So…I know you guys probably don't want to hear any excuses over the lateness of this chapter, so I'll just save the small talk for the end.



Precipitation that occurs to make an individual's mood worse than it already is. Rain would have sufficed for a bad day, thank you very much.

Stupid northern United States weather.

As you can probably guess, after a full night of insomnia, I awoke to a world of ice and cold. Bitter air. It kind of fits the moment, doesn't it?

Freaking spectacular.

So, when I arrived in the slippery parking lot of Horace Mantis Academy (because the school system thinks we all know how to drive in these conditions), the odds of me falling pretty much overruled me. That's right. Once I stepped out of my car, my shoes lost friction on the icy ground and thus resulted in me falling on my butt.

Let's just say I was smart enough to wear pants this morning.

"Jane, are you okay?" I heard familiar voices.

Blowing the tussled hair out my face, I saw the two concerned faces of Macy and Stella. Two people associated with the one person I do not want to think about. Just to be sure, my eyes scanned the area, making sure that Nick Lucas was nowhere in sight.

I don't think things could get much worse, but it was nice to know that the guy I liked did not see me fall.

"I'm peachy," I muttered, starting to gather all of my books which had been strewn under my car.

"Here, let me help," Stella offered as she laid her coat down on the ground along with Macy. Both of them searched for my missing school articles.

"Thanks," I said softly. Seriously, those two are as good as gold, and with the night I had yesterday, I definitely could use a break from my misery.

I never thought I would use the word 'misery' to describe a situation in my life….but there you go.

Macy handed me my last notebook and held out a hand to help me up. I gladly accepted and patted my winter uniform down.

"Not the best way to start my day," I laughed a little at myself.

Macy nodded, "I completely understand! But, at least you didn't almost run over Kevin Lucas with your car." Both Stella and I winced.

"Yeah," Stella agreed slowly. "I had a little mishap myself this morning."

Her brunette friend scoffed. "Mhm, mismatching your earrings is so terrible compared to almost running over Kevin."

"Well, it was terrible to me," her friend sniffed.

I chuckled at the two compadres. "Thanks for helping me out, but I think I should head to class." It was a little early to head off to class, but I figured with how slow I would have to trek across the deadly parking lot, it sounded like a good idea.

Apparently I thought wrong, when gasps came from both girls as I turned my back to them. Two pairs of hands then halted me in my steps.

"Not with that huge hole in your pants you're not," Stella whispered frantically.

"You're kidding," I whispered in a deadly voice. Please tell me things did not just get worse.

Macy appeared in my line of vision with a morbid expression. "Stella would never joke about ruined pants."

I slapped a hand to my face, getting ready to let loose many tears of frustration, but I really didn't want people I barely knew to see me cry.

"I guess I'll just drive home and change then," I stated quickly, wanting to just go home wishing today never happened.

Yet again…somebody stopped me from doing so. I swear, if people don't stop halting me, I will go bat-crazy and have my revenge.

"Nonsense!" Stella laughed and turned me around.

"You want me to walk around with my pink underwear displayed to all?" Come on Stella. I thought you were more fashionable than this. And yes, I wear pink underwear. Something about them just puts a bounce in your step.

"No, no," Macy shook her head. "Stella has plenty of back-up clothes in her second locker."

Seriously, how many lockers do these people have? I should write a letter of complaint…or at least ask for an extra locker myself. Oh! Imagine having a locker/refrigerator. That would be the most beautiful site in-between classes ever.

Sorry about the personal tangents. It happens when I'm stressed.

But, as sweet as Stella's proposition sounded…I couldn't just wear clothes that didn't belong to me…no matter how pretty they might be.

"Thanks Stella, but I really can't accept-"

"Don't be modest," the blonde ordered, shutting me up. "I want to help and once I've made up my mind about helping someone, you can't change it." Macy nodded in agreement.

As more cars arrived in the parking lot and as my rear end felt a cold breeze, I realized that I really had no choice but to accept Stella and Macy's kindness.

