Graduation Approaches

Chapter 8 - Last Chance

Kim Possible is owned by Disney and original creator, not me. This story is property of Mereel Skirata.

Contains girl x girl. Dont like, dont read.

Shego and I slip back into the house as quietly as we can. Shutting the door behind us so that the sound of the departing Global Justice hovercraft is a muffled as possible.

It is the middle of the night, well, more like early morning really and mum and dad are probably asleep. As for the tweebs, you can never be sure. They could be wide awake, designing plans for some new gizmo or something for all I know.

Asleep is exactly where Shego and I want to be as well. As soon as Global Justice rescued us from the collapsed temple, we were whisked back to GJ HQ.

Seems Dr Director wanted to know anything and everything about what happened and wasn't going to let us go until we told her.

I cast a quick glance at Shego. At least she seems calmer now. She had really been getting close to losing her temper with the one eyed woman.

So had I to be honest, but that was more to do with my being tired than anything else.
But I also have to remember what they did for me. Taking care of the bodies of the students that were killed by that creature, making sure that they were returned home.
As well as making sure that their families were informed.

As for Shego, well, sometimes I forget the issues she has with Global Justice. I think it is natural for her to have this distrust of them.
It didn't help that we ran into her mother as we were lead into the conference room.
I could see that she desperately wanted to say something to her daughter, but Shego didn't give her the chance, just storming past her before she could even get a word out.

It's really too late, or early, for us to go to sleep though, so we head for the kitchen.

I stick the kettle on, before grabbing two cups and pouring some instant coffee into the bottom of them.

Shego is rummaging through the fridge, pulling out some cheese and cold meat, before slapping them down next to the bread bin.

"You want a sandwich, Pumpkin? she asks, as she starts to assemble hers.

I shake my head, covering my mouth as I yawn.

"No thanks, Shego. I'll just have some cereal."

All we have left is the sweet sugary stuff the twins like, but at least it will fill a hole.
Between that and the coffee, I'm going to be wired later, but I need the energy now.

Shego has already finished her snack when I join her at the table, and is sitting hunched over her coffee, nose so close, you might think she is planning on inhaling it, rather than drinking it.

I pause; spoon halfway to my mouth as an idea pops into my head.

"Do you want to come to cheer practice with me? It should only be an hour or two, then we could head to Upperton, catch a movie or something."

"Sure. Anything for another chance to see you in that uniform."

Leaving the car parked outside the school, we head over to the gymnasium. It still feels a little weird being here when its deserted, the whole place is just unnaturally quiet. Then again, it is Sunday.

The gym is the only place that isn't empty.
The football team has practice today as well and already raised voices can be heard from inside, along with the crunch of meeting bodies as a player is tackled.

Shego is about to head into the gym proper while I get changed, when I hear a voice behind me.

"Hey, Kim."

I turn, my face hardening a bit. Shego must have noticed, if the way her body has tensed up is any indication.

"Bonnie, what's new?"

She shrugged, playing it cool. But she's not. She has that same look in her eyes that she had when she made a play for cheer captain. Like a predator ready to pounce.

"Nothing much. Looks like the rumour is true though."

I think I know where this is going, but I ask anyway.

"What rumour?"

"The one that says you've given up on guys all together. Guess it's no surprise really, looking at your friends. Monique. That loser Ron. He's not even a guy really. You hang out with so many girls, it's no wonder you became a dyke."

I have too much experience with Bonnie to really take the bait, despite how much her words hurt.
Shego is not so used to it, though. I can almost feel her temper beginning to fray.
And it is pretty close to fraying already. Her fists have tensed. The air over her hands seems to be shimmering, a bit like a heat haze.

So I shrug it off, turning towards the locker room again.

"Whatever, Bonnie. I'm going to get changed."

"Yeah. About that. Some of the team don't feel comfortable with you watching them change."

I can't believe my ears.

"The team don't? Or you don't? Nothing s changed just because I'm gay, Bonnie."

I push the door open, storming into the changing room. As I head to an open locker, I can feel several people watching me warily. All of them are people that hang around with Bonnie, but the whole room feels tense.

I try to ignore it, pulling my uniform out of my bag.

