Author's Notes

Before anyone reads this story. Please take these facts into consideration. This story obviously doesn't follow the original storyline. Obviously because, the Star Fox team are in high school together, including Krystal; she's the new girl at school: P

Fox's parents, James and Vixy, are both still alive and happy, and it's the 2nd year at high school. The best 4 years of your life eh? Well, thing's might get crazy here! Miyu and Fay are in here as well, and many more characters will show up to give the *Future* team some of the best moments of their lives. And now, on with the story!


Fox's alarm went off, precisely at 7 in the morning, just as it did every morning, no matter what time of the year it was. But he dreaded today as he awakened, he was perfectly aware of what today meant, and already hated it. He heard his mother speak to him through the door.

"Fox honey, it's time to get up, you don't want to be late for your first day of school now."

Fox grumbled as he got out of bed, and stretched a bit; letting out a tired yawn. Fox wasn't, and never would be; a morning person. He sniffed through his nose strongly, trying to wake up yet again, he grabbed the towel that was placed near his bedside, and opened the door to take a morning shower, to see his mother standing in the doorway.

Vixy looked up to her now 16 year old son, a few inches taller then her. Fox was a handsome young man, she smiled happily at the sight of her son, if only he had a girlfriend now…his fur was a bit lighter then her own, her's being a dark brown, Fox's fur was about the same shade of orange red as his fathers, strangely enough.

"Excuse me mom." Fox politely told his mother, and made his way around her; heading for the bathroom. Vixy hummed happily, heading down the hallway to make her son a healthy breakfast. Fox studied his figure in the mirror, he still wore a grumpy expression, but of course; all kids dreaded the first day of school, and many more dreaded the entire year. But Fox liked school, if he sat around his house all day, eventually he would get bored.

But Fox was a very responsible young man, he; being the only one out of his group of friends to have a license at 16, most kids he knew didn't even have their permit yet, at his age. Fox was a very active kid, you couldn't get him to sit down for more then half an hour, whether it was chores, playing sports outside, or going for a jog; he had to keep moving. He took a quick shower, wanting to look acceptable to his friends and the school kids.

After brushing his teeth, he quickly got out of the bathroom, and into his room; looking for something to wear that day. He found his dark basketball shorts and threw those on, followed by his original dark tank top. He then took off the navy blue sweater off of his hall tree and headed out his door; grabbing a pair of socks on his dresser before exiting.

He went down the hallway that lead to his kitchen on the left, and the living room on the right. His father was sitting at the kitchen table, reading the morning paper; occasionally taking sips from his morning coffee. He looked over to Fox as he came in and went into the kitchen, about to make breakfast, but then took the platter of food his mother had made him.

"Good morning Fox, ready for school? Man, you're already a sophomore."

"Oh, morning dad. Yea I know, I can't believe how fast high school is going." Fox took a seat right next to his father, and digged into his morning breakfast, Vixy grabbed a cup of coffee and joined on the opposite side of James.

"I hope you enjoyed it so far Fox, high school is the best four years of your life. You meet new people, have a blast in school." He paused and looked over to Vixy, grabbing her paw with his own, as they exchanged gentle smiles. Vixy answered for James, knowing what he was going to say.

"And the best part is, you find that special someone. You know, high school sweethearts." They shared a gentle chuckle as Vixy finished up her sentence; Fox only rolled his eyes as he took a healthy swallow from his milk. For some reason or another, his parents were really hooked of Fox bringing a lady home with him. As if, they wouldn't be happy unless he got a girlfriend.

But Fox, even for his young age; was very mature. He didn't think he was quite ready to have such an…intimate level with someone. Besides he was only sixteen, there was plenty of time for that type of thing when he got older. He quickly finished his breakfast when he got a glance at the clock. It was now 7:45, and school started at 8:15. He got up and quickly rinsed off his dishes, and laid them into the sink.

"I gotta run, bye mom. Bye dad, see ya later!" He grabbed his backpack that was sitting near the front door, and his car keys that were sitting on the kitchen desk, and bolted out the door.

"Bye Fox, have a good first day!" His mother yelled out to him at the front door as he got into his car. He backed up, and waved to her as he drove down the road. He quickly pressed play on the cd section of his car stereo, and his favorite band began playing. Normally, Fox would have no problems being on time for school, but today was different, he was having to pick up Falco, Miyu and Fay for the first day at school.

He drove for about ten minutes, finally reaching Falco's home, honking his horn immediately. Just a moment later, Falco bolted out the door, dressed similar how Fox was, his mother waving goodbye to him, she looked over to Fox with a happy smile.

"Bye Fox! Thanks for picking up Falco today, drive safely!"

"No problem Mrs. Lombardi." Falco gave his mother one last wave goodbye, and they were heading down the road, onto Miyu's house. Time was ticking; it was a good thing Miyu and Fay lived right next to one another.

"What's up bud? Thanks for the ride, this is so awesome, how many people have their licenses at our age?" Falco asked his vulpine friend, with a goofy smile. He was true, Fox was only a sophomore, and was legally driving by himself and with friends.

"Yea, it's not too bad, what's your excuse for not having yours?" Fox kidded with Falco; ending his good mood, and gave him an annoyed look as he turned back facing the windshield.

"Hmph, come on man. You know how lazy I am." Fox let out a small laugh, knowing Falco was indeed right.

"Yea, I know. Oh well." Falco was a lot like Fox, and was the source of their strong friendship, but of course; they've been friend ever since elementary school. Falco was a sports guy, never doing real well in school, grade wise. But he was always the star player of any sport he participated in, behind Fox.

