Disclaimer: If I owned them would I still be writing these?

A/N: The italics are the messages

"Emily reckons she's in love with her boyfriend," Cal Lightman said.

"Reckons Cal?" came the voice of his partner from behind him. "Can't you just accept that she is in love?" Cal turned around to face Gillian Foster complete with soft smile.

"I don't believe in love," he told her. Gillian's smile disappeared at once.

Cal had believed in love once. He had truly believed that he was in love with Zoe, but their divorce had destroyed any notion of that. He had come to the conclusion that it was puppy dog love, a love that didn't really have any strong basis for it. He believed in love in the kind of way that he loved Emily, but he and Gillian weren't talking about that. They were talking about the 'crazy in love' kind of love, the kind that made you do stupid things.

"Sorry I didn't quite hear you there," Gillian said.

"I said I don't believe in love," Cal said firmly. "It's irrational and completely defies the laws of physics."

"Since when have you been rational?" Gillian asked. "And since when have you cared about being rational?"

"Since love became the topic," Cal said, leaning against his desk. "Tell me how do you define love? What is it exactly?"

"You can't," Gillian admitted. "But that doesn't mean it isn't there."

"If you can't define it then it doesn't exist," Cal insisted as he got up. "It can't." Gillian rolled her eyes and followed him out of the office.

It was about a week later that Cal started finding Post-It notes stuck to random places. He found one stuck inside a file that Torres handed him. Love is going to sleep and waiting to wake up beside someone. Another one was stick to the door of his office. Love is doing stupid things because they asked you to. There was a third stuck to his computer. Love is being able to kiss someone intimately without wanting it to go somewhere. He went to get coffee and there was a note stuck inside his cup. Love is doing anything to protect a person. That was just the first morning. It went on for a week before the notes stopped. By that time Cal had started sticking them to his computer monitor, just so he could see them. They were a puzzle, a mystery to figure out. The writing was unlike anything that he'd ever seen. Every note was written in a different style, but the hand was the same. There was something that he could recognise in all of them that made them familiar to him but he couldn't put them together. Then one morning he walked in to his office and there was a note stuck to his chair, one in handwriting that he knew. Love is doing something that you hate because it makes the one you love happy. Cal grinned. Mystery solved. And when Gillian walked past his door later and smiled, he smiled right back. He knew exactly what that smile was for, and he knew that she did too.

"Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." Franklin P. Jones

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