**I watch Kim head into the changing room, Bonnie following close behind her.

She doesn't get through it, though. I thrust my arm out, blocking the doorway.

My eyes meet hers. Hers meet mine. She's trying to stare me down.
The left corner of my mouth twitches in a smirk.
Good luck to her with that.

"Can I help you? I do have things to do, you know."

"Yeah. You can help me. Stay away from Kimmie."

She seems to find this hilarious.

"Kimmie. Kimmie?.."

Whatever she was going to say next, she never gets the chance, as I grab her by the shirt, pulling her towards me.

"You leave her alone, okay. See, I'm not like Kim. She will just let this go. Not me, you do anything to her, you get it back double."

I shove her away, dumping her on her back side, before storming away. I can feel her gaze boring into my back.
I've made an enemy here. But what's one more, really?

I take a seat on the bleachers, a few rows back from the edge of the court and wait for Kim to emerge. Maybe I should have brought a book to kill some time.

Then something happens to attract my attention.

That tramp that was bothering Kim comes strutting out, the majority of the team gathering around her, talking quickly in hushed voices. I can't really make out what they are saying, but I can guess it either has something to do with Kim or my altercation with her.

The team breaks as Kimmie arrives, and they start running through a series of routines.
Their concentration seems to be a little off, though. Not enough for them to make any mistakes, but they all keep glancing in Kim's direction. And mine.

Especially when they think I'm not looking.
And the expressions are not friendly.

I lay back on the bleachers, head resting on the hard wood, eyes closed. Well, almost. My left eye is open a little. They are staring more openly now, some with curiosity, some obviously uncomfortable.

It doesn't bother me. I'm used to people not being sure about me.

But just let them do or say anything to Kimmie. Just thinking about what that bitch said to Kim makes me angry again. Almost angry enough to make me do something that I might, well, not regret. But something that I would get in trouble for. I just can't fry her, no matter how much I might like too.

Strange how having someone you love, and who loves you, can make you change the way you see life.

Looking back to before I started living with Kim, it feels like another life, really.

Maybe I was the one who could do anything.
'Cause I could. No consequence seemed to matter. I would steal, hurt, even kill. And it would make no difference, cause I really had nothing to lose. Even if I was arrested, I knew I would break out eventually. Then everything would be back to the way it was.

But then Kimmy came into my life, and something changed. I did have something to lose. Something to miss. At first I think it was fighting her. She was the only one that could give me any kind of a challenge.

But then I realised I was starting to miss her. And now she's changed everything. I have something to really lose. Her. If I steal, or kill, then I will be taken away from her. And I couldn't stand that.

But I'll make an exception if anyone tries to take her away from me.

Kim bounding up the bleachers pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Lets go, Shego."

I stand, using her proffered hand to get back to my feet, before leaning in, softly kissing her lips.

"Thank you." I whisper.

I'm sitting in the passenger seat, as Kim drives us out of Middleton, turning onto the freeway. It's the quickest way to Upperton.

She's been biting her lip absent mindedly ever since we set off, as if something is bothering her.

And I can guess what.

I pat her hand gently, as it rests on the gear stick.

"Don t let what they said get to you, Pumpkin."

I want her to forget about things like that, as Kim turns the car into the driveway that leads to the cinema.

I just want to relax for now and enjoy this time with her.

Having got the tickets, and now armed with a jumbo sized tub of popcorn and two sodas, all that's left to do is wait for the film to start.

I grab a handful, as we sit down, the trailers already rolling.

I don't really know what we are seeing. Kim described it as an action/thriller, so at least it won't be boring.

The feature begins, and I snuggle up to Kim, watching the first scene. The image flickers for a second, then stabilises. Problem with projector maybe.

Strange, it looks more like a sci-fi, with all those strange machines in the background.
The shot is very static, as well. I would have thought it would pan or something.

Then Kim and I both sit bolt upright in our seats, as a figure walks into view.


He has his usual smug expression, the one he always wears when he has a new scheme in the works.

"People of the world. My name is Dr Drakken. For too long has the world mocked me. Too long has..."

I drown him out, as Kim pulls out the Kimmunicator, punching the button that will connect her to Dr Director. The rest of the audience is watching the screen with degrees of interest and concern.

