Sketching 'I Hate You!'

Disclaimer: I do not own Shugo Chara! at all. All rights go Peach-Pit I think.

(A/N: I love writing for this story. Little kids are my favorite. And no, I'm not a pedophile.)

Ikuto threw hell the next day at Nadeshiko's school. Towards both the principle and staff members (and maybe some students included). Nadeshiko, who was sitting in the office as this happened, slumped down in her seat as she watched her brother's face turn red with hatred and anger of this injustice. He was really throwing a fit here. The young girl could feel a strong aura of hate emitting from Ikuto. Sighing, Nadeshiko looked over to a fuming Saaya. Her face looked like a little kid pouting, but Nadeshiko knew better. Saaya hated her for sure now, Nadeshiko was positive about that. But, Nadeshiko could never keep secrets away from Ikuto, even if the world counted on her to do so.


"I'll ask for the last Nadeshiko, what the HELL happened to your hair!" Ikuto shouted as both siblings finally entered through their doorway. As soon as Ikuto saw Nadeshiko's hair, he knew something happened to her. Something at school. And it wasn't a good thing like getting a star for acing a spelling test.

Nadeshiko looked around nervously, avoiding as much eye contact with her big brother as necessary AND possible. By the tone of his voice, she knew it was bad. It was even worse. Ikuto was starting to use swear words around Nadeshiko now. And that was a sign Nadeshiko knew well. Not to get him angrier. "I cut my hair." she lied. "I wanted to know what it felt like to have short hair."

Ikuto seethed at his little sister. "Don't you lie to me. Look at me when you say it." Ikuto barked, causing Nadeshiko to wince back in fear (which Ikuto took notice of but was too angry to address or comfort it).

"...girl..." Nadeshiko mumbled under her breath. Ikuto had to strain his ears to hear it.

"Repeat it." he ordered. Nadeshiko felt tears welling up in her eyes. She never saw Ikuto this mad before.

He was so scary.

Sitting down in a seat, Nadeshiko looked up at Ikuto, the tears coming down her pale face as she watched Ikuto come upon his devil self. Just to have him falter his anger, just a little bit.

He hated it when she cried like this. Taking deep breaths, Ikuto kneeled down to her level and patted her head.

"If you tell me... I promise I won't be mad at you anymore." Nadeshiko gulped as she started explaining how girls approached her. What they thought of her relationship with a boy (Ikuto was going to kill this boy one day) was. How much it scared her to have them around her, with a mocking aura thick in the air. How they dragged her to the girls bathroom and shoved her into a random stall. And suddenly, snips were heard everywhere with her crying, shouting at them to stop. Why their comments made her feel less than human. All in all, they all left her crying in the stall, while Nadeshiko flushed all her hair away.

By the time she finished, Ikuto smiled at her. Of course now, Ikuto was for sure...



"Please, sir..." The principle started to say, her long and wavy, sandy-blonde hair swaying with her petite (yet firm) body. "I'll look into it soon bu-" The principles soft voice was cut off.

"SOON? NOW!" He roared, fists slamming onto a desk. "I can't believe no one catches students like her! Tormenting my baby sister!" He shouted. Nadeshiko slummed lower one the baby sister part. Her face flushed.

'Oh my...'

"Yeah!" Nadeshiko mentally groaned out of displeasure. She almost forgot the Kukai was here (he somehow managed to follow both Ikuto and Nadeshiko into the office) cheering for Ikuto and was practically on his side. Which meant that he was practically on her side. Which concluded...

Saaya was going to make her pay oh so dearly. Later.

"Suspend Saaya!" Kukai demanded, Ikuto nodding his head in agreement (even though he didn't even know who this kid was). Saaya glared Nadeshiko's way and Nadeshiko almost whimpered. This was not going good. This was not going good at all.

"I agree with the brat!" Ikuto added.

"Yeah!" Kukai then looked at Ikuto with a glare. "I'm not a brat!" Ikuto looked down at him.

"Shut up! I'm busy!" he snapped.

"You shut up!"

"You shut up!"

"No, you!" Kukai fired back.

"Shut the hell up you annoying brat!" Ikuto snarled, his eyes turning to the now pissed off principle. "No one messes with my little sister and gets away with it! Even if it's just another little girl like her!" Hissing out the her with venom as he pointed his long finger her way.

Nadeshiko was so dead.

Every tissue and blood cell in her body was telling her that.

"Ikuto... Please stop." She whispered as she lightly grabbed onto his slightly ruffled dress shirt. Her eyes rolled over the the principles. "Ms. Mashiro-san... I'm so very sorry for my older brother's behavior." Ikuto almost found this sentence offending. Almost. "But please... He's only looking out for my best interest."

There, that's better. Ikuto grinned. Ms. Mashiro rubbed her temples out of frustration and irritation. This was not how a person's day was suppose to start out.

"Fine, I'll set up a conference with Ms. Yamabuki's parents about Nadeshiko's situation." Saaya was seething inside that tears started to well up in her face. All Nadeshiko could do was pick at her short hair. Ikuto and Kukai looked a little gleefully at each other. "I really didn't expect this from you, Ms. Yamabuki."

"Your on her side?" Saaya hissed, crossing her arms. Ms. Mashiro shook her head.

"I'm not on side. I'm doing what's right. I'm so disappointed in your actions Ms. Yamabuki. Ms. Fujisaki is a very respectful student, and I highly doubt that she'd do anything to hurt anyone."

