Lovers Confessions

A/N: I started the story while on my lunch break at work. And just as everyone knows no one owns Inuyasha, except Takahashi-San. So obviously I don't own it as my name isn't Rumiko Takahashi. Now on with the story!

Lovers Confessions

Chapter 1: Coming Home

Kagome had come home for the weekend, and as usual Kagome had to sit Inuyasha in order to leave.


Inuyasa, can I just go home for this weekend, please Inuyasha? pleaded Kagome.

NO WAY! Don't you remember who broke the shikon no tama? You owe us, so you're staying here! screamed Inuyasha.

Kagome became very irritated.

Inuyasha SIT! screamed Kagome.

The necklace around Inuyasha's neck glows, and then he falls face down to the ground. Kagome looks back at Inuyasha before getting into the well.

I'll be back as soon as I can, said Kagome.

Then she jumped into the well, back to her time.

End Flashback~

'I hope Inuyasha isn't angry with me!' thought Kagome.

Kagome gets up from her bed and walks to the kitchen. Kagome's mother is in the kitchen and notices Kagome walk in.

Good morning Kagome. How was your visit with Inuyasha? asked Mrs. Higurashi.

It was ok I guess, said Kagome.

Mrs. Higurashi notices that Kagome had a still look on her face.

Kagome? Did you and Inuyasha have a fight? asked Mrs. Higurashi concerned.

Sort of, it wasn't like our normal fights! It was different, said Kagome.

How so? asked Mrs. Higurashi a little confused.

Kagome told her mother about the fight with Inuyasha and felt a little better. She ate her breakfast, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

A/N: Basically I wanted to start out where only Kagome could be the first to have thoughts being shown, please read and review, I am also going to remind you to make no flames. However, CONSTRUCTIVE critisim is welcome. And just to let you all know I will continue my other Inuyasha story when someone votes on my poll in my profile to let me know what the next 2 items on the quest should be used. Without those 2 items I can't continue the story. So until the poll has been used and closed, the story will remain unfinished and on Hiatus. In the mean time I will write this 1 and any other one that comes to me. Hope you all like! Again please read and Review this story and vote on my poll in my profile if you want me to continue my other story!