A/N: I welcome you to a continuation of the Kuroshitsuji anime. If you are reading this, then I am almost positive that the ending made you sad beyond belief and wish it ended with slightly more yaoi. If that is true, then I may now call you a fangirl, which is what I am aswell. The reason I'm writing this story is because of that. I think by now we can all feel that Ciel and Sebastian had some sort of connection without the story, and let's face it, we all love the ButlerxMaster pairing. I actually planned on writing this after I finished the Junjou Romantica fanfiction I am working on. But since I'm an impatience little pervert, and had a burst of inspiration that I was afraid was going to leave me if I didn't start right away, I am now juggling 2 soon to be very long stories. But that is okay! Because I am dedicated and I will succeed! Well, at least I really hope so xD Since you all are probably rather bored of me rambling now, if you ever bothered to read this, I shall bid my a due. Enjoy.

I do not own Kuroshitsuji.

But I do own this story.

On with the show...


In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
-Robert Frost


The clouds above the condemned boy seemed to sedate him even further. The black crow watching ominously at the scene unveiling below him. "The rest of my soul is yours." The one-eyed child spoke with the delicacy of one way beyond his age to the man dressed entirely in black. "As expected from the Young Master. You're kind" The butler spoke, a smile playing on his devious lips. A small hand reached for the eye-patch that so cleverly hid a deathly contract beneath, "Will it hurt?" Came from the mouth of the younger one, but merely a whisper. "Yes, a little. I'll keep it as gentle as possible." The raven haired man replied with some sadness in his voice, he knew that this boy he had promised to protect until this moment was about to say goodbye to everything he has ever known. Even all the hardships, that was his life, would all disappear."Don't!" The child shouted. "Make is as painful as you can, carve the pain of my life into my soul." These words were enough to shake anyone to their core, making them question meaning of their own life. The butler gasped for a moment, until a recognizable smirking smile was once again on his face. Followed by the words which would for the last time pass thought his mouth, getting down and one knee and bowing "Yes, my lord." The impact of the next few moments were enough to crush the hearts of the weak, and bring tears to the over-emotional. Ciel's head fell back to rest on the stone bench, his eyes half-lidded. His face almost devoid of all emotion. Teeth of a demon bit into the finger of his white glove, pulling it off in one swift motion, then discarding the item to the ground. A contract on his hand was now clearly visible. Slowing descending upon his Young Master, Sebastian let a black-nailed hand caress the soft cheek then drifting upwards to take off the eye-patch, letting it join the glove on the hard ground, their need no-longer present. Revealing purple glowing eye, and a matching pattern to the one on Sebastian's hand. His face got as close as it could to Ciel's without touching. Whispering in his ear, "Then…Young Master."


Ciel's POV

I felt the warmth and softness of lips touch the base of my neck, leaving a trail of light kisses until they reached the pulse of a vein. Sebastian's hot tongue came to brush against the skin. I could almost feel my last heart beat's drawing near, as his teeth prodded the flesh gently and first but becoming harsher by the second. Until, finally, they plunged in deep. I opened my mouth to let out a scream, but no sound came. Was it just me? Or was it because of what was happening? I could feel vibrations of it, but no noise. I immediately forgot about this question, when the teeth began to go ever further into me and I began to feel Sebastian sucking something out of me. No, it wasn't blood, for some reason I could tell the difference. It was as if each painful suck was tugging at my heart, some essence of myself was leaving my body. More silent screams left me, my entire body was shaking violently. I could vividly feel Sebastian's hands, one behind my neck and the other around my waist [Plot hole, I know, let's just say that Sebastian's other arm came back from being cut off, kay? ^_^]. The one on my neck, was rubbing small circles, as if to calm me in some sense. My arms, now feeling very heavy, found its way to his dark locks. My hand's would clench and pull at the hair every time pain would wash over me. When the demon finally lost his control, and pulled me into his lap as he sat down. My leg's straddling his thighs. My hands now digging my nails into his shoulders. I didn't pay any attention to the provocative position, because at that moment I noticed the tear's that were falling out of my eyes in a strong flow. This shocked me, when was the last time I cried like this? At all? It seemed to have stunned Sebastian as well, stopping from his feast for a moment, to take heed to the tears falling against his face. I could now feel the mixture of choking sobs and shrieks coming from me, but still no sound of any kind was reaching my ears. It was almost like being inside a silent movie, the film being enough to portray any scene. "SEBASTIAN!" I shouted, Feeling my vocal cords vibrate. My entire body began to feel numb, starting from the tips of my toes, until it reached top of my scalp. Every part of me felt cold. I could no-longer feel the pain I was just moments ago. Am I dead now? It would only make sense. I let my eyes slip shut and my body slump against his, so my head was now on his shoulder, I felt so calm. But apparently I was still some-what alive, it seemed my hearing came back, "Young Master, I know that must have been painful, are you alright?" Sebastian's deep voice rang loudly in my ears. "S-Se-Sebastian?" I heard my weak voice crack after all the screaming. "Yes, I am here, it's okay, everything is fine." I could now feel his strong arms wrap pull me into a cradling position, like he always use too, but now I gladly accepted it due to my exhaustion. "You're l-lying, how can e-everything be fine? W-why am I not d-dead?" No-longer caring that I was stuttering. I felt so confused, so lost. I could hear him sigh before he spoke again, "It seems I have some explaining to do."


Sebastian's POV

I knew what I about to tell the very disoriented child, would scare him. Scare him, more than the thought of dying. "Young Master, how can I put this, when I took your soul just now, you became a part of me." I paused for a moment to let that register, but it seemed Ciel still had no clue as to what was going on. "Since now, in a way, I own your soul, you belong to me. Your life and mine shall be together for the rest of this eternity." I watched as his eyes grew large. "W-what do you mean by that, Sebastian?" He spoke quietly. I felt something inside me ache. "You and I shall be together forever. You are going to be coming back with me to my world." I smiled slightly. "Oh, okay." Ciel responded without any hesitation. I gasped at his bluntness. "A-are you sure, My Lord?" It was now my turn to stutter. "Of course, this is what I promised you 3 years ago. I do not intend to take that back, even if I could." His voice was once again, the clear, strong, voice I was use too. "Young Master, I-" "You do not have to call me with such formalities anymore, in fact I would much prefer if you would start referring to me as Ciel." I smirked as I picked him up princess style and started walking. "Yes, Ciel." I felt him shiver in my arms. I wonder if it is because of his current state of being, or because it was the first time I ever called him by his first name. Whatever the reason was, it made me want to pull him closer to my body. I feel as if it was still my duty to protect him. Will this feeling ever fade? I asked myself. "Sebastian, what are you thinking?" I could hear the tiredness in the boy's voice. It always had made me happy when I was able to witness his weaker sides. "That we have a very long journey ahead of us." I finally responded. "And you?" "That I'm glad." His eyes were already closing. "Why is that?" I asked interested. "Because, I can be with you. Good night." As he spoke his last words, he turned around so he could wrap his thin arms around my neck. What could he have meant by that? Wouldn't he much rather be with his parents, in heaven, where he belonged? Not on a one-way ticket to hell with a demon. I decided not to question him anymore and let him sleep. He would need all the rest he could get once his see's where we will be when he awakes. "Good night, Ciel." I spoke and kissed him lightly on the forehead. "May your dreams be peaceful."


A/N: Thank you for reading, and I will be updating soon. Also, sorry if either Sebastian or Ciel seem a bit OOC, it's always hard to write for such distinct character personalities. Don't forget to rate and review!

