(A/N): Twenty-fifth request from the ABC meme on LiveJournal.

1. Pick a letter.
2. Pick a prompt that starts with that letter (ex. K is for Keyhole)
3. Pick a fandom / comic / webcomic and a character/pairing.

Leave them in a comment and I'll write a drabble of it. No repeats in letters.

See my profile for what fandoms I'll write.

O- Only // Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's // Kiryuu x Crow

Almost at the end, guys!


O is for Only

If only. That was a phrase Crow could count on to frequent his thoughts.

If only he had enough to support his kids.

If only things were just a little bit easier.

If only the city would just get their elitist heads out of their asses and realize that Satellite was not a fucking trash dump.

Those thoughts came daily, were normal occurrences for him-and most likely frequented everyone in Satellite in some shape or form.

But after that night, another thought had worked its way into his mind. It had come all of a sudden, at first drowning out all the others with all its intensity and insistence; then slowly receding until it became another one of his daily musings, always reminisced with a twinge of sorrow and a dull ache.

If only he hadn't been the first one to leave.

Yes, he knew that Kiryuu had been growing more and more unstable as time went on-had gone too far. Had threatened one of the kids he had helped take care of.

He thought he was doing the right thing.

It was a simple idea. Show Kiryuu how much he was hurting because of him.

But Kiryuu didn't see that. It was a realization that made Crow ache. He had already been long gone.

He felt a little jealous of Yuusei. Yuusei had the strength to stay with Kiryuu even when the man was far out of control. If he, Crow, had been that strong, would, perhaps, Kiryuu had been saved? Had been prevented from taking that last, desperate action? Would, perhaps, still be here?

It was a guilt-ridden thought process, one that caught him fully. It both frightened him and enthralled him.

And yet, it was something that he couldn't stop thinking naturally, like clockwork.

If only. If only.

(A/N): Like I said in my profile: I AM NO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS. ALL LETTERS HAVE BEEN TAKEN. That being said, a big thank you for all of those who requested!

Review, pretty please?