Plus, I was afraid they would drag me across the ground if I said no. That is something I definitely do not want to experience again.

I hesitantly nodded and tightened the grip on my bag. Please, Dear Lord, don't let anything else embarrassing happen.

Stella grinned and let me walk ahead of her as her and Macy protected the embarrassing view in the back. Easier said than done. There came a few times when people would want to exchange pleasantries in the morning.

How dare they.

In the end, however, I am very proud to say the three of us made it inside the school successfully.

Now we just had to get through the busy morning hustle of the hallways…

Maybe this wouldn't work after all.

Before I could turn around and wimp out, Macy and Stella pushed me forward.

"Jane!" I heard Allison call out to my right.


"Over here," my friend said like she always did in the morning. Adam stood by her and waved at me to come over and join in whatever conversation they were having. I almost did the stupid act of going in her direction, but the two girls behind me are apparently smarter.

"Sorry guys," I responded as Stella and Macy started to move faster. "I'll see you later!" When I don't have a gaping hole in my pants.

"But, my mom made her fudge!" Adam called out, holding a container full of delectable treats in the air.

"Fudge?" My eyes wandered to the container dreamily.

"No," Stella ordered, and pushed me around the corner.

I think a part of me just died from leaving behind the fudge.

"It's probably not a good idea to eat chocolate in the hallways when your pants are ripped," Macy said.

"You're right," I sighed, kicking an invisible rock.

"We made it," Stella beamed triumphantly as she turned the lock combination. "Lean against the locker while I assemble the perfect ensemble." She then giggled at her own word play, but then noticed that neither Macy nor I caught on and sighed in disappointment.

While Stella and Macy rummaged through her locker(s) for a nice outfit, I let my mind wander a little. As you could probably guess, the thoughts centered on a particular person…of the male gender…

And their name rhymed with Rick.

*My Random, Nonsensical Thoughts Focusing on a Guy Whose Name Rhymes with Rick and Other Things*

Oh how my parents would flip if they found out their suspicions had been correct. I can see it now.

Mom: I knew it!

Dad: I know you knew it!

Me: Shut up.

Adam? Well he would just be as happy as a little boy at Christmas, and then spout off things about hopes, dreams, love, and other good things.

Adam: Aw, you like Nick? I am so happy for you! Let's talk about your future relationship.

Me: Shut up.

And Allison?

Let's face it. I would receive The Worst Friend of The Year award.

Allison: How could you do this to me? You've betrayed me!

Me: *speechless*

All in all, I think I've got everyone's reactions spot on.

Except Nick's reaction…

Not that he's going to find out I like him. Yeah right, there is no way I'm going to spill the beans when my best friend likes Nick too. Plus, I will admit that I am scared to death of what the guy might say or do. There are three scenarios. Number One: He is grossed out and runs away. Number Two: He says he just wants to be friends and walks away. Number Three: Nick says he likes me back and kisses me…

*Abrupt End of My Random, Nonsensical Thoughts Focusing on a Guy Whose Name Rhymes with Rick and Other Things*

Right when my imagination of the third scenario began (and such a lovely scene it was) a set of fingers snapped in front of my eyes. Right when Nick had swept me up in his arms.

My irritable behavior following is understandable.

"What?" I snapped, unhappy to be pulled from my imaginary romance.

My eyes met those of a confused Macy Misa and I immediately apologized.

"No, it's okay," Macy reassured me. "I just…" She trailed off, tapping a finger to her chin and eyeing me carefully. Unless I sprouted another eye, I doubt there's anything interesting going on with my face.

"Just what?" Come on Macy, staring is rude.

"That look you had earlier," she continued. "It seemed familiar."

"I think staring off into space is familiar for everyone," I laughed uncomfortably.

Macy gave me one more glance and then shrugged. "It'll come to me, but I swear I had déjà vu for a second."

I simply nodded, not completely understanding her words, but still remained uncomfortable all the same. It doesn't matter, I tell myself. It doesn't matter.

