A/N: Well, if I did Hell, I guess I will have to do Heaven as well. So, last chapter(s) and then complete for sure! Thanks again for reading!

The voice repeated that she was in Heaven, a heavy weight laying on her heart as her brain was forced to acknowledge the fact that she had moved on from one world to the next. Despite the fact that she was surrounded by the Heavens, and wrapped in an Ethereal light, it did nothing to dull the pain.

She was dead.

She thought moving on would be effortless, and painless. But it was nothing like Sunday school had taught her. She ached for what was, and she mourned her passing, even more so, she mourned the life she left behind and the opportunities that would never again be afforded to her.

She began to cry. What a waste of a life she had been. It had been filled with too many what ifs. And now it was too late.

A hand gently reached out and touched her on the chin.

She opened her eyes, momentarily blinded by the salty water of her tears, a slight stinging gave way to a rush of emotions.

It was him.

He was here.


He picked her up in his arms, and together they both walked towards the gates.