A few things before I begin…
Please, no flames. I don't go through all the work to write it, check every hour for reviews, just to hear about how terrible my story is. But don't confuse flames with constructive criticism. If there's something I can do to make my story better, tell me!
Please, don't make a comment on a word missing or a word misspelled. I don't really give a crap.
If you want to be in my story, which quite a few people do, make a review in this format:
Son/Daughter…(don't have to be a half blood, btw)
Weapon of choice:
Anything else:
This story takes place during the Last Olympian when Nico, Percy's Mom, and Paul are fighting monsters, just before Hades and Persephone show up. Anneliese is a girl from Massachusetts visiting Manhattan for her birthday, her 14th to be exact…now, on with the story!
DISCLAIMER: If I owned this it would be all about Nico…
Chapter 1: Magic Mushrooms!
Anneliese's POV
"Anneliese, I don't think we should've came." My mother said. Ugh, this is so much like her.
"Mom! I've been looking forward to this forever! I even got my friends to meet me there! We can't just leave!" I said.
"Ok, ok. Don't raise your voice at me. We'll go."
"Thank you." I don't get why she came scream her head off all the time, and I can't raise my voice even in the slightest before she goes crazy. I'll be glad when I meet my friends and go off without her. I put the earphones to my iPod in. I sighed, and looked out the window.
My back was stiff from being in this car so long, and my neck hurt too. I hate this car. I yawned, and felt my eyes try to close, but I grabbed my coffee, and took a long sip. I'm not falling asleep in a damn car. I'm falling asleep in a bed, in a fancy hotel with large pillows and those cool remotes you can use to make the bed softer or firmer.
I noticed Mom was about to fall asleep as well. I shook her shoulder rapidly, but she didn't respond. Her eyes fell closed, and the car veered out of control. I grabbed the steering wheel, and steadied the car. Her foot went off the gas petal. I tried to wake her up, but she had fallen deeply asleep.
Well that's just fucking great. Maybe she'll wake up if I-Oh my God!
Is that the Abominable Snowman?
It roared, and attacked a boy, about my age, with messy dark brown hair, dark almond eyes, with a black sword in his hands.
Wait, a sword?
BOOM!!It sounded like gunfire. The over-sized ice creature fell to the ground. The boy looked around and saw me. He made a gesture with his hand, so I guessed that meant 'come out' I stepped out of the car, and his blinked twice. What is he impressed or something?
"Paul? Please tell me there's another sword in there or something?" I heard him call in the other direction. A man with salt and pepper hair turned towards him. He nodded, and threw a rifle into the air. The boy grabbed it, and handed it to me.
"Can you use this?" I nodded. "Kill anything that doesn't look natural." He said.
"You mean besides you?"
"Funny. Just kill stuff. I'll explain later."
"Ok." I cocked it, and looked for anything else that didn't look natural. I saw a strange snake-women, who hissed at me. Then I saw about 10 more behind her. I aimed it towards her, and pulled the trigger.
BAM!!!!It landed her straight in the forehead, and I laughed manically. "This is fun!"
I cocked it again, and pointed it towards them.
The boy ran up and started to fight the remaining ones. I didn't want to shoot him by accident, so I aimed for another one of the ice monster thingys.
"Hey, ugly! Frostbite!" I yelled at him. He looked toward me and roared. "Say hello to my little friend." I whispered under my breath and…
"It's a cold day in hell, my friend. I've always wanted to say that." I whispered as if anyone could hear me.
Nico's POV
I shouldn't have been thinking of anything expect fighting at the moment, but my thoughts kept drifting to the girl. Was she ok? Or was she Giant food by now? I fought the urge to turn around, but she kept crossing my kind. I hadn't got a chance to really look at her, but her face seemed to be stuck in my head. I turned around and saw her, yelling insults to giants and telekines, and shooting them with her gun. She pulled the trigger, about to kill a giant that was closer to her then the others, but nothing came out.
"Oh shit." I heard her mutter.
The giant charged her, as well as a ten-foot snowman could, and she screamed. I ran to her side, and deflected the blow.
Apparently, it didn't expect me, so I had a shot at it. I stabbed it in the chest, and it burst into dust.
"Eww." She said as the dust covered her.
"Don't be a wimp about it." I told her. She got up, and brushed the dust off her.
"Thanks." She said.
"Nico." I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned and saw my father, Hades.
"Father." I said.
"Come on!" Demeter said. "And bring the girl, too." I helped her up onto the chariot my father was on.
"I see you found another one." Hades said, emotionless.
"She was a car with her mom. She didn't go to sleep." I said humbly, as I always try to.
"So you gave her a rifle and let her fight?" He asked. I nodded.
"Don't get onto the boy. You might have done the same thing." Persephone said. His shoulders relaxed.
"What is your name?" He asked pointing to her.
"A-Anneliese." There was a confused look in her eye.
"Do you know who I am?" He asked.
"I have no clue." She sighed. "But from the look of it, you're somehow Hades, god of the dead."
"Smart girl."
