Disclaimer: there not mine…..oh if only!

Toshiko was walking into work clutching her bag to her as tears streamed down her face.

Owen looked up from his computer as the cog door rolled back "Hey tosh…whoa what up" He got up and ran towards her as she tried to wipe the tears away.

"Nothing I'm just being silly" "come on tell me what's wrong" He put a comforting arm around her shoulder as they walked towards the sofa.

She told him all about how a friend of her friend had started insulting her and shouting at her for no reason and how she got scared that she had done something horrible to that person without even realizing.

"Tosh babe I bet there just winding you up" she frowned thinking about it when she finally looked at him she was crying again "no there not it was horrible they were saying such bad things and when I asked what I had done wrong they said I was a bitch and a rat!"

Owen just couldn't understand why someone would do that it was so mean, He put his arms round her and rocked her on the sofa just as jack walked in.

"Oi Jack, get over here Tosh Is upset" he shouted over, everyone knew Jack and Toshiko were best friends so if anyone could make her happy again it was him.

After a while Jack had go Toshiko laughing her head off at some insane story Jack had told her that involved jelly, backed beans and old people.

Owen watched fondly loving the way she giggled softly, he really like Tosh but he would never tell her, she was way out of his league and would turn him down and Owen just couldn't deal with that so he pretended to not notice her.

Maybe one day he would find the courage to tell her but then again maybe not.

A.N hiya I'm new to all this please be nice! This is about what happened to my GF NO-PANTIES thinking of doing a second chapter tell me what you think!