S-class Protection mission in Hogwarts

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: unfortuanetely I do not own either Naruto or Harry Potter

Summary: Sakura,Sasuke and Naruto got a new S-class mission: Protect Harry Potter. They have to learn a total different way of fighting to survive in a world where wand waving decides over life or dead. SasuSaku


Konoha: „Team 7, you're addigned for a S-Rank Protection mission", the blond Hokage told the ANBU-Team in front of her desk. All had their uniform and masks on. There stood a dog, a fox, a cat and a falcon.

„Tsunade-baachan tell us already what our mission is." Demanded the fox.

„Ok, you are all going to a place called Hogwarts in Great Britain Europe. There you are to protect the students especially a boy called Harry Potter."

„Umm, Tsunade-sama why is our S-class mission a simple protection?", a pink-haired girl asked.

„Oh, it isn't a simple protection mission. Hogwarts is a school, more a school for wizardry and witchcraft. The headmaster Albus Dumbledore is a wizard and payed a huge fee for our best shinobi, because a dark wizard called Lord Voldemort is ressurected and after this boy. This boy is no normal sixteen years-old boy he's the only one who ever survived a killing curse of this Voldemort. That why he's after him."

„And why isn't it a assasination mission after this Voldemort-guy?", a hottie with black hair wanted to know, obviously bored.

„Because Dumbledore said the boy is going to finish him off and you are to simple take care that no one attacks him or the school until he's ready to face Voldemort. Mission is one year long so when you don't have question go pack your things and meet here at six o'clock."

The four bowed and left the office.

„Ano, Sakura-chan, you want to have ramen?" Naruto asked. He already had a girlfriend, but Sakura was his best friend just as Sasuke was something like his brother.

„Sorry Naruto, I need to pack. I mean it's already three you know."

„Ah sure, sure see you later then. Eh Sasuke, going to take some ramen?"

„Why not." Ever since he came back Sasuke was friendlier to his old friends it seemed that he wanted to apologize like that.

„See you Kakashi-san." They chorused as they parted ways. Sakura on her way home and the boys on their way to Ichiraku.

At six they all met in the Hokage's office to see an old man in strange clothings already standing in front of Tsunades desk.

„There you are. Team 7 this is Albus Dumbledore our client."

The four of them bowed. Strangely enough Kakashi was in time.

„It's nice to meet you. Well, to your mission. You'll be going to London to get your things for school. Then you'll be going to Hogwarts to be taught by some of our teachers , so that you'll be able to attend as sixth years and on the first of September you'll take the train to Hogwarts with the other students. You'll be meeting with one of the teachers in London and also with another at the station. Harry is not to know that you are his bodyguards.I'll be presenting you as foreign Aurors, something similiar to ANBU that are to protect the school as well as learning the british school system for educational reasons in Japan. I believe that you know how to speak english?"

„We do.", answered Kakashi in english.

„Also you'll be using wands , all you have to do is to channel your chakra in it. So you're able to use jutsus without making handsignes."Tsunade continued.

They all nodded and Dumbledore took out an old Hitai ate. „Hold onto this."

The took hold onto it and suddenly felt a tuck at their navel and dissappeared from the office.