I pull out my communicator as well, linking through to Wade. I guess Kim will want him in on this.

He responds first.
"Shego? You seeing this too?"

"Yeah. It's hijacked a cinema. You?"

"it's on my computer. And TV. And radio. And iPod. And I can't shut it down."

"So you've got Drakken surround sound, huh. You're not the only one, according to GJ. It's all over the world."

"Yeah. Luckily, I can work around it. I can t shut it off, but I still can access other programs. I'll try to find a way to trace whatever signal he's using. I'll get back to you when I know something else."

The signal cuts out, just in time for me to catch the next part of Drakken's monologue.

"So, if the leaders of the world do not accept my demands, the consequences will be dire.
Courtesy of this device."

The image changes with another burst of static, revealing a tall cylindrical device, seeming made of glass, with a large grill on the front.

Drakken's voice continues, even though he is no longer visible.

"if my demands are not met, this device will remove all of this planets breathable atmosphere. You have two days to comply.
Of course, if any teen do-gooders or ex-sidekicks want to try and stop me, then you are more than welcome to try."

The transmission ends in one last burst of static. A horrific screeching burst that has everyone clapping their hands over their ears.

I get a return call from Wade a few minutes after the sound has faded.

That last burst of static was actually a powerful energy pulse, that Wade was able to track the source. And Drakkens location.

But it sounds too easy. He thinks so, too.

"Shego, you realise this is a trap, right? He wants you two to go?"

"Yeah. But Kimmie will go anyway. And I can't let her go alone."

"That s what I thought. Tell Kim to come by my house first, okay?"

Kimmie has finished her call as I hang up mine.

I let her speak first, "Global Justice has tracked Drakken's position. That last burst of static was an energy pulse, which gave them a clear Reading."

"Yeah. Wade said the same thing. He also thinks it was too easy. That Drakken wants to be found. Kimmie, you know this is a trap. Just as I know you're going after him. And I'm coming with you."

"Shego, you don't..."

"And don't you finish that thought, Kim. I am not letting you take on Warmonger by yourself. Not to mention whatever Drakkens been able to cobble together from all her alien tech. Even he could make something that could give us a bad day. Anyway, Wade said he wanted you to swing passed place."

The door opens as we approach. For a second I though that Wade was watching us on his computer and had opened it for us, but instead I nearly collide with a plump lady with very bushy hair. She is carrying something that looks like bin bags. Huh. They are. Looks like she is taking out the trash.

Her gaze slid over me, before settling on Kimmie.

"Hi, Kim. Go on up. Wade's in his room."

Kim gives me a quizzical glance sideways as we climb the stairs.

"You look surprised."

"No. Yeah. Was that Nerdlingers mum? I kinda had the impression that .. I dunno. That he lived in a bunker or something. You know. Spends all day trawling the Internet. Never leaves his room. Hasn't seen the light of day for years."

Kim laughs at that.
"Well, his room isn't quite a bunker, but the rest is pretty close. See for yourself."

Kim pushes the door open and we step inside. No the room is not a bunker. But it comes closer than any other room I've seen.

The Walls just feel thick. Maybe the lack of natural light has something to do with that. The only source is a small skylight high above my head. Not that the place isn't well lit. A series of fluorescent tubes mounted on the Walls take care of that. But the place feels solid.

But it also has the feel of a teen boy s bedroom. No posters cover the black Walls, but dotted around the room are model kits and stacks of comic books. Looks like some of that anime stuff.

In the shadows at the back, two human sized shapes, minus heads.

"Hey, Kim. Shego. Here's what I ve got. I tracked Drakkens signal to a point in the middle of the Pacific ocean. Satellite images of the area don't show anything on the surface of the water, or in the air. So, I'm guessing he s got an underwater base set up. Do you agree, Dr Director?"

Glancing at the screen, I see that GJ Chief has joined the conversation by webcam.

"That seems a reasonable assumption."

She pauses for a second, turning to look at something out of the cameras frame, before returning her attention to us.

"Kim, I have a hovercraft on its way to you. It will take you to rendezvous with an assault team, which will help you to get into Drakkens base. ETA: fifteen minutes."

Kim nods her understanding, before the link is closed.