Especially since Stella just yelled in triumph over completing an outfit for me.

"I am a genius!" she shouted to the world…or just the passerby's in the hallway giving her and her two lockers a double take.

Macy formed her mouth in an "O" shape to awe at the ensemble. I simply squealed in excitement and dashed towards the blonde to give her a bone-crushing hug. Stella halted me by raising her hand though.

Maybe she's not one for hugs.

That's no fun…

"Turn your back to the wall," she snapped. "Unless you want your undergarments shown to the world."

My face flushed a deep red and I did as told, but could you blame me? The outfit is amazing! A red tunic coming down to the thighs of a pair of blue, pleated pants that would go perfectly with my red flats.

"Seriously Stella, this is awesome," I stated, disbelieving that someone who knows me very little, would go through all of this trouble for me.

The stylist nodded at the praise with a grin, "Thanks Jane, now let's get you to the girl's bathroom so you can change."

"Oh look!" Macy beamed facing the opposite direction. "Kevin's coming!" A familiar dreamy expression overcame the brunette.

I froze in fear of my cover being blown, until Stella shoved me back against the lockers. I suddenly felt a pang of sympathy (or maybe it was the back of my head hitting the lockers) for the Lucas brothers…

"Just stay where you are," she ordered, as Macy and Kevin started up some conversation about lucky boots. "Kevin's not exactly savvy when it comes to keeping his mouth shut."

I nodded and just placed myself against the lockers. Kevin and Macy just wanted to speak for a second right?

Five minutes later…

"I love that café!" Macy exclaimed in her usual bubbliness. "They have the best vanilla crème lattes."

Kevin appeared especially thrilled with this bit of information. "Really? Maybe we should go together some time."

I furrowed my brow in confusion when the guitar player's voice suddenly failed him after that suggestion. His usual rosy complexion turned even darker…and is that sweat I'm seeing? My eyes shot to Macy, and noticed that her voice had failed her as well. Her eyes were downcast and her natural color turned red as well.

"Aw," Stella squeaked in a whisper by me. "It's finally happening!"

"What's happening?" I asked dumbly. The sight did appear adorable, kind of like how I imagined Adam and Allison would look when they proclaimed their love for each other-


That's what's happening.

"Aw," I squeaked in whisper like Stella.

Even though they both couldn't speak, creating an awkward silence, the picture before my eyes was so cute. Chick flicks had nothing on Kevin and Macy.

"YO!" A loud, male voice interrupted the cinema-worthy moment.

"Joe…"Stella glared at the middle Lucas as Kevin and Macy jumped and turned away from each other. Like the moment had never even happened. Macy didn't even get to answer Kevin when he had basically asked her out.

The oblivious band member paid no attention to his seriously bad timing and punched his older brother lightly on the shoulder.

"What's up bro?"

"The ceiling," Kevin stated matter-of-factly, though his usual gung-ho attitude seemed dimmer. His eyes kept flicking over to Macy's apparent frown as Joe gave him a detailed account of his morning.

"And then Nick chased me around the house after he caught me putting corn syrup in his shampoo," Joe laughed heartily as Kevin chuckled half-heartedly.

Macy sighed in defeat and shuffled over by my side. "Sorry for the wait."

"Macy," Stella said sympathetically.

"Forget about it," the brunette shrugged, and then turned toward me with a bright smile. "Let's get you to the bathroom so you won't have stand in front of our lockers all day."

It kind of freaked me out how fast that girl's attitude changed, but seeing as the first bell just rang and the fact that Nick might show up any second, I really wanted to get into some non-damaged clothes.

Stella and Macy backed me up like before and we made our way to the bathroom.

Note to self: Guys are total wimps when it comes to asking girls they really like out on a date.

"Jane! Love the outfit," some random girl whose name escaped my memory (I know; terrible) called out to me as I made my way to lunch.

"Thanks," I smiled and waved. You know, for such a crappy morning, the afternoon is turning out quite well. My morning classes went by in a rush, and Adam even saved me some of his mom's homemade fudge.

