A/N: Because I'm nice, I thought I'd update everything for Christmas, so here it all is! Merry Christmas! (And if you don't celebrate Christmas, uh, Happy Friday!)P.S. Reviews are the best present I could wish for. (:

Torchwood Fan-fiction. Christmas at the Hub.

The Hub was decorated for Christmas. Tinsel and holly were everywhere. Gwen had insisted. Ianto had argued that it would just gather dust and that someone would have to take it all down. He lost, though Jack had made it up to him later on that night. They'd even gone out and had Christmas dinner together on Christmas Eve. But today was Christmas Day and Jack had sent everyone home. Everyone except Ianto Jones. Ianto had insisted on staying, saying Jack needed some company. It was Christmas, after all. Jack didn't need much persuasion to cave in. It did get extremely lonely on Christmas Days when he gave his staff a day or two off.

They'd sat snuggled up on the little sofa for a while, exchanging presents. Jack had gotten Ianto a coffee mug with 'The Coffee Magician' on it in black lettering. Ianto laughed. He'd given Jack a Christmas tie, which he put on immediately, grinning like it was the best thing in the world. As they were snuggled up, they talked about anything and everything, yet nothing of great interest to anyone other than themselves.

That was until the sirens went off to say there was rift activity. Ianto had reluctantly left the warmth of Jack's strong arms to go and sort it out. As far as Ianto knew, Jack was fiddling about with things in his office. A great help he was. The world could have been ending, and he'd be fiddling about with things in his office. Unlike Owen, of course, who'd want to "shag anyone within a five mile radius" if that happened.

Ianto was frantically tapping at the keyboard, when a message came up on the screen. 'Look behind you.' Ianto sighed.

"This isn't a bloody panto," he muttered, turning around. In front of him was Jack, a sprig of mistletoe in his raised hand, a smile as big as the moon on his face,

"Oh yes it is," he whispered, before kissing Ianto, hard.

Their minds were lust-filled blurs after that.