This is my first story on here so bear with me and i hope you like it. My spelling and grammar is not the best in the world so feel free to point out if i mess up and let me know if you don't understand anything.
Disclaimer: the characters in this story belong to Stephanie not me.
Just to let you know i will try and put that disclaimer on the top of every chapter but i have to admit i am quite forgetful so i apologize in advanced if i forget, even if it is not there in person it will always be there in spirit.


Isabella Marie Swan, born to Charlie and Renee Swan on the 13th September 1992 at forks general hospital.

I had left forks with my parents when I was just a baby, we hadn't lived their long but we still owned a big family house there, on the outskirts of town which we rented out. We were a quite rich family and both Charlie and Renee had worked constantly in the city through the week and we didn't spend much time as a family. I was used to being alone but had enjoyed the little time I had with them. Unfortunately that time had been cut short, my father was first to go it was cancer; we didn't catch it until it was too late and it had spread too far.

My mother tried to move on, piecing our lives together again. The future was starting to look up for us, she had got a new boyfriend called Phil and I was happy because she was. Then the accident happened. She and Phil had gone out on a date, they were in the car on the way back when a lorry hit them front on. Phil had died on impact; Renee survived the crash but was not rushed straight to hospital. She suffered from major brain damage and countless other injuries. She was awake the first time a saw her in hospital but she did not recognize me and kept asking for my father not realizing he was gone. They took her in for surgery, put her under anesthetic and she never woke up. Six months she just lay there in the hospital unresponsive, until I was told that there was no much of a chance she would ever wake up and the insurance was getting unwilling to pay her bills anymore, I had no choice but to pull the plug.

I was now an only child moving back to forks trying to turn over a new leaf and start a fresh with my life. I was living alone in my family's house and was going to attend forks high school to complete my education. Social services were going to be keeping an eye on me and the school had been informed of my situation.

The perfect cover, truth mixed with the lies making the whole thing more believable and making me feel a tiny bit less guilty at having to lie to everyone about who I was. I had done this many times before but time did not make the lying easier but though there were some people in my past I wished I could have told my whole truth to, I understood why I could never tell. It is much easier to blend in to the shadows than to walk, around begging for attention, in the sun.

My real name is, for once, the same as my cover name. I had missed using it so much and was glad to known by it once again, even if those who knew me by it would never know the true me. I have gone by many names but they are always close to my real one, Annabelle, Mirabella and so on. The nickname Bella was my constant companion.

As for the other details, my birthday is around September 13th but I was defiantly not born in 1992. I am not entail sure of the year of my birth in the same way I am not sure about the date, but I do know I have been counting the years for 562 years and I had been alive for about 20 years more than that, so yes I am old. I don't look old though, I look about 17, so that is the age I normally make myself.

I had lived in forks before, many years before, the place wasn't even called forks back then, but it was still the same land. Another truth was the house, I had never lived in it before but I had always owned a house in forks, since before even I had lived there. I own a house in almost every city in the world and countless towns and cities to boot. Riches also held true to myself, though that probably comes as a given with my life time and amount of properties to rent out, buy and sell within it. The part about my parents was completely fabricated, I would have liked to of been able to tell the truth with this area but I had no recollection of them. However I had used Charlie and Renee as fake parents for so long, I almost counted them as family to me even though they had never existed.

I'm very good at fabricating and lying, my faked documents had worked for the school as proof of my existence and they seemed to lap my fake life story up, not questioning it once. Sometimes I wondered if I was to good at what I do but I always brushed that thought off, telling myself it's better to be too good than to be found out.

However good at lying I may be I cannot lie to myself. I can't make myself believe I am happy living the way I do. I have not been truly happy for almost 100 years and even that was a one off. I am lonely beyond any loneliness you could imagine and even now as I drive along the muddy and tree covered drive to my house, ready to start over yet again with all the possibilities of a new life and new friends. I know there is only one person who can shake this loneliness and they were gone long ago.

Thank you for taking the time to read this story, i will try and update as soon as possible.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Nay :)