The smell of the chocolatey goodness immediately hit my senses when I came to halt in front of my locker, and I sighed in content.

"I hope you have missed me, my delectable treat," I said to myself as I opened my locker and retrieved the tubbawear. The hallway I stood in was completely empty (surprisingly), so I deemed it okay to talk to my dessert.

Moments like these make me forget how difficult life can be. Tests are hard, and newfound emotions can put you in turmoil, but tell me…What is so difficult about chocolate fudge given to you by a loving friend?


I got so lost in my peaceful reverie that I never heard the footsteps coming up behind me.

And then came the clearing of the throat.

My hands almost lost hold of the plastic container, and I gained an expression of annoyance. Partly due to the almost death of my fudge, and partly due to the fact it is probably Van Dyke wanting to copy my notes since he's too busy keeping the balance in the universe by existing to write some words down on a piece of paper.

"If you just came to ask me for my notes, you are going on my hit list," I warned, turning around to glare at my cousin…


It's not Van Dyke…

It's Nick…

"Am I still in danger if that's not what I came here for?" Nick asked, standing there in all his glory. I'm sure I have described his physical features enough to where all of you know what he looks like.

Darn Nick and his natural handsomeness and keen knack for catching me at my weird moments. Though I must say, I love that expression of confusion he tends to get around me.

Oh wait, I'm standing here not saying anything to him.

"Oh! Um, no. You're A-Okay," I nervously grinned, and laughed a little when the musician portrayed mock relief. After those words came out of my mouth, I found that my mind had formed into a blank slate. I had no idea what to say to Nick. Panicking a little, my mouth blurted out the only thing my mind could think of.

"It's cold outside." Curses.

Nick's mock expression of relief quickly deflated to a pair of confused eyes and a twitching upper lip. Way to go Jane. Yes, I'm sure even my dead cat could figure out the weather.

Poor Snuffles…

"Yes it is, Jane," the musician slowly responded. "Are you heading to lunch?"

I quickly snapped out of my brainless state, and tightened the hold on my container of fudge. "Yeah. This dessert cannot go uneaten." Breathe Jane. Act natural.

Nick chuckled, and put a lazy hand into his blazer pocket. "No. Fudge can never be left alone." His grip on his shoulder strap tightened before he asked, "You want some company? I mean, on the way to the cafeteria."

For a second, I really thought "No!" would come from my stupid mouth. But…then I realized that Nick and I were still friends. Just because I have a crush on him, doesn't mean that I still could not talk to him like before.

In fact, it kind of made me want to talk to him all the time.

I almost wanted to laugh at myself over how nervous I had acted. There's nothing wrong with being you, Jane. Nothing ever stopped this before so why stop now?

"I guess," I sighed dramatically, feeling significantly lighter than before. "But, I am not sharing this fudge with you."

Nick seemed to have noticed the shift in attitude, and he grinned lopsidedly. "One of these days, maybe?"

I shook my head resolutely as we started our walk to the cafeteria, "Nope."

When my ears picked up the soft chuckle from Nick, I couldn't help but smile.

I must have gotten lost in my own enjoyment of the moment, but my ears missed the small muttering from Nick.

"I'm sorry. Miles away," I apologized, blinking back to reality.

Nick laughed and nodded in understanding, though he kept his eyes on the floor. "It was nothing important. I just thought you looked nice today is all."

The hold on my plastic container grew limp, and I almost dropped it from shock. Nick said I looked nice. He thinks I look nice. Nice is good. Nice is great.

Holy crap, my heart is beating a thousand times a second. Just return the compliment, Jane. It won't kill you.

"I'd say the same thing, but you look nice every day, so it's nothing new for me," I responded, wincing at my own wording. Good grief…I suck.

I heard an amused laugh come from the guy walking by my side, but it sounded shakier than usual. "Thanks Jane." I risked a glance and saw Nick rubbing the back of his neck while he kept his eyes on the floor. A moment passed where I wished he would gaze in my direction.