"Fifteen minutes. Too late to get my mission gear." She glances down at her t-shirt and jeans. "And I really like this outfit, too. It's going to get ruined."

I'm not really keen to fight in civvies either, but we don't have much choice.

Wade stands, heading towards the shadowy objects I noticed earlier.
"Maybe we can avoid the fashion disaster. I ve got something better than your mission gear."

With a triumphant smile, he flicks a switch, triggering a series of lights directed at them.

I'm not sure who is more surprised, me or Kim. She is the first one to say it though.

"Wade, you fixed the battlesuit?"

" Not just fixed. Improved. It's lighter. More resistant. Greater strength increase. Plus, check the new stealth mode."

The suit flickers for a few seconds, vanishes, the reappears again.

I am still staring at the second suit, almost identical to the first, except it has the same colours and design as my jumpsuit.
Looking closer, I see that the gloves are tipped with the usual claws that I favour.

"Same for mine, I guess?"

"Almost. I had to remodel the circuitry in the gloves a bit to adapt to your powers, so you can't catch energy like Kim does. But they will focus your plasma, giving you a really fine beam if you need it. Oh, yeah. You both have a built in shield generator as well. But the battery won't last long. I'm still working on that."

Kim and I change in the bathroom. It's a bit cramped, but we are able to dump our clothes and redress in the battlegear.

I flex my arms experimentally, before throwing a few punches. I shoot Kim an apologetic grin as one comes close to her head. This shouldn't hamper my fighting any.
It does feel a bit tight, but I guess I'll get used to that.

"Not bad. Credit to Nerdlinger, I guess. Shame they take so long to change into, though."

"This isn't a comic book, Shego. I can't just press a button on the Kimmunicator and have it appear."

"Maybe not. Maybe that should be the next upgrade, huh? I bet he could do it."

"Maybe. Anyway, the hovercraft should be here now."

Kim s right. It is sitting outside, hatch open, drives idling. The hum they are giving off tickles my sinuses a bit.

One of the crew leans out of the vehicle, beckoning us over.

We board, taking our seats. Our colourful outfits stand out a bit amongst the drab black of the GJ troops. They are all sitting ramrod straight in the shock chairs, helmet in their lap, rifle cradled in their arms.

I secure my belt, feeling the chassis vibrate as the drives kick up to full power.

The agent that directed us aboard has taken the seat to the right of me.

"Ms Possible. Ms Go.."

I cut him off. " Shego."

"Shego. We should be regrouping with the rest of the task force in thirty minutes. From there, it is another hour to the target site.
The plan is for the rest of the troops to go in first, creating a distraction and getting to the doomsday device if they can. Regardless of their success, we launch last and come at it from a different route. Hopefully, all the guards will be drawn away from us."

"Sounds good to me. You guys take the fire, while we slip in. Yep. I'm liking this plan."

Kim fixes me with a stare. Even though her voice is almost level, I can tell she is upset.

"Shego. Some of these guys," she indicates the troops around us with a sweep of her arm," some of them could die doing that. Does that not matter to you?"

"Yes, it does. But Two things matter to me more. Getting to Drakken and stopping his mad scheme. And, more importantly, getting you and me out alive. And the quicker we do that, the less chance anyone will die. Okay?"

Kim nods. "Okay."

it is a quiet flight after that. No one really has anything to say. I doze lightly, small sounds like the co-pilot announcing course changes and weather updates to the pilot washing over me.

Until a voice floods out of the pa system.

"Target zone in five minutes. Repeat, eta five minutes."

The troops quickly attach their helmets, dropping the Plexiglas visors into place, readying their rifles.

The craft is now shimmering with an almost tangible tension.

Updates from the other craft are coming in.

"HC1 descending now. HC 2 on approach. HC 3 dec...Hold. Scanner contact. Incoming from 10 o clock. Weapons fire. All craft, evade."

Silence follows for a few seconds, as I'm thrown violently into Kim, as the craft pitches.
I can hear something pinging off the hull though, as my head is almost pressed against it.

Then the pilot s voice comes again.
"HC1 lost. HC2 crippled. HC 3 and HC 4 flanking target. The base is equipped with laser turrets sir. The lead craft are dropping counter measures. I've plotted a course around to the rear of the facility."

