I could give you a million reasons as to why this chapter took so long, but I'll just stick to recently I have been feeling like my Muse has left me. I haven't been updating on my other fanfictions nor have I been having the desire to cosplay or anything like that. I'm generally just in a creative rut that I'm currently trying to get out of. So I suck it up and got this chapter done as well as updated my other fanfiction that I'm working on. I have a new cosplay in the works and I'm starting to get into a flow of things again. I hope this chapter lives up to your expectations even though its been a while. I'll stop talking now because it isn't me you want to be reading right now! Oh and btw I'm trying out 3rd person, have that in mind!~

I do not own Kuroshitsuji

But I do own this story

On with the show...


The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed

garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you

alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have

seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough

George Edward Moore


"You are my Heaven, Ciel." The demon whispered closely to his ear causing the smaller boy to blush underneath him. The former butler smiled at this and kissed the bright red cheek gently.

"Baka," The blue-eyed one muttered softly. "Why do you have to be like this?" He questioned while rubbing his cheek where the lips were previously.

"And what would that be like?" The raven-haired man asked back with a smirk planted on his face.

"Making me blush all the time and have the feeling that my heart is being pulled out of my chest." Ciel looked into the dark red eyes that were looking at him seriously.

"Well I suppose we could just put that off as a side-effect of me claiming your soul or we can just say it's because you love me, correct?" Sebastian smiled knowingly and put his hand to rest over boy's smaller one which currently resided on his chest near his no-longer beating heart. Yet still seemed to make some movement when the larger have pressed against it.

"That sounds about right." Ciel said with a sudden grin on his face. The sight was enough to make Sebastian put both hands on the blue-haired one's face and bring his lips down to their's.

At first the kiss was only chaste as Sebastian poured his love into Ciel who was currently flushing madly below him but quickly melted into the feeling and the emotion that was in the kiss.

Their lips moved only slowly and together, matching each other's pace perfectly. Thin arms found their way around a strong neck and held their place there as the two know lovers continued press their faces together with growing intensity.

The older man was of course the one to make the next advancement by slipping his tongue in slowly into the young one's mouth as to not alarm him. Ciel took the new intrusion in his mouth rather quickly and was soon moving his own along with it. So the two organs ran across each other smoothly causing them both to moan quietly as to not draw much attention to themselves since they were still in a public place.

Though they were previously alone in the small shop they had not noticed Sebastian's Uncle had already come out from the back of the store holding a rather large brown box in his arms, he smiled at the 2 boys who were in what seemed to be a very loving embrace.

Finally Admes was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable with the situation he was looking at, even though he didn't want to interrupt the two lovers he could tell that if he didn't they probably would be like that for much much longer, and frankly the older demon didn't have a very long patience. Plus this was he nephew that he was seeing at the moment looking like he was about to eat the face of the smaller boy who equally seemed to not have much of a care if that was indeed the case and was enjoying the feeling of being held.

"A~hem." The demon at last called out to the human and younger demon in front of him. Folding his arms and having a look of a amusement playing on his face.

Sebastian looked embarrassed by pulling back and using his hand to cover his mouth slightly before smiling back at his Uncle. As for Ciel he looked mortified and his arms that were around darkly clothed shoulder's previously fell to his side and began fiddling with the hem of his coat. Though he had a bit more dignitity than to hang his head in shame, but if he had a tail like Pluto had it would presently be hiding between his legs.

"Excuse us Uncle, we had no intention of making you uncomfortable in your own shop." The red eyed demon spoke bowing his head towards Admes as a sign of apology. Ciel not quite sure what to do bows his head as well.

Uncle Admes breaks into a loud joyous laughter "A-Ho-Ho-Ho-Ho-Ho~!" He used his hand to rub at the tiny tears that had formed in his tear-ducts from the chuckling. "You have no reason to apologize to be boy! I understand quite well what it is like to be in love and I know that these are the things that are expected to come with it! Please, if you still do feel the need to repent come along and help me with these boxes that I have right here, as such I am not the demon that I once was and cannot carry them all at once myself." He sounded a little out of breath still from the laughing.