As if he read my mind, Nick suddenly locked his eyes with mine. My steps faltered from the surprise, but from some unknown source of bravery, I smiled at him…

And then he smiled back.

It was perfect.

It only lasted for five seconds, but it was one of the best moments of my life. I didn't think pure bliss existed until that moment, but apparently it does. I felt like I was walking on air, and my mind swirled in content, creating all of these hopes and dreams that had never even crossed my mind until now.

One of these many thoughts held a melodic feel to it, and before I knew it a new verse came to life in my head.

Because I feel alive

Every time I catch your eye!

My heart beats fast,

And I know it's gonna last.

That little devil. He did it again.

During lunch those words rang through my mind, and my fingers tapped in rhythm on the wooden table Adam and I shared. Every now and then, when I pretended to hear Adam's lovelorn words, my eyes would flicker to Nick. And, just like the hallway the words would automatically pop in my head. It made me want to steal a guitar and try out the lyrics.

"Jane, are you even listening to me?" Adam interrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah…" I answered slowly, with my eyes still focused on the table where Nick reprimanded Joe for his earlier antics. Stella seemed to want to join in on it too, occasionally wagging her finger in the middle Lucas' face.

A set of fingers snapped in front of the scene, and I almost dropped my plastic spoon of fudge. "Sorry, Adam! Sorry, what were you saying?"

Adam followed my past line of sight and brought his suspicious eyes back to mine. "Jane, why do you keep looking at Nick Lucas?"

My hand froze in bringing the spoon of fudge to my lips, and ended up laughing innocently. "No reason, but I think he has a stain on his shirt-"

"Don't lie," Adam interrupted in a tone I heard rarely. My friend hated it when people did not tell the truth, so he always used a deep, reprimanding voice that would make even the strongest of men crack. Since I am not the strongest of men (obviously), I cracked very easily. My shoulders sagged, and I even pushed my dessert away.

"I realized something last night," I mumbled, already feeling the heat creep up in my neck. Maybe I should ask Stella if she has a scarf handy

Adam scooted his chair closer to mine, losing his intensity from before. "What did you realize?" he asked with his voice full of concern.

Leaning in closer, I lowered my voice to a whisper so no one else could hear, "I like Nick."

I did not expect my best friend to laugh at me, and to be honest, I did not appreciate it. I mean, in the movies don't the guy friends always react with something other than laughter? Like gasping in surprise or a tearful hug. I must have not been picky when I chose Adam as a friend.

Note to self: Be pickier when choosing friends.

"Are you done laughing?" I asked with a click of my tongue. Adam responded with a few more quivers of his shoulders, obviously trying to keep the laughter in.

"Sorry, Jane," he answered, shaking his head in amusement.

"Yeah, whatever," I hissed. "I tell you I like the guy that Allison is head over heels for, and you freaking laugh at me!" That statement seemed to have sobered him up a bit, but the mirth never left his eyes.

"I already apologized," Adam pointed out. "So there's not much more to say as far as apologies go, but if you were in my position you would laugh too."

"That's questionable," I said, folding my arms in a huff. "What's there to laugh about?" I'm no stranger to humor, and the situation I find myself in does not make me burst into fits of laughter.

Adam chuckled again while leaning back in his seat. "Stage one: We find out Allison has a crush on Nick Lucas, so you help her out." After he said that, the humor dissipated. "Stage two: You find out I like Allison, and try to help us both out. Then…Stage three: You end up getting a crush on the guy you have been trying to set up with another person."

A cricket might have chirped in between the stare down we shared.

"That's not funny," I said bluntly. "That's ironic."

Adam shrugged with that cherubic grin of his. "Then I guess I'm a fan of irony."

That made me laugh. "You're a terrible friend." Darn my unwillingness to stay mad at him. But even if my rage did cease, how did that help me in my current predicament? My eyes flickered over to that table in the corner where Stella was currently showing the Lucas brothers some new designs on a notepad. Joe apparently said something funny, causing the occupants of the table. Even Nick smiled. The type of smile that didn't over exaggerate one's happiness. He looked perfectly content with his company. This in turn made me smile.