"Alright, close in now. All troops, stand to. "

As one, they rise, stacking up by the hatch, one with his hand on the actuator, ready to open it.

The first one on the other side is pulling something from his backpack. Several blocks of a greyish White substance. Plastic explosive if I'm right.

The craft shudders and for a second I think we've been hit. But, as the hatch slides open, revealing a smooth panel of metal, I realise that it was just us slide to a stop against the wall of the base.

The soldiers quickly place the plastic against the wall with the practiced ease of those who have done this many times, before standing clear to let the hatch close again. The timers are already counting down to zero. The ship shakes again and a muffled whump can be heard as the explosive detonates. Waiting for a count of five, one of the troops checks that the seal keeping the water at bay is still intact, before opening the hatch again.
The section of wall is gone, revealing a near dark corridor littered with debris.

The officer orders his troops inside, then turns back to look at us. Or where we had been standing. As the hatch had begun to open for the second time, we had both activated our Stealth Modes. No sense in letting Drakken see where we are.

Drawing his sidearm, he gives one last order to the pilot before racing into the complex. We follow, stopping outside the ship to let the troops get a bit further ahead.

We have both noticed a flaw with the Stealth Mode, though. I don't think Nerdlinger really designed it to be used by two people, since I can't see Kim and I guess she can't see me either. Luckily she had grabbed my hand before we both went invisible, so I do know where she is. It's strange. I can feel her hand against mine. Even hear her breathing if I listen hard enough. But I can't see her.

I whisper, just in case anyone is listening. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some form of surveillance equipment somewhere in this place.

"Which way do you think, Kim?"

There is a brief pause, in which I guess she is checking out the surroundings. We are standing at a four way intersection and, who ever built this place, had very helpfully put up no signs or directions.

"Not sure. Why don't we follow the troops for now. They're bound to get found at some point. Then we just track those forces back the way they came. That should get us to something."

I don't have anything better to go with, so we jog after them, making sure to keep a distance from them.

They haven t gone far before they encounter the first bit of resistance. Not Drakkens usual henchmen. Maybe he's laid them off?

But, and this isn't difficult, the robots they have been replaced with do seem more effective. The central body is shaped like a saucer, with four crab like legs extending from it. A large glowing lens like eye on the front of each one pulses rapidly, as they identify their targets. I think it might also be a weapon.

As they exchange fire, we sneak past. Moving away from the battle, trying to find where the robots came from.

When a door slides open, revealing Warmonger. Her eyes slide over the part of the corridor we are walking along, before focusing on the fire fight.

She moves fast. But not at the troops. Her arm lashes out, catching Kim in the chest. Or I guess so, hearing her cry out. Her hand is torn from my grip. Something hits the wall and Kim reappears, the stealth field flickering a few times before failing all together.

Warmonger smiles mockingly at Kim.

"Did you think you had snuck in? Warmonger could hear you whispering at the other end of this complex. I can even hear your friend breathing, right over there."

Scarily, she points right at me. No sense in hiding then. Kim is recovering. I just need to buy her a few seconds. I charge straight at her, letting my plasma encase my hands. She might hear me coming, but she can't see where I am throwing my punches.

She doesn't need to, cart wheeling backwards as I get close, my first swing missing by miles. She lands in a fighting stance, legs spread, beckoning me forward with one hand, crooking her finger tauntingly.

That's when a trio of plasma blasts smash into her; one catching her in the head, the other two in the chest. They only seem to drive her back a bit though.

"Ah yes. Warmonger forgot you could do that. No matter."

swiftly and smoothly, she pulls some kind of weapon from her belt, firing a volley at me. I run, hearing the alien energy blasting holes in the floor where I had been standing.

Then Kim jumps past me, catching one of the blasts, sending it directly back the way it came, bowling it like a baseball.

I skid to a stop, adding more of my fire into the mix. The hits only stagger Warmonger though. But Kim uses that distraction to dodge around to her side, launching a jump kick at her head. That fazes her, snapping her head back. I see a few drops of blood go flying from her mouth now opened in an o of pain. Kim lands again, a quick combo of punches hitting Warmongers torso.

