Hey everyone! This is my first HM fanfic, so i hope you enjoy! I know it is short, but the next chappie will be longer and up very soon! :)

The Untold Romance

I strolled around the deck of the ship, all the time worrying as I noticed the large waves getting larger, and larger. They seemed to smash into the side of the boat like a toddler kicking his toy.

"Miss Chelsea!"

I turned to see a man with hair as white as snow and rugged features calling to me. The captain waved his arm and motioned for me.

"There is a heavy storm a brewing! You'd better get downstairs and take cover!"

I took his advice and jogged down the stairs to my room. My gaze immediately went to the window, where as I struggled over to it, I could see the great waves thrashing and threatening to take the ship over at any time.

I brushed my brunette locks out of my face, and took a closer look, as I squinted I swore I saw the faint outline of a person in the water. I rubbed my eyes and blinked. When I looked again I could make out fluffy blonde hair and a blue cap that was starting to be dragged from atop his head.

My mind immediately panicked. I practically sprinted up the stairs, to the captain who at the time was giving orders.

"There is someone in the sea!" I screamed.

The captain, a little startled by my sudden approach, blinked a few times before what I said had time to register. His eyes then bulged as he said...


I pointed to the side of the boat my window was on, and the captain and a good chunk of the crew followed and started to scan the ocean with their eyes.

"I see him sir!" one of the decks man yelled.

"Pull him aboard immediately!" the captain barked.

I watched as the mysterious person, was hauled onto the deck. The crew started the process of pumping the water out of him, while the captain went on again to securing the ship.

I felt the urge to help so I went over to the crew members who were surrounding the boy.

"Does anyone know CPR?!" one of the crew members yelled.

I did know CPR. I swallowed and hesitantly chirped an "I do".

They looked over to me and immediately made room. I walked over to the open space and knelt down beside the boy. I knew this was life or death, but somehow I could not stop gazing at him. I took a deep breath and put my mouth to his and released the oxygen. My entire face was red, as the crew pumped his chest and urged me on. I breathed into him again, and felt a sudden happiness as he coughed up the rest of the water and started to breathe again.

"Are you all right? Can you hear me?" I asked, still leaning over him.

His head rolled from side to side searching for my voice, and then as his head finally rested toward my direction, his eyes fluttered open. I sat awestruck as my face was inches away from the most lovely and powerful green eyes that I had ever seen, which now bore into mine.

Thanks for reading! i will have the next part up soon! Many thanks to my beta reader SailorLeia! Love you guys! And my dear sister and co-beta reader DragonsFlame86! (I luv u!)