"I really like him, Adam," I sighed wistfully. My fingers itched to tap the beat of the song forming in my head again, but Adam spoke before I could.

"Then do something about it," he said in all seriousness.

Tearing my eyes away Nick, I scoffed in disbelief. "Yeah, and what about Allison? Crush or not, she's a good friend. What am I going to do? Walk up to her and say, 'Hey, Allison I like the guy you're totally crushing on! Still friends?'"

Drama, drama, drama.

"I know," Adam nodded, a pained expression on his face, but that expression disappeared when something behind me caught his attention. His crinkled forehead smoothed out and his eyebrows rose to the roof. "But, Nick isn't looking at Allison. He's looking at you, Jane."

"What is that Adam?" I sighed, growing tired of the conversation. There was fudge to be eaten after all. "Another deep, metaphorical saying?"

"What? No," Adam sputtered, pointing right behind me. "I mean Nick Lucas is looking in our direction, at you, right now."

I froze at this bit of information, and felt a sudden urge to dive my head deep into my arms to hide the resurgence of heat creeping up from my neck to my entire face. He's looking at me? I don't know if that counts as good or bad, but nevertheless it embarrassed me. My head already started to move, but Adam grabbed my shoulder to keep me from doing so.

"I don't think so, Jane," Adam said, sounding like my father for a déjà vu second. "Go over and talk to him!"

"Are you crazy?" I shook my head quickly and laughed nervously. My hands started shaking from how hard my heart began to beat.

"If you don't move now, I'll call him over anyway," my friend whispered.

Wait…Adam's blackmailing me? It appears that the pod person who had taken over Adam before has returned. At first, I just stared at him with a disbelieving glare, but it seemed that he did not lie. Adam scooted his chair from the table and got up.

"No!" I hissed, grabbing his arm and shoving him back down. "Fine, fine. I'll talk to him, geez."

"That's what I like to hear, Jane," Adam said happily, returning back to his normal self. "Better hurry; lunch is almost over."

Knowing that I would have some sort of revenge on my friend after school calmed down my erratic-beating heart, but that still did not solve the guilt digging at my stomach. If Allison saw this, she would feel betrayed for sure.

Adam seemed to have read my thoughts, and subsequently stood up and patted me on the back. "It'll be okay, Jane. Allison won't hold it against you, and if she does…I'll take the blame."

"You didn't do anything," I scoffed.

Adam shifted uncomfortably on the spot. "Yeah…but, I'm not going to deny that me encouraging you towards Nick doesn't have anything to do with my feelings for Allison."

Yeah, it sounded a little selfish on his part, but I could understand his reasons. From an unbiased perspective, even I knew that Allison liked Adam, but for whatever reason she held onto her crush for Nick.

Such is the life of a teenager I guess.

My inner monologue came to a halt when Adam nudged me towards the table in the back. Giving up my embarrassment (which included lots of mental screaming on my part); I gave Adam a small salute and made my way towards the ever-popular lunch table. My eyes kept descending to the floor, but I knew that there was no shame in looking Nick's way. Once my eyes steadied themselves, I immediately wanted to gaze back down…even if the cafeteria floor resembled a germaphobe's nightmare. The entire table already noticed my presence. Macy and Stella waved brightly, with the stylist mouthing 'Nice outfit.' Joe and Kevin gazed at my approaching figure questioningly. And, Nick? Well, he looked like he always did.

"Hey Jane," Nick welcomed with his ghost of a smile, though it appeared more pronounced than usual. His hand gestured to the seat right by him. Such a gentleman, I thought with a mental swoon…


Oh gosh, just call me Scarlett O'Hara and give Nick a big mustache and cigar.

"So, how's everyone doing?" I ask, placing my elbows on the table, trying to relax. It was kind of hard, considering the amount of people at the table made the sitting space compact. A few centimeters closer and Nick and I might as well share the same chair. Kevin sat to my left, but he scooted closer to Macy than necessary.

