyone was thinking.

Danielle cleared her throat before gesturing towards the door. The silence that hung between us made the approaching foot steps like exploding bombs. Danielle looked at me with sad eyes. Closing them for a second she shook her and returned to her gaze to the door.

I assumed that was the silent signal that the conversation was over for the time being. We watched as Paul walked into the room with Maddy tucked safely under his arm, face hidden.

My stomach clenched with a sudden feeling that something was wrong. My mind started shouting out pleas, begging for nothing to be wrong. I don't think I can handle another issue.

Paul cleared his throat but her head remained down, face concealed by her hair and his chest. Slowly he pulled her over to the vacant space on the couch. Paul sat beside me while Maddy buried herself into his side.

"Maddy? Honey? This isn't like you. What's going on?" Danielle's voice was soft but worried, I nodded in agreement, but Maddy didn't answer so Danielle attempted again. "Madeline, please just sit up and talk to us face to face. We can work through whatever the issue is!"

"I talked him. I talked to Aperio about what was going on in my crazy little world. I went to his hotel, found his room, and went up." Her words were soft and muffled by Paul's chest. I may be hearing things but I am pretty sure a soft snort escaped her lips.

"There was uncomfortable silence when I first went in, but after that he started to talk. He said that he was hopeful that maybe all of this would be a turning point in our relationship. One that would make us stronger, make us happier together but the silence was starting to make him doubt that." She continued her story. Her voice completely void of emotion, reminding me of another situation where a story started off innocent enough then lead to a horrific end.

It happens every time I retell the story of my past, of the act that was committed against me. I used the same monotone voice. My breath caught and my mind became a flurry of panicked thoughts.

"That hurt me, a lot. But I still had to tell him, so I did. I said that I couldn't accept his offer and I was sorry. Then there was more eerie silence while I paced around the hotel room and he sat there shocked." Her voice was wavering, emotion slowly tainting her words.

"I decided that I had said what I needed to, and I was uncomfortable, so I was going to leave. I made it to the doorway in silence, he didn't notice, but you know my luck," Her tone took a sharp turn, becoming slightly sarcastic and condescending, "He heard me open the door and then in a very strange voice told me we weren't done talking about this."

Chewing on my lip, I tried to calm down. I was overreacting. I knew nothing about how this tale ends, it could end with Paul and her deciding that they belong together and Aperio crying somewhere on a plane to Greece. I hope that's how it plays out.

"I didn't like his tone so I let go of the door. He asked why I was doing this and that it wasn't like me so naturally I asked what he meant by that. He responded with saying he knew me, and I was all like how could you know?" She was frustrated with the story now, disbelieving how it was going even though she had a first hand account.

"At that moment his face and eyes scared me. They were hostile. He argued some more about him really knowing me and then it got to yelling, I yelled first but only because he was pissing me off. He then brought up… Paul." I noticed Paul's hand on her leg, rubbing small circles to sooth her. His face was frightening; he knew the ending to this story.

"Aperio got very angry at that point, so I tired to calm him down by saying that we could talk about this reasonably. He didn't go for that one. Nope, he started to laugh. That same type of laugh you hear when a crazy person is being pleaded with by their victim." Maddy kept her head down but I saw her shake it once, as she explained the strange turn of events.

My nerves were fried; I started to fiddle my fingers, waiting for the blow I knew the ending would provide.

"I tried to run. I really did. I ran for the elevator and stairs since they were side by side. I didn't know which one to take since with the stairs he could catch me but with the elevator I would have to wait for it to come. He got to me before I had the chance to decide, grabbing my wrist, he spun me around. He asked where I thought I was going and he I said that he bet I was going to find Paul."

Paul. His hands were wrapping securely in hers but the shaking was beginning to worry me. Chewing harder on my bottom lip I chanced a glance at Danielle. Her eyebrows were pushed together, lips set in a firm line, and it was simple to tell she had an inkling of a guess where the story was going as well.

"He said that when he first met me he thought I was beautiful, caring, smart and an all-around wonderful person. But after coming here he had three new names to that list. The first one was bitch, second one was whore, and the third was a waste of skin."

I froze at the words that left her mouth. Blinking several times the words finally processed and a small gasp escaped my lips accompanied by a similar reaction from Danielle. Bastard had no flipping right to even mutter those words about Maddy.

"He dragged you two into it also, he said my sisters were the same. I won't repeat the words he said but he insulted you Danielle and then moved onto Tara. He brought up Max, Tara." Maddy's voice died off at the end.

"What?" Was all I could manage to spit out.

My heart had stopped, literally came to halt as the details of situation came out. Max. He brought up Max and used it to hurt Maddy. Insulted Danielle and myself, I may be angry with Danielle, but that won't stop the raising amount of hatred I felt towards the man we left in our house.

"After he said that I was furious with him so I may have punched him. Right in his mother-fucking face. While he was tending to his new wound I made another attempt at getting away, I ran again, but he caught my arm."

I was proud of her. She stood her ground and gave that douche exactly what he had coming.

"All he said was bitch before he… before he…" She stuttered, trying to explain what happened next but words never left her mouth. I glanced down at Paul's hands; they were shaking, becoming nothing but a blur.

"Paul." I hissed, my voice too quiet for any one else to detect. His head to snap to look at me for a second, with a sharp nod his attention was focused on Maddy again but the shaking did slow down.

Maddy brought her head up to face us. As I stared at her face my mind attempted to understand what I was seeing. Tear stained cheeks were only the beginning. Red eyes were rimmed with dark shaded skin and her puffy cheek outlined in a bruise.

He hit her.



Danielle and I both exploded at the same time. Jumping up from the couch we shared a look of pure hatred and seething anger.

Maddy sent us a pleading look, asking us to quiet down. How the hell could I calm down? It was simple to see her worried glances towards the stairs were in hope that our brothers had not heard the outburst.

The stampede of footfall made me smile. They heard Danielle and me. Maddy might not want them to know but I did. Aperio was in some serious shit and backup never failed to help.

Finally I had something else to concentrate on instead of my own problems. Some part of my brain noted how sadistic that statement was. My sister was just punched by a man who claimed to love her and her mental sanity is close to folding but yet, I twist it into a good thing.

My stomach churned in disgust at my feelings. Maddy was hurt and inside I was smiling because for once, I wasn't the only messed up and bruised person in this house.

I hate to go bursting the happy couple bubble, but there is a strom brewing on the Tara ocean... cheesy, i know.

Twilightheart21, every single person who is reading this, you owe her. Plain and simple owe, if you like this story because honestly, she sticks with me though all long periods of writers block. I count on her and she always come though. Her work is astounding, it amazes me to read every time. Trust me, read her stoires. Thank you for everything sweetie.

I hate to sound rude, but honestly guys, more reviews or i don't know if this story will contuine.

Thanks for reading, and REVIEW.