Kim is resting gingerly on the leg that she kicked with, I noticed. That's an improvement though. The last time she kicked Warmonger, she broke her ankle doing it. Kim leaps at her again, punching and kicking, trying to slip a blow in. Warmonger has gone defensive though. Bringing her arms up to block Kim s strikes. She is being driven back, at least. No, she's drawing Kim in. As Kim moves for a right hook, Warmonger catches her wrist, squeezing it and spinning her around, using that momentum and turning it into a spin kick. It connects, but not with Kim. Rather with the glowing blue energy of the suits force field. Knowing we have to keep wearing her down, I attack, as does Kim. Yet, Warmonger is keeping up with us, moving really fast for someone so big. Ducking under, or spinning aside from our blows. And the ones we do seem to land are barely fazing her.

As both Kim and I dive back to avoid a savage roundhouse, something flashes between us and Warmonger. I glance over at the squad of GJ, no two squads of troops. One must have joined up with the other and cut through the robots. Now they are opening up on Warmonger with everything they have. Round after round is slamming into her, and both Kim and I are relieved to see her falter, her knees wobbling as she tries to keep on her feet.

But then the troops have to reload. And Warmonger is more than ready to take advantage of the respite. She draws a small length of metal from the back of her belt, which quickly extends to a staff with vicious prongs on both ends, purple energy flowing over them.

As they open fire again, she starts to spin it in front of her, creating a vortex of energy that the rounds just splash harmlessly against.

The disintegrating shells are raising such a cloud of dust that we can barely see Warmonger. The fire stops again, as they reload for a second time. Warmonger seems determined not to give them a third, bending her powerful legs and launching at them. She lands, bringing her staff down on the head of the nearest trooper. His helmet cracks like an egg, pieces flying everywhere as he collapses sideways, blood streaming down his face.

The one to his right tries to bring his weapon to bear, but not before Warmonger drives the point of her staff right through his chest, leaving him skewered on the end for a second, before kicking him backwards into the troops that were trying to retreat to a better fire position, knocking them down.

She spins her staff, holding it across her body, one tip resting on her shoulder, the other a few inches above her feet.

Then one tip vanishes in a burst of green light, flying away as the shaft is snapped.

The other follows it closely.
With a snarl, Warmonger tosses the useless weapon to the floor, before advancing on me.

She doesn t get very close.

"Fire in the hole."

The words have barely left the soldiers mouth before Warmonger is engulfed in a burst of flame and dust. Another grenade follows the first.

I would have been caught to if I hadn't got my energy shield up in time.

The sounds of the overlapping explosions fade, as does the smoke. Warmonger is crouching in a blackened circle on the floor. Her skin is burned on her arms and she has numerous bits of shrapnel imbedded in her face, but that seems to be the worse of her injuries.

She stands, a bit shakily, and Kim and I ready ourselves to fight her again.

But strangely, she turns and runs away from us.

The leader of the squad of troopers approaches us, while behind him, the others treat their wounds. The body of the one that was stabbed through the chest has been moved to one side.

"Ms Possible. The other teams have located Dr Drakken. They are assaulting his location now, but we believe that is where Warmonger is heading."

The corridor outside the central chamber is literally a warzone. GJ troops are exchanging fire with Drakken's war droids. We arrive a few seconds after Warmonger expecting her to dive into the line of troops.

She doesn't. Instead she crashes through them, rushing into the room where Drakken is hiding.

Kim and I dive behind the shattered hulk of one of the robots, dodging a blast aimed at us. More crash into the metal carcass, throwing up little shards of shrapnel.

Our backs are pressed against the charred metal, feeling it shake with every impact.

Bullets and energy blasts are whipping back and forth over our heads.

Kim puts her head right next to mine, so I can hear her over the noise, so close that I can feel her breath on my cheek.

"We have to get in there. If Drakken thinks he'll lose, he'll activate that device."

"Right. Do you think these shields will last that long?"

"I don't know. We'll just have to risk it. They certainly won't do us much good if there is no air for us to breath."

