
October 31st Halloween, Hallows eve ((|))


Atem met up with all his friends with a little bit of hope that he would see Yugi today. It was six in the evening and still no word of where Yugi was. Atem was in his costume, he had on orange pants and a strait jacket, a muzzle thing, he had the fake hand and head tied on his waist dripping with fake blood and the lamb on his head. Bakura looked like Dracula, Marik was Freddy, Joey was a werewolf, Seto was his keeper and Tristan was a zombie. Oh and if you could only see them the look like the real thing! They were now at the Halloween spook along with their whole school. People around them were dressed up as many different things.

"Hay there you are." Ryo called as he came over to the group with cat ears a tail and a bell on his neck no one realized they were real. A goblin was by his side along with another werewolf they both looked terrifying.

"What took you so long?" Seto asked, looking over the three.

"We were giving Mai a hand setting up for a party after the dance." Duke answered.

"So, Yugi's back?" Atem asked hopeful.

"I don't know, but Mai is."

"oh.." Atem hung his head. He looked around the room which was decorated for the event he didn't see the boy so he walked outside and leaned on a railing of the steps sighing could Tristan have been right? He didn't get long to think before someone was beside him.

"Hay Atem." Came a girls voice he looked over to see blue eyes shining with a smile. He had dated this girl a year ago only one date before the both said it wouldn't work. She was dressed like a witch but unlike Yugi her clothes were dark and not poofy.

"Tea, Why are you…" She put an arm around him with a brighter smile.

"Don't worry about him he is just running a bit late. That's what you get when one of those three are involved."

"What? Atem asked as the girl let out a smile and turned away to go back inside.

"Trust me Atem that little witch won't miss this for the world." She said fondly before leaving him to his thoughts. Atem looked after her puzzled why would she say that.


"God damn-it, I do not have time for this!" Yugi almost yelled as he stood face to face with a pack of zombies. He had missed out seeing his friends because of them and he was not missing the dance too. Yugi took half of them down and the rest scattered.

"Mai!" Yugi called into his walky-talky going after a small group.

"I'll get them, go to your dance!" She said back.

Yugi started off that way and saw a zombie heading the same way. "Oh no way in hell!" Yugi said to himself taking off on his broom stick. He was not letting a real zombie near the dance and LIVING humans!


Atem walk out on the grounds thinking he would clear his head after Tea's little speech. (Quiz time what do you never do in a horror movie on Halloween on a full moon. I want one here so there) Atem walked into the small forest on the edge of the grounds through the shadows in the trees.

"Gru…huh…grr…" A noise came from the shadows close by.

"Hello?" Atem asked as he turned towards it looking around, his hands out of his straight jacket. "That's not funny guys." He said annoyed crossing his arms. Suddenly a rotting corps came out from a behind a tree, the smell was horrible it smelled like rotting meat mixed with pond sludge and rotten eggs. Atem gulped as it came closer that was no costume!

It came even closer, he stepped back, it took another step closer and Atem tripped backwards as his mind froze no one ever told him about this. When Yugi said he was on Zombie duty but that had been a joke, right?

Suddenly the things head was knocked off and Atem was pulled to his feet and then up in the air. It took him a sec to get the fact that he was about ten feet up sitting on a broom alone. Its owner seemed to be trying to make the zombie go away, but it attacked. The person dodged and did a spell soon the zombie was walking the other way. The person whistled and the broom came down, they joined Atem on the broom and took off.


Yugi's heart almost stopped as he saw that rotting corps going after Atem, he moved quickly pulling Atem up from behind slipping off and sending the broom away into the air.

"Come on go home go back to the dirt!" Yugi yelled at it.

"No." It moaned and went after him running.

"Fine will do this the hard way!" He murdered something soft under his breath and the zombie stopped dead turned and walked the other way. Yugi whistled and the broom came back he got on next to his friend and took off into the air.


"Who are you and why are you here?" Atem asked the person in a purple outfit next to him a bit angry.

"Does it matter who I am? I promised a friend if he did something for me I'd come here." The other smirked.

Atem knew that voice. "Yugi?" He asked looking over a bit shocked.

"No I'm the tooth fairy. Who else would I be, idiot?" He chuckled leaning toward him. "Did you think I left you?" Atem could hear the laugh in that comment. "Oh, here." Yugi handed him something after digging around in a bag on his waist, it a stuffed dog. Atem smiled as he looked at the small thing.

"So you were a witch the whole time?"

"No that's why we are ten feet in the air. Yes Atem how many people do you know who live in a pumpkin? I had to take my witch's test."

"Is that where you were this week?"

"Yes, my Hannibal. We can't talk to or see anyone we know except for our teacher for the whole time. " Yugi landed on the roof of the school and Atem saw his new outfit.

"Knee high boots look good on you." Yugi blushed looking down.

"Thanks I have one more thing for you." Yugi said in a raspy voice half lidded eyes leaning close as they hovered in the air. Atem gave a nodded. Yugi continued. "Trick or Treat?" He whispered.

"Treat…" Atem whispered back closing the distance so their lips met. When they pulled apart Yugi smiled.

"You know I don't plan on letting you go my love without a potion." Yugi said Atem smiled back

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Atem said before catching his lips again. But this time he deepened it, dipping into the others mouth he let out o moan as Yugi pushed back.

They pulled apart again and Yugi smiled at him. "Come on lets go the others are waiting and we have a party to go to afterword."

"We do then let's go." He smirked and pulled Yugi close as they landed just outside the school.

"There you are it's boring here we are cutting to Yugi's place." Bakura said as the two walked in.


"Wonderful costume Atem, and one of Yugi's favorites." Mai wink, "Grandpa is gone so the house won't blow up tonight!"

The rest of the night was spent watching horror movies, dancing, playing games baking and doing magic.

"Yugi?" Atem asked looking over to the boy next to him.

"Yes Atem." Yugi took his hand and smiled as they watched the end of a movie.

"Can I… Can I kiss You again?"

Before he got an answer he was on his back with lips on his own. The warmth pulled away a little with a smirk. "Anytime you wish!"