"If you're real…does that mean all of the gods are real?"
"What do you think?" He asked.
"Yes, sir." She said, a little nervous. "I also think I ate some magic mushrooms or something, but who cares? This is fun." She said, trying to lighten up the mood. Demeter giggled, and we took off. She was still very, very confused. "What the hell is going on?" She whispered to me.
"The Greek gods are at war with the Titans. Again. And all the gods are off fighting Typhon."
"Then how is he-"
"I convinced him to come."
"Ok…one last question…is there anything in the water here? Something that's making everyone go crazy?"
"No. I know, it's a big surprise, but it's all real."
A while later, we were in Olympus, and Percy walked up to us.
"Nico, great sword fighting, man. Who's this?"
"Anneliese. She was in a car with her mother, and she didn't fall asleep. I'm trying to figure out if she's a clear-sighted mortal or a half-blood. And what happened?"
"Well, Annabeth got Luke to stab himself. He's dead now, and I think Annabeth took it maybe a little less then ok. Speaking of Annabeth, Anneliese looks a bit like her."
"Really?" I turned around, and finally got a good look at her wavy honey blonde hair, tumbling over her shoulder, stormy gray eyes, tan skin, and a slender body shape. She wore long skinny jeans and a black t-shirt that showed the logo of Linkin' Park.
"Ha, she does. Minus the shirt." I said.
"Weird…maybe she's a daughter of Athena."
"We'll see."
Anneliese's POV
Things to remember
Stay away from those magic mushrooms!
Stay away from Hades!!
Stay away from Abominable Snowmen!!!
At least, I hope I remember those.
"Hey. Newbie, huh?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned, and saw a guy with blonde, shaggy hair, tan skin, and an athletic build.
"Yea. Even though I have no clue what I'm a newbie at." He smiled.
"You know about the Greek gods, right? Well, they're all true. Alive and breathing, in America."
"Ok then…are you sure I'm not high or something."
"No, you're not." He laughed. "This may be a bit confusing…now is not the best time to be a half blood. All though, you just skipped one of the biggest wars ever…"
"Nico told me basically what happened."
"It's a bit shocking, isn't it…uh, what should I call you?"
"Pollux, son of Dionysus."
A while later, when they're back at Camp Half-Blood and Percy forced the gods to claim their children by the age of 13 and all that stuff…
I talked with Pollux on the ride back. He was being really nice to me, and he's pretty hot, too. That's never a bad thing.
"Camp Half Blood is the only safe place for us. It's where-wow." He stared above my head.
"What?" A smile started to grow on his face.
"Anneliese, you are a daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom." I looked up. I saw an olive tree floating above my head.
"Wow…that's just…awesome." I kept looking at it, following it, until I fell over. "Ow." I said after I hit the floor.
"You don't seem like a daughter of Athena." He said.
"Oh, bite me." I said, getting back up. We got out of the van, and I saw the Camp. I saw a large pine tree with a dragon wrapped around it.
Wait, a dragon?!
"A dragon?" I said. "What's next, mermaids?"
"Well, there's naiads…do those count?"
I sighed. "Do you have unicorns, too?"
"No, we have flying horse." I blinked twice.
"Wow…that's just…wow…" I saw a centaur galloping by…
A centaur? Wow. He stopped when he saw me.
"Hello. You must be the new one, Anneliese." He said. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."
"Ok, are you sure I'm not high off magic mushrooms? Or I didn't lick a toad?"
"No, you are not on drugs. This is all real."
"Ok then, Mr. Centaur Person…if this is real, then what should I call you?"
"Wait, Chiron? The centaur who trained all the heroes?" He nodded. "Well, that's just…wow…"
"I've been told you've been recently claimed," I nodded. "Well then. Whose child are you?"
"Athena." I said.
"I'll just place you in the Athena cabin." I nodded, not knowing what he's talking about. Nico walked over.
"I'll show you around." He said.
"You don't have to, Nico. I'll take care of it." Pollux said.
"Ok, whatever's fine with me." He shrugged, and walked off.
"You know, I never asked you your age." Pollux said.
"I turned 14 today."
"I'm 16."
"Ok." I shrugged, acting like it didn't really excite me, even though it did. A 16 year old? With a 14 year old? Yay. I wonder how old Nico is? He looked about my age.
"That's the pavilion, where we eat. Little obvious. You have to sit with your cabin. And we offer part of our meal to the gods. They like the smell of burnt food."
"What?" I asked.
"You'll see…that's the area," He said, pointing to building after building. It didn't interest me much.
"Where's your cabin?" I asked. He pointed to a cabin with vines growing up the side, and grapes growing in a small garden. The cabin was painted a soft yellow, contrasting the deep purple on the door and windows.
"I'll show you to your cabin." He walked me over to the Athena cabin. I walked in, and found a bed. I got top bunk!! I put my stuff down on the bed, and laid back and sighed. This might be fun…
Well, that's all!
If you have any suggestions call 1-800-I-DON'TCARE
Or, just say it in a review, which is much easier.
R&R Please?