"Can't argue with that, Princess."

we both rise at the same time, stepping up on the robot we had been using as a shield, jumping off it, launching ourselves forward, landing on the head of the next robot. Kim summersaults off it straight away, heading for the next one. I don't, taking a few seconds to slash at one of its legs. My claws and plasma cutting through it easily.
As it tips forward, I have to jump off, and I can't really look where I am going. Unfortunately, that means I land in front of another robot. Unfortunately for it. My plasma rips through its head. I duck under it's body, before it crashes to the ground, running over to meet Kim. We are only a few paces away from the door now, and it only takes a few more steps to reach it.

The room on the other side is dark, dark like Drakkens lair used to be. We can just make his silhouette on the other side of the room.

Not that he is trying to hide. Walking forward out of the shadows as we approach, Warmonger a few paces behind him.

"How nice of you to join me, for the last moments of your lives. You see, I have already activated the atmospheric nullified. Within minutes all of this place will be a vacuum. I hope you can hold your breath for a really long time. Warmonger, get them."

She doesn't appear to hear him. Some strange sounds can be heard coming from her wrist, or the device she wears there. It sounds like gibberish to me.

She notices when Kim and I flying kick her in the chest though, knocking her to the ground again, following her as she staggers back.
I lash out with both hands, claws and plasma easily cutting through her clothing, leaving ten deep slashes on her torso.

As she reels from that, Kim grabs her arms trying to wrestle the staff from her grip.

I try to help, only to get a knee in the chest for my efforts.

The impact sends me flying backwards, landing on my butt. I can taste blood in my mouth. And it hurts to breath.

And Kim is still grappling with Warmonger, slowly being driven back as the large woman extends her arms.

With a violent shove Kim s grip is broken and she stumbles, her feet getting tangled up, sprawling her on the floor.

With a savage grin, Warmonger spins her staff over her head, stopping it so that the cruel blades are pointed at Kim s back.

Terror fills my body and I feel my power surge. My hands glow brighter than they ever have. The blast is so powerful that it knocks Warmonger clean off her feet, her staff clattering near Kim s legs.

Like I'm going to let this she-thing walk in here and kill Kimmie.

Kim is getting her senses back, glancing over at Drakken and the device he is still standing next to.
Given how much it is whirring, we can have long.

Kim must realise that too. Tottering back to her feet, she grabs the staff, managing an unsteady half run, half stagger towards it.

Either she doesn't hear my scream or just ignores it, I don't know.
But I scream anyway.

And again, as she drives the point of the alien weapon straight into the large grill on the front plate of the device.

Nothing happens for a few seconds, then it is Kim's turn to scream as electricity flows from it and up her arms.

With a loud, horrible crack, she is thrown backwards, landing a few feet away from me, not moving.

The pain in my chest stabbing with every step, not that I really register it, I run to Kim s side.
Her hair is standing on end and her hands are blackened where she was holding the staff.

Everything else around me, Drakken shouting, GJ troops streaming past me, fades into the background as the sight of Kim s chest not moving fills my eyes. Tears fill the corners of my eyes as I think she might be dead.

I don't even really register Warmonger getting back to her feet, grabbing Dr Drakken and running away, smashing through the walls as easily as she did the soldiers.

I push them down, pressing a hand against her throat. I can still feel a pulse, but she needs oxygen.

Pulling Kim s mouth open, I press my lips against hers, breathing three long breaths into her.

I draw in another gulp of air, then try again.
And again.

After the third try, Kim gives a long hacking cough as she draws in air by herself, spittle hitting my face. I don't care, she could throw up on me right now and I wouldn't give a damn.

The tears come in huge torrents as I see her chest rise and fall.

I bury my head in her hair, letting the sobs come now.

After a few minutes, in which I am aware of nothing but having Kim here, I can finally speak.

"You brave little hero."

I don't know why I said that, but my body is pumping adrenaline and I felt I just had to say something. And that was what first came to mind.

Kim s voice is very weak, but clear.

"That s why you love me."

The unit commander places his hand on my shoulder. "Shego, we have to go. Dr Drakken has escaped and I have men that need medical attention. Attention that Ms Possible could do with."

I nod, standing.
Kim tries to as well, but I won't let her walk, scooping her into my arms.

Back in the hovercraft, I settle Kim down on a seat, letting the medics take a look at her.

Not that there is much they can do here, except bandage her hands and give her some pain killers.

They still want to get her checked out at a hospital, just in case. That much electrical current could have damaged her heart.