"Uncle, I swear that you are only around 1000 year's of age, there is no way you can be slowing down already." Sebastian sound incredulous but still motioned to pick up the boxes that lied at the older demons feet.

"Don't talk back to you elders boy!" He replied teasingly with a slap to the back of the black-haired demon. Sebastian chuckled quitely and continued on with the task of taking the boxes of clothes to wear Ciel was standing near a 360 degree mirror and setting them near him.

"Alright, let's begin shall we?" Admes spoke cheerily opening one of the brown boxes. "Hmm, you look like you would be a small correct?"

Ciel nodded unwillingly, bothered by the fact he was being called small again by the demon. Sebastian just stood to the side with a knowing smile on his face and Ciel glared at him when he noticed this.


"Sorry?" He asked suddenly realizing that it was his name being called.

"No problem, but it seemed that you were having a staring contest with my nephew there." I said with a twinkle in his eyes. Causing Ciel's lips to press into a thin line with embarrassment. "What I was saying was, does this outfit suit your fancy?" Admes held up a dark blue suit. It almost resembled Ciel's old day outfits except with slightly less garnish in the design. The golden button were now a startling sliver that reflected the light well. The trimming was done with less extravagance but not simple and did it's purpose like it should.

The colour of the outfit was what bore the most similarities, bringing back memories almost immediately when Ciel let his eyes gaze upon the garment. He winced just barely suddenly missing his old life and Sebastian noticed and rested a strong hand on the area of Ciel where is neck and shoulder joined giving it a reassuring squeeze that caused the blue-eyed boy to shut his eyes for a moment trying to push back the feeling of longing he had. Not just for the young demons touch but for the people he had left behind back on Earth.

"It's perfect." Ciel suddenly spoke surprisingly Sebastian and himself. Admes smiled with that same knowing grin.

"Yes, of course. It suits you wonderfully." He said holding up the outfit to small boys chest. It was the exact size.

Ciel took it from his hands and held it up to himself on his own, turning to look at the mirror to examine himself. The outfit covered his currently torn clothes well so he could only see it.

He looked like he had before he died and came here. Aristocratic and imperfection less. Though now there was emotion behind he normally stoic face.

His eye's glittered as the light hit them, the shadows on his face were soft and gentle with his features almost making him look younger than he was but of course it was just a trick of the light.

Ciel attempted smiling at himself in the mirror but it just proved awkward and his face fell with disappointment that he still couldn't perfect it. His old smile. The one he use to have before his parents had died.

He wished he could see them once more. Not that he regretted at all choosing to be with his

demon. But at times he still longed for their smiling faces looking down at him with pride at their son.

His former butler came up behind him and stuck his fingers in his mouth and tugged so Ciel had an artificial crooked grin on his face. His brows scrunched up and he started to struggle under Sebastian's hands.

"Mggh…Sebashuutenn gu!" He attempted talking but it just got garbled.

"You look so cute Ciel, you will look great in that outfit." He said encouragingly at him, and let go of his grasp.

The blue-haired boy rubbed away the soreness that gathered in his cheeks and scowled at the raven-haired demon. Sebastian just smirked back at the pout.

Turning back to his Uncle he spoke "We'll buy it, and any other colours you have of the outfit. Also can you throw in some food in there enough for a week. Plenty of desserts as well" Trying to please Ciel with that last bit.

Admes smiled "Of course, I'll ring that up right away." He was amused at the antics of his nephew with his lover. They must have a good relationship for them to be able to read each other so well. It was like Antony knew exactly what to do to get rid of that sad expression that Ciel wore. He rung up the clothes as he thought this and handed the stuffed bag and another one with food to Sebastian "Here you are, 5 new outfits for the young one." He grinned down at the boy who still had a bit of frustration showing on him.

"Thank you Uncle, please tell Aunt Kristine that I want you two to stop by sometime soon, I would love to catch up more and see what I have missed the past few years." Sebastian spoke cordially.

