I do not own any of the Twilight characters, or anything to do with the Twilight saga. That belongs to Stephenie Meyer and she rocks so why anyone want to steal her work!?
Please read and review. As strange as it sounds I like reviews, I know weird right?
I was lying across my bed reading a book, typical human drivel, boy meets girl, boy kisses girl, happily ever after. Contrary to everyone's belief, I found some human ideals enjoyable, like just relaxing on your bed with a good book. But I wouldn't let anyone know that of course, Demetri, Felix, Alec...they'd never let me live it down.
Ech. "Happily ever after." I hated that phrase. What does it mean!? I think it's just a lazy author's way to tie all the loose ends together.
Don't lie to yourself, Jane. The reason you hate it so much is because you know you'll never get yours.
No, that was untrue.
I am Jane of the Volturi for Pete's sake! I am known all over the world to our kind, I'm untouchable, I strike fear into the hearts of men!
Yeah, everyone knows you, so what!?"Untouchable", I don't think so, more like they'll crap themselves if you go near them!
And, I'll give you one thing, you do strike fear into the hearts of men.
That's right.
I got angry, really angry.
I searched for a target to inflict pain on.
What the hell!? Of course there's no one to inflict pain on! It's my own mind!
I am such a psychopath! Why is that the first place I go to? I'm right, that is why I have no mate, they're afraid I'll torture them if they get too close.
Footsteps. Crap.
I flung the book under my bed; I heard the flutter of pages.
Well that's my book ruined.
I knew who it was before they announced themselves, the same old scents I'd known for eons.
A knock at the door.
"Come in Demetri, Felix." I said making sure you couldn't see under the bed by adjusting the covers.
"Hello brothers." I said serenely.
"J, you can cut the crap, Aro is at the other end of the castle." Demetri said walking across my room settling himself in an armchair and resting his feet on my dresser, he tousled his floppy light brown hair.
"Alright, alright. It just gets programmed into you. What do you want?" I asked them.
"Aro has a special mission for you." Felix took a few steps into the room, hands behind his back.
"A mission? For me? Why me?" I asked, craning my neck to look up at him, he was so tall.
"Why would he tell us? We're just the guard." Demetri said gazing over at us lazily.
I walked swiftly over to him knocked his feet from the dresser, he gave me a sour look.
I looked to Felix "You must have some idea, Felix." I plead.
Felix looked as if he were deliberating something.
I ran through the options in my brain.
1: Torture him until I get what I need...naw I like Felix.
2: Use my other skill of persuasion.
I pulled my eyebrows together and then pouted creating a perfectly heartbreaking expression.
"Oh J! Don't!" Felix plead this time.
Your probably wondering, J? What the heck is up with that?
There are only three people in the world I'll allow to call me J. Demetri, Felix and Alec.
Also Aro of course, I can't disagree with Aro. He can call me Beverly-Mc-Dingbat if he wants.
Beverly-Mc-Dingbat? I questioned internally.
"Do what?" I asked in a faux clueless voice.
Demetri came over to investigate. "J! Now that's fighting dirty!"
"Fine!" Felix gave in.
I smirked evilly. The two of them rolled their eyes.
"Just don't freak out, okay?" Felix's brow was creased with worry.
"All I know is that it involves..." He began.
I placed my hands on my hips impatiently.
"...The Cullen's."
I saw red. Blind fury overtook me.
"Leave, quickly." I said in a monotone.
They obeyed and stepped outside and closed the door.
I unleashed the fury.
I loathed the Cullen's with every fibre of my being!
Carlisle- I'm in control-Cullen.
Esme-love me love me!-Cullen.
Rosalie- the vain beotch-Hale.
Emmett-the dumb shit-Cullen.
Jasper- I'm so smooth- Hale.
Alice-pixie maniac freak-Cullen.
Renesmee-the demon child-Cullen.
Edward- just absolutely hate beyond words- Cullen.
And then...there was her.
Bella- priority to annihilate- Cullen.