As it turns out, the closest hospital is Middleton General and we are already on route.

At least we won't have to get another flight home.

The hovercraft lands on the roof and the wounded are offloaded. The critical cases are rushed away immediately, the lifts carrying them down to the operating rooms.

Which leaves the walking wounded to walk, appropriately? Well, I walk. I still refuse to let Kim.

The young doctor escorts down two floors to a half empty ward.

It feels more welcoming than the ER down at ground level, maybe due to the warm colours it has been painted, but it still feels too much like a hospital to me.

I have barely helped Kim change into the gown she was given and helped her climb into the bed, letting the nurse set up the monitors, when the door bursts open.

"Private room, my ass. More like doctors coming in an out any time they please."

I sigh, burying that retort, turning to stare at the newcomer.

My heart skips a beat, as my eyes lock onto a familiar mass of orange hair.

Anne's face is a mix between fear and relief, as she walks over to her daughter, fiercely hugging her.

I can't miss her reactions as she sees the burns though.
She is a doctor. Even if she hasn't been told what happened, I'm sure she knows what caused them.

Apparently the doctors don't think Kim's heart was damaged, but they want to keep her in for a few more days, just to be sure.

Anne hugs Kim again, then, unexpectedly hugs me.

I wasn't expecting it and can't stop the hiss of pain slipping past my lips.

Both doctors stare at me, but it is Kim who speaks.

"Shego, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a bit bruised."
I lie quickly.

I don't think they buy it though, as Kim's doctor leads me to the chair in the corner of the room.

"Really? My dear, Shego, is it? How many years of medical training do you have?"

"None." I snap back. "What do you think."

Strangely he isn't put off by my tone.
He just continues speaking in that annoying polite voice.

"Correct. My name is Dr Muhammad, head of cardiology. I have been a doctor for almost twenty five years. And if you don't have at least two broken ribs, then I will eat my medical license. So, just let me look."

I'm going to tell him to shove it, but Kim worried face changes my mind and I submit to the exam.

How she can shrug of the fact that she was electrocuted and worry about something as simple as a cracked rib is beyond be.

Annoyingly, the doctor is right and so now I'm laid up next to Kim.
I have been ordered to rest and since I refused to go home, they wheeled in another bed for me. Anne's insistence that I wouldn't rest at home, since I would be worrying about Kim, helped to swing it.

I want to stay up and watch over Kim, but I can feel sleep creeping up on me and I can't fight it. The doctors didn't want to give me any pain killers, but they did give me something to help me sleep and I can feel it kicking in.

Suddenly, a thought pops into my head.

"Hey, Kim, where did Warmonger go?"

But I don't get an answer, as Kim is already asleep.

Global Justice Headquarters

Dr Director is sitting hunched over her desk, just staring at the screen of her terminal, when a knock on her door can be heard.

She presses a button on her desk and it slides open.

Will Du strides in, ramrod straight as usual.

He places a memory stick on his COs desk.

"We have the translation of the message Warmonger received. It just says 'We have found it. We have found it ll

"And could we track it."

"Yes, Doctor. It came from an object orbiting Jupiter. We also tracked Warmongers ship on a heading for Jupiter. Whatever was found must be very important to her. And if it is important to her, then..."

"Then it could be very bad for us. Yes, I realise that. But really, what are the odds that whatever she wants has anything to do with Earth? Still, we should still continue with the plan. Did we get what we wanted?"

"Yes, Doctor. There was more than enough Lowardian technology left behind. Coupled with our understanding of the previous samples, we should quickly see some results. When will we be informing Ms Possible?"

"Agent Du, Global Justice cannot keep running to one teen hero for every little thing. Besides, I think she's done enough for us. Now, send a message to the lab for them to start. Dismissed."

once Agent Du had left, Dr Director returned to staring at her screen and the image it showed. An image Jupiter. Dozens of black specks were spread all over it's surface, specks that the computer was tracking.

A number in the bottom corner showing a total. 134.

"I hope we have enough time."

Okay. Thats it for Graduation Approaches. Hope you all enjoyed it.

Next up will be Graduation, or my take on it anyway.

Once again, reviews and comments are welcomed.

That you to everyone who commented. You are all lovely and wonderful.