Disclaimer: I do not own Billy and Mandy but BOY do I wish I did!

A/N: I wonder how many flames I'll get for this?

"Heya Grim!" greeted Billy enthusiastically.

"Go away."

"Aww," said Billy sadly. "I just wanted to hang out!"

"I don't care, mon. Go away!"

"Jeez," Billy exasperated, throwing himself onto the couch beside Grim. "Someone's a Mr. Grumpy Grump today!"


"Hey Grim, there's something I wanna ask ya!" said Billy.


"Wow!" cried Billy. "You knew the answer befores I even asked it! You must be psychological or sumthing!"

"No, you idiot, I don't want to answer your stupid questions!"

"Are you sure? This one's really good! I swears it!"

"No Billy,"

"Aww, please?"

Grim sighed. "Fine, you wretched ting. What has been dwelling in that empty, fat head of yours?"

"We-ll, I was just wondering, since you don't gots no skin at all, do you have a-"


All of the sudden, a loud noisy truck passed Billy's house, honking rather loudly and their conversation was disrupted. Luckily for Grim heard exactly what Billy had asked.

"Dat's a rather personal question, mon," said Grim gravely. (Geddit? Grim, Gravely? Geddit? Ba boom CHING!)

"Well I wouldn't have asked but I gots all curious, I mean you're a skeleton! How do you-"


Yet again another loud truck passed the window.

"I don't have ter sit here and listen to dis," said Grim preparing to stand.

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait!" cried Bily, grabbing ahold of Grim's cloak and pulling him down again. "What's the problem, Grim? We're both guys here, aren't we?" said Billy nudging him.

"Fine! If it will stop your yapping, no Billy I do not have a -"

HONK! "Gladys, are we missing the monster truck convention?"

"No Harold! That was last week!"

Back to the story...

Billy was agog. "So you really don't have one?"

"Of course not mon, I'm a skeleton! And I mean, come on! You've seen me wit no clothes before. I have no skin."

"Yeah but... but... but I thought everyone had one!" cried Billy. "Well, I mean obviously not everyone has one. Like Mandy doesn't have one, I know that. See? I'm not completely stupid!" Billy blew a wet raspberry.

"Are we finished yet?" said Grim, wearily wiping the saliva off his face.

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait!" said Billy holding up his hand in silence. "I haves but one more question!"

"Ugh. Fine."

"Since you don't have a-" HONK! "and you can't go to the-" HONK! "does that mean you can't... uh, y'know..."

"Spit it out, child!"

"Does that mean you can't-"

HONK! ("Gladys I'm sure we're missing that monster truck rally!" "No Harold, it's just your imagination!")

Grim glared at Billy. "No Billy, I can't. In fact, it's almost impossible to do dat without a-" HONK!

"Oh!" said Billy surprised. "My dad does it all the time. Sometimes he does it with my mum. He says it's more fun because she knows what she's doing-"

"Shut up! Shut up! I don't wanna here about dat, mon!"

"Well, FINE Grim!" said Billy angrily, jumping of the couch. "I just wanted to haves an intelligental conversation with yous, but no! Apparently someone's too grumpy!"

Billy wandered out of the room, muttering "Jeez, who knew Grim was so sensitive about his nose..."

A/N: Bwahahahaha! You all have such dirty minds!

And for the record, Billy was talking about blowing his nose! XD

Oh, I'm very very bad!