I'd give anything for her to lift her shield for just one second! Then I'd get her. I'd make her pay for outdoing me, showing me up and then taunting me.
That bitch!
I opened my eyes.
My room was...no more.
God, I've got to calm down.
Think about happy things, think of all the good things in your life.
Nothing, well.....that's depressing.
"J?" Someone called as the door creaked open.
I couldn't see who it was, feathers fluttered down from the ceiling after being torn from the pillows. The end of my four poster bed was broken in two. A mirror was smashed.
Great. Even more bad luck for me.
The swirl of feathers calmed, I saw my brother standing in the doorway cautiously.
"I still say anger management is an option." He said with raised eyebrows.
"Watch it, Alec." I warned him.
"J, it's not me your mad at remember. Besides we both know what will happen if the two of us get into a fight."
I recalled the one time I had gotten into a serious fight with my brother.
He writhed in pain for a while before, unbeknownst to me, his "knock-out-mist" as I called it made its way over to me and I collapsed.
Everything was one big over-reaction when we first joined the Volturi. That fight was over shampoo...that's right...shampoo.
Thinking about it now we laughed.
"Oh well, it's nice to know being messed up runs in the family." I joked as we walked out of my room and towards Aro's chambers, Felix and Demetri joined us.
"I'll say. J, your half my size and you still scare the crap out of me." Felix chipped in, the others laughed.
I gave a feeble grin, more confirmation of what I was thinking about earlier.
...And behind door number one is psychopathic torturer bitch. The contestant quails in horror as I step out, "Hello everyone!!!"
I chuckled. Man, my sense of humour is so weird.
"To be fair, Felix, it's not hard for anyone to be half the size of you. That would make them normal." Alec justified, still laughing.
I shot Alec an appreciative smile, he knew I hated being so small. Well, at least I am taller than that pixie Cullen.
Arg, they are always there, in the back of my mind!
Anyway, I hated looking the way I do because my brother and I were changed to join the Volturi at the age of fifteen. I mean, come on! I wasn't even of age, eighteen maybe, seventeen at a push but fifteen!?
We walked along chatting until we knew we were within earshot of Aro, and then everything got tranquil.
We walked into Aro's quarters.
"Ah, Jane, my pet. Please, approach me." Aro said silkily.
Alec, Felix and Demetri hung back as I stepped forward.
"I suppose you are wondering why I have asked for you Jane. Ever since our confrontation with the Cullen's-"
I suppressed a growl.
"I have been quite preoccupied wondering what has become of little Renesmee-"
Another growl suppressed.
"Hopefully she has managed to control her bloodlust. Is she really all that different from the immortal children?" He mused.
The four of us stayed in silence as he thought on it.
"I've decided that the only way to find out is to send someone...and that someone would be you."
I tried really hard not to refuse point blank; I couldn't visit the people I loathed.
"Yes, Aro." I said obediently. Then it hit me."I'll be alone?"
"Yes, but I'm not worried, you can take care of yourself, Jane." Aro said gazing into space.
"Aro, perhaps I can go too, Jane obviously doesn't want to be alone with them." Alec offered.
"No. The Cullen's will feel threatened if I send two of my most valued guard there, no, only one." Aro explained.
"Felix I want you to escort Jane to the Cullen residence, and then return home. After that, Jane, I wish for you to write to me after no later than two weeks explaining your findings." Aro said.
"Explaining your findings"? What am I a freaking research zoologist? Wait, TWO WEEKS!?
"Perhaps I heard you wrong, Master. It sounded as if you said two weeks." I said, perplexed.
"That is correct dear one; you shall stay as long as I deem there is a need to." Aro confirmed,"Now, run along and pack, you must leave as soon as possible."
My face was impassive as I exited the room in front of Alec, Felix and Demetri.
I clutched my hands into fists, Alec grabbed one and it relaxed slightly.
Well, guys, what did you think?
I wrote this because I wanted to explore another side of Jane, she's always portrayed as Evil, she's just misunderstood. :)
Let me know what you think guys I'd really like to know seeing as I haven't written about the Volturi before.
Love from,