"Stella was showing us some outfits for the upcoming Halloween concert," Nick responded, twisting the stem of his apple off. "Joe, however, thinks we should dress as zombies."

"Come on," Joe pleaded with Stella, putting an arm around her shoulders for emphasis. "It's Halloween. We should dress up!"

"We have a fair amount of fans that are still in elementary school," Nick sighed in frustration. Something tells me this conversation had gone on for some time. "Don't you think the undead would scare them?"

"It would get us in good with horror filmmakers," Kevin said thoughtfully, and then he gasped in excitement. "We could be in the next Fiona Sky movie!"

Macy scoffed, "What's it called? Think and Die?" Dang Macy that was a burn…a burn that I can appreciate.

Everyone at the table continued on in their own conversations. Joe and Stella continued to work out their differences on some outfits, Kevin and Macy discussed their least favorite horror movies, and Nick? Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Nick tap his fingers on the table in a rhythmic pattern; just like I had done previously. His eyes held a vacant look to them, but anyone who knew him well enough could see that he was deep in thought.

Was he thinking of a new song? I watched with wonder as his fingers tapped a complex rhythm on the table.

"New song?" I asked suddenly, unable to deal with my curiosity any longer.

Nick blinked his eyes and the vacant expression left him, replacing it with surprised grin. He crossed his arms and leaned against the table, intrigued. The action almost made me turn to goo, but luckily my unanswered question kept me solid.

"How'd you know?" Nick asked.

"Sometimes I get the same look when I think of a new song," I answered, thinking back to my earlier experience with the new verse. A part of me suddenly wanted to tell him about the growth of the song, and I almost did…but…

The words that came to me in that moment felt so personal, and not to mention they were about him. Then again, I guess the song was always about him. Ever since Allison made me listen to some of his songs, I felt inspired to write something because of it.

I almost laughed out loud at my own thickness. You know the whole "the first time I met him" sort of thing. Nick Lucas is no exception. I never thought I would fall for someone under these circumstances, but there you go.


And of course Nick would ask the one question I wanted to avoid.

"Speaking of which, have you made any progress on your song?" he asked, sincerely wanting to know. Darn him.

There were two options; none of which appealed to me. Tell the truth or lie. It's kind of depressing when you can't decide whether to do the right thing or not.

But, it appeared that someone above knew of my internal struggle and gave me a small break.

In other words…the school bell rang. For once, I was saved by the bell.

I quickly got up from the table with an apologetic look towards Nick, but paused in my desertion.

He looked disappointed, but failed in trying to hide it from me. His forehead creased in dissatisfaction while he tried to fool me with a ghost of a smile.

"See you, Jane," Nick gave a small wave, and turned back towards his brothers and friends.

Guilt lingered in the back of my mind as I walked away from the table, and I almost exited the cafeteria, but I stopped right before the double doors with a frown. Nick had spent all of last night trying to not only help me with my song, but my poem as well.

A hint wouldn't hurt…right?

Nodding at myself in approval, I turned around and made my way back to Nick's table, grinning with confidence. I tapped his shoulder lightly, and he turned around still looking down, but brightened up once he saw me.

"I'll show you the new verse in French," I said, already feeling the heat creep up my neck.

All disappointment left the visage of Nick Lucas, and I felt like my work was done. I gave a small salute to the table and walked out of the cafeteria with a clear conscious and smile that wasn't going to come off my face any time soon.

I really want to thank all of you for reading and reviewing. I know Jonas/OC is kind of iffy in the fanfiction community, but thanks for giving this one a chance. Again, I am so sorry for the delay. Work has been hectic, and not to mention I have some other stories that I'm trying to work on. But, hopefully the next update will come sooner than this one did.

Thanks for the love, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next one will definitely have some awesome Jane/Nick moments…and will Allison find out the truth? Gasp!

Haha, we'll see!

The only thing I ask is for reviews, so if you liked it or have some constructive criticism, please do so.