Ok I just got randomly inspired from a story I read so I wanna try this idea out too if it sucks and y'all don't like it, it'll be removed. But if I get even one praise, it stays. Ok on with the story thingy. Wait some more things. This is probably obvious but I'm going to state it any way. "Quotations is talking" 'That thing and italics is thinking' Plane italics are memories/dreams/not present time (might have bold). If I think of anything else I'll put this in the beginning of the chapter again on whatever chapter. And only saying this once in the first chapter of all my stories I don't own 'The Lost Boys' WB does,...Or I think they do... Read: A Lily in the Darkness by lordofthebreakdane. One of the best stories on here. Please don't get made at me but your story inspired this one if you don't want it up here cause I used an idea too much like yours let me know and I'll remove it ASAP.

The boys, his boys, were hungry terrifyingly hungry. After somehow being raised from the 'dead' they felt ravenous. The thirst went throughout their body. When Max died and he was barley alive The Lost Boys became his. Now as the head vampire he had a duty to feed them, and that's just what he planned to do. A bus came barreling down the street stepping into the middle of the road. Headlights flashed. Tires screeching. People screaming. And tiny lone giggle unheard by anyone, but a teen, was made.

After a minute of eerie silence the bus doors opened and an elder gentleman came out, "What out son," he gasped audibly. "I almost hit ya. Can ya move so we can get this thing up and running?" The blonde boy ignored the man and signaled to the three other boys to come out. "Oh? Friends of yours sonny?" the man started to get nervous.

"Got any room left on the bus?" Another blonde with a smile that can only be identified as a 'Cheshire Cat Grin' asked. He had to be Marco. The boys didn't wait for an answer, for they started towards the bus.

A third blonde, whom's messy hair made him out to have to be Paul, looked towards the brunette boy. The only brunette male figure in this group had to be Dwayne. Dwayne must have understood the meaning of the look, for he took out a wad of fifties and passed it threw the group until it got to the only boy left un-named; David. "Do you mind if we sit down to count out the correct amount of change we will owe you before we leave?" David's air was a threatening one. But he didn't care, he needed to feed his boys.

"O-Oh! Of course not. Don't worry we have plenty of room. Come on." The man relaxed. As soon as the boys entered the bus a teenager stiffened, some how she knew this would end bad. some would call it a mothers instincts for in her arms was a small, wiggling bundle.

The girl was able to fit the bundle in her bag when she got on the bus. She only had enough money for herself. Her bundle wouldn't show up on the passenger roster even though the old man knew. He was too kind and for that she was grateful. These boys, when hijacking the bus or what not, wouldn't know of the bundle. The bundle would be safe. Maybe not for the whole ride but until rescue came it would keep on wiggling. The teen put the bundle back in her book-bag, 'for extra caution' she reassured herself.

The bus doors closed and along with it went everyone's future of a life, except maybe a certain bundles future. "Your total will b-" The older mans voice was cut off by Dwayne tearing into his throat. And so the massacre began.

Out of the 36 people one remained. David would kill her. when he got to her she didn't flinch away from the face of her soon to be murderer. She looked in him dead in the eyes and said four words before he tore her throat out and drank greedily, "Her name is Punk." The now dead girls words peaked his curiosity "Get the roster make sure everyone is here and let me know if there is anyone named 'Punk' on here." his voice was unnervingly smooth for some one who just drank the blood of a girl that looked no older then himself.

David left the bus. Dwayne counted the bodies. Paul counted the names on the list. Marco started to go through the girl's stuff looking for anything that could count as valuable to them. And he found it. The bundle lay motionless. He peeked in and yelled in horror for David.

The platinum blonde rushed on the bus and looked around for a threat, seeing none he cautiously headed towards where Marco was. Dwayne's face paled as he got nearer. The two boys looked like they had seen ghosts. "What is the matter?" David growled not liking what he saw on their faces.

"We can't kill it David. We won't if you try to make us, or at least me, we'll leave." Marco growled at him, holding whatever was in the bundle in closer in his arms. David gave him an odd look. Marco growled a feral growl.

"Marco,... Marco what is it?" David had absolutely no idea what was in Marco's arms. He looked to Dwayne. "Dwayne?"

"I agree with Marco on this one." David growled. "Woe dude I'm just saying before anything else. If you let us we will raise it."

"Dwayne, I think he wanted to know what it I-" Paul started as he looked over Marco's shoulder "Well shit! David I agree with them."

"WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?" he roared. All went quiet, then a tiny giggle came from Marco's arms. "Please tell me that was you Marco. Please." he begged right then he under stood the teens words, '"Her name is Rain"'. the bundle was what she was referring to. Not a passenger. Her child.