Fox was pretty much the perfect student. Was very sporty, always had straight A's in school, was handsome to the ladies. He was a kind and gentle young man. Had his own car, due to holding down a job, being employee of the month even a few times, everyone knew Fox at school, including the higher classmen; and respected him. But the icing on the cake was probably due to the fact his father was famous in the system; you couldn't go to a street corner and find nobody who knew of James and Vixy McCloud.

But Fox really didn't care, feeling as though it wasn't all that important right now, he was only sixteen; going to a simple high school. In due truth, he didn't like all the attention he was getting. Sure he got nice comments from the students, teachers, staff, everybody. But some took it a little too far, almost worshiping him as a god; mainly the ladies.

Fox lost himself in his thoughts, and nearly kept on driving past Miyu and Fay's house, where the two young ladies were waiting for them, each wearing a blank stare as he was driving past them. They ran up to the car, and each got in the back seat from opposite sides.

"Morning guys, thanks for the ride." Miyu thanked them nicely, mainly Fox; as he was doing all the work. Fox looked back to her, and exchanged gentle smiles; he studied her figure for a moment. She was dressed in nice long blue pants, with a cute pink tank top and a cerulean blue sweater; matching her eyes. Fox looked over to Fay, who was a little more…well prepared then Miyu was. Fay was in all pink, practically a ball gown for the first day of school, but Fox shrugged it off.

"Hey ladies, so ready for the first day of school?" Falco asked sarcastically. Fay only pouted and let out a sad sigh.

"Oh please, don't remind me." They all shared a gentle laugh, they were just mere minutes away from the school now, and their torment would begin. Going from class, after class, after class, to lunch, then to more classes. Miyu did very well in school, just as Fox did. Fay kept strong, but was never the Ace, but at least she did better then Falco did. Miyu was very sporty; Fay was very preppy, always full of spunk and happiness.

Fox turned into the student parking section of the Shooting Star High School. Sure a little corny, but school all together. It got its name; due to the system wide army was on Corneria. He parked into his assigned spot, and they all got out, heading as a group to the front doors of the school. As they walked by, they got many nice comments, from last years classmates. Most of them directed towards Fox.

They walked up the stairs of the front doors of the school, a group of girls towards their right; they looked over to Fox, wearing cute smiles, the leader of the group talked sweetly to the handsome vulpine.

"Hey Fox, you look real cute this morning." The vixen talked to the taller vulpine in a seductive tone, Fox replied back nervously. He knew this girl well; she had tried to get together with Fox many times.

"Uh, hey Jessie thanks. You look pretty." The group of girls giggled as Fox and his friends continued walking through the front door. Miyu shot her an evil glare right as they entered the doors, Jessie giving it right back to her. Miyu had a crush on Fox, as so did many other girls. But in Fox's eyes, Miyu was different, they had known each other sense childhood, and spent a lot of time together. She came over often just to hang out with Fox; they even had movie night Friday.

But of course, she never told him; and Fox was too oblivious at the moment to figure it out. Only Fay knew, she had told Miyu many times to approach Fox and tell him how she felt, but she could just never do it. If Fox said yes, then they would be together, if not; well at least they still had their friendship…

They walked to the Cafeteria, where they would pick up their schedules, after doing so; they looked around each others, and were happy that they shared many classes together. They found their lockers, the combination written on the same sheets as their schedules. Falco and Fox were locker partners, just as Miyu and Fay were; as they requested, their lockers right next to one another.

"Good morning Fox, my you're quite stunning today." He looked to his left at the sound of his name, to see another classmate from last year talking to him. A cute calico feline.

"Oh, hey Alyssa, morning, uh thanks." He gave back to her nervously, she only giggled happy at the vulpine's nervous reaction. She walked away, humming happily. Fox then remembered that there was an assembly today. They all walked down the hallway that leads to a corridor. It leads them outside and to the gym, that was its own separate building, they entered and went to the right side. Freshman and sophomore's were on the right, juniors and seniors were on the left.

They walked down the stairs as a group, and walked across the side of the basketball court, trying to find a small area where they could sit together. They eventually found one, way up in the top of the center bleachers. Fox received many sly looks from the girls, as well as a lot of nice comments from the guys, he really didn't like all this attention; he wanted to be treated as a normal student did, but no such luxury was available for him.

The students all got quiet as the principal of the school, a pink furred rabbit; spoke into the microphone.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Well it's the start of another fantastic year at Shooting Star High. First I just want to say it's great to be back." She started out her speech, about thirty minutes later; she was finished, and dismissed the students. Fox and the group made their way down onto the gym floor, as they broke apart. Though they had many classes together, only Fox and Miyu shared the first class together.

"I'll see ya all later." Fay departed and headed for her first class. Falco threw his school bag over his shoulder, and let out a sad sigh.

"Well, let the torment begin." He walked off zombie liked, as Fox and Miyu laughed and walked off in a different direction, heading to their first class. They went out of the gym and headed for the modulars on the other side of the school, talking about what each other did for their summer. English was their first class, they entered the door feeling great; feeling as if the first day was going to go by smoothly.

Author's notes

Well, whatch'a think? I think it's got a pretty good start ;), though I'm not sure if I'm officially going to write this or not, I have already two other works I'm on, and helping out a bud frequently, I might be apart of his story writing, not sure. Maybe if this becomes an easy favorite, I'll continue it! But sooner or later! I'll continue onwards!

Thanks again!