"Indeed I shall tell her, yes is has been quite a while. Please tell us when a good time is, and would Lucianna be joining us? What about father?" Admes asked.

"Well that truly depends on if her opinion on Ciel or my self changes any time soon. As for now I wouldn't want her near either me or Ciel after what she did this morning." He replied sharply as if not really wanting to think much about it.

"Ah yes of course, that makes sense. But as for father?" The older demon repeated.

Sebastian seem a bit taken back "Oh right, well we'll have to see. I'm sure by now he already knows of this situation seeing as things spread so fast around here. I'd need to know his feelings for it first."

"Well, I am to think that he will be paying you a visit very soon. So be prepared, I know that he isn't always the most excepting of your choices, but try not to anger him too much or shock him. He may be one old demon but he doesn't need to be going around kicking the bucket." Admes spoke seriously.

"Yes, I understand, I'll do my best to upset him but he can make it very hard sometimes. Though I realize he just wants the best for me. None-the-less I will not stand for it if he hurts Ciel in anyway." He tone turned slightly dark.

His Uncle just nodded understanding. Ciel looked back and forth between the two not quite sure what they were on about but it seemed like it held some importance.

"Well than Uncle, we shall be on our way, I'll be sure to tell you when you and Aunt Kristine should drop by for a visit once we are more settled in." Sebastian nodded goodbye and took Ciel hand a dragged him out of the store .

Ciel stumbled trying to catch up with him.

"H-hey, Sebastian! Slow down! Why are you suddenly rushing?" Ciel questioned and stopped walking so Sebastian would look back at him, "What's going on? What was that last conversation with you Uncle about?"

"Ciel, really we should save this conversation for back at the house. These demons around here will do anything to get a little gossip." His eyes shifted to the small crowd that was starting to form.

The boy's face scrunched up in confusion, "Why? At least tell me why this is so important that it can't be done in public?" He demanded.

Sebastian sighed giving up, "My grandfather is looking for us. That is what my Uncle was hinting at by mentioning him. He normally wouldn't have since he isn't on great terms with him either. My grandfather already knows that you are here with me and he isn't very pleased. Now honestly, we have to leave this place right now before they get to us without me preparing you first."

Ciel looked shocked, Someone had already ratted me a Sebastian out? We have only been here for a day and the news has spread that fast. These demons are worse than the old hags in London that live off the gossip of the day! He let Sebastian drag him to their house without complaining.

He didn't speak a word until he felt the door shut behind them as they entered the living room. Yet he didn't get a chance to say anything after when felt Sebastian tense up beside him and put his arm over his shoulder to keep him close beside him.

Ciel looked at the floor to see five shadows that almost seemed to crawl on the ground towards him. He followed the outlines of bodies on the floor until they met up with long cloaks that trailed around the forms in perfect circles so you couldn't see their feet at all. His eyes gazed upwards to the first face he saw, it was wrinkled and worn looking. A sharp grin that looked like it was carved into the old skin. The eyes of the face we not like a regular demon that he has noticed before.

They we pitch black, the pupils blending in so they just looks like bottomless pits.

The demon with the black eyes stood in the front with the 4 other seemingly faceless ones standing behind him. They didn't seem to be looking at anything but Ciel. Their gazes sent a shudder through Ciel.

"Aren't you going to introduce me, Antony?" The one in the front spoke, amusement laced in his voice.

Sebastian's jaw clenched and his hands made fists but he took a deep breath a replied finally, "Ciel, I would like you to meet my Grandfather, and his … Minions." He finished curtly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Young Ciel, my name is Lucifer."

And there you have it, Sebastian's grandfather is Lucifer! Big shock there (^x^) Probably not to be since I known for a while I was going to do that. How did I do with 3rd person? Trying really hard to get better at it since I know it's easier to read! Drop me a review and I'll drop you a new chapter! Also probably just should mention this here. I'm going to be starting another Kuroshitsuji fanfiction soon that will be a crossover with Sweeny Todd. I'm already planning a lot of it out, so tell me if you are interested in reading it and I'll try to get started on the actual chapters soon!

