This story is based on some local lore/ghost stories of the Chickamauga Battlefield in Northwest Georgia: The Legend of Green Eyes (links on my profile)

I don' t own any of these characters, S Meyer does.

Chapter One

The Legend of Green Eyes

I've always sort of been weird and a bit left-of-center. I never quite fit into any certain niche in high school or much of anywhere else, but that changed when I went to college at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. I immediately fell in love with my dorm roomie Alice Brandon although on paper you would think we're total opposites. She's perky and obsessed with fashion and anything remotely related with matching things and general design. She's an interior design major, and it was one of those things where we just clicked and we were instantly on the same wavelength although she has an affinity for the paranormal. I'm a logical kind of gal. Through her persistence, and she can be very persistent, we went through sorority rush together and joined Alpha Delta Pi where we were eventually deemed 'twins' since we got the same big sister at the same time. Our Big is the beautiful and brainy Rosalie Hale who was also the rush chairwoman and is one year ahead of us and now the sorority president. You don't see many women who look like her that are electrical engineering majors. The joke is, "EE: you can't spell 'geek' without it!" Alice claimed that joining a sorority is wonderful for networking and getting to know people on campus.

Now I arrive back on campus for my junior year of college. Since Rose is sorority president which also means she gets the President's Suite in the sorority house which also means she gets the luxury of not having a roommate and doesn't have to share a bathroom with anyone (I think that makes it totally worth it). Though Alice and I lived in the house our sophomore year, we've decided to do dorm life again. She's our social chair now and it totally suits her while I prefer to float in the background. One can get so caught up with sorority events and other sisterly functions that it's nice to at least have somewhere you can get away from all the girly drama. Yeah, I also have never been one to have a ton of girlfriends. I've always preferred to have a few close friends than have a bunch of meaningless acquaintances. Those are the people you maintain friendships with for life rather than just until you receive your diploma.

I'm an English major with a minor in history and my crazy story begins because of my first history class of the semester: HIST 343: History of Tennessee and my desk neighbor is obsessed Civil War historian Jasper Whitlock. What on earth have I gotten myself into?

This is my first fic, so please be gentle. :) Constructive criticism always appreciated.