"Yes she would!" Saaya yelled, standing up. Nadeshiko stiffened slightly and clutched Ikuto's white sleeve, causing Ikuto to growl nastily at the little brunet across from them.

Little bitch. Ikuto told himself.

"She's manipulating all my friends against me!" cried Saaya.

"Liar." Kukai defended.

Nadeshiko groaned at Kukai's rash behavior. I'm...a goner.

"Ms. Yamabuki! Please, stop right now." scolded the petite principal. "I'm going to have to suspend you for this, and talk to your parents." Saaya shrieked out of anger. Ms. Mashiro continued to scold her. Nadeshiko held a death grip on Ikuto, who in turn started to soothe her. And Kukai, Kukai.

He couldn't help but like Saaya's attitude when she was angry. He still didn't like her though.

"Thank you for letting me take the day off Iku-nii." Smiled the ten year old little girl as her chestnut eyes looked up to her older brother. Ikuto—who took the both of them to a café—sipped his light mocha coffee and winked at his little sister.

"It's no problem, really." He replied scooting his chair closer to the wooden table. "It's the least I could do since I was being incorrigible, wouldn't you agree, Nadeshiko?" Ikuto asked with a tight smile plastered on his face. The little girl sank down in her seat, silencing herself. The happy mood she was in, now destroyed.

Yes, she really thought that her older brother was being a little, rash about the whole situation. Because now, she was going to be in more trouble when Saaya would return to school. Filled with hatred towards her. A loathe that Nadeshiko knew she would never escape from. All from another brunet ten year old girl.

It was great. Not.

And it's all that boy's fault. Nadeshiko told herself. That, that Kukai's fault. If he never would have talked to me, then I wouldn't be in this whole thing with Yamabuki. Nadeshiko forced herself to believe this. That it was Kukai's fault she had fallen from Yamabuki's good graces. Or at least, stayed invisible from the little fire ball of negative energy (Saaya).

Or maybe, it was her fault. Kukai would've never have talked to her if it wasn't for her ability to draw. He'd taken an interest in her because of that same damned ability.

Drawing really is a curse. It's why mom left. Sadly, Nadeshiko clutched onto her uniform that she hadn't changed out of yet. Maybe I should quit drawing. And then the idea dawned on her. That was the answer to end it. Quit drawing. She'd find another way to be creative. There were more ways. Like clay, painting, carving, oil paints, origami. Nadeshiko didn't need a pencil. If she could do other things in an average way, then Kukai will for sure lose his slight interest in her.

Whilst Nadeshiko stayed silent thinking, Ikuto couldn't help but think that maybe he hit a nerve with his little sister. Not that he meant to. It was just that after he said something, she stayed silent. Maybe I should apologize to her. But why? All he did was defend her. Fight for her. Nadeshiko needed someone like that in her life. And he was the only one like that for her.

It was only them.

Just the both of them. Him and her. Even when their mother was around, their was a bubble around them that kept them in their own world, together. Like a happy solitude. That Ikuto—who he believed—no one could ever breach. That they could only understand each other. So why couldn't Nadeshiko understand that what he did was for her?

Maybe she's too young to know. Just when he was about to apologize to her, Nadeshiko smacked the wind out of him with the next thing she said.

"I'm going to quit drawing."


"Why would you do that?" Yoyo asked Kukai as they walked down the hallway a little bit after school ended. Nakaido had made the point that their official club days would be every other Wednesday after school. Which was fine with Kukai, he had sports to practice.

"Why not?" Kukai asked, not seeing the harm in what he did. He was only defending someone who was innocent. "I mean, it's not like Nade-chan deserved it."

"You don't get it, do you?" Yoyo asked. "All you've done was get Nadeshiko into more trouble with that mean Yamabuki."

"Oh." Was all Kukai could find in himself to say. "But why?" Yoyo rolled his autumn eyes at the moronic and oblivious boy.

"It's because Yamabuki really likes you. That's why." Yoyo replied as if it were so simple. It wasn't. Kukai could feel his face grow warm. And his cheeks started to grow pink.

"Ew." Was all he could muster up to say. To that, Yoyo raised an eye brow. Kukai noticed that simple action. "It's not that she's ugly or anything. It's just that, she's so mean and evil." Yoyo chuckled. "What?"

"Nothing. It's just that...well." Yoyo made a slight hesitation in what he was about to say. "Well, I think your going to make things harder for my Nade, that's all." Kukai tried his hardest to seem normal after that statement from then on.

"Really now?" he asked in response, giving a strain smile. I don't think smiling was suppose to suck this much. "I really don't see how." Yoyo—who had noticed Kukai's suddenly drained expression across his face—craned his neck to the side so Kukai wouldn't see him roll his eyes.

Kids these days. Sighed the short boy as both exited through the front door of the school.

Nadeshiko sighed as Tuesday rolled around. And all she remember last night was Ikuto complaining about needing to have a girlfriend. She shook her head and dismissed that memory. When was he going to learn that he was going to marry her? Silly teenaged boys, so foolish.

"Nadeshiko?" That was the voice of the second to last person Nadeshiko wanted to hear early in the morning while walking to school. The tall girl turned around to face Kukai who was still shorter than her.

"Yes, Souma?" She replied tiredly, rubbing her eyes. Kukai frowned as he took notice that Nadeshiko looked more like a regular human today. Not as angelic as she usually was (no matter how mean the girl could be) Maybe it was her hair. It was short like a boy's.

"What's up?" He asked cheerfully, ignoring his cheeks going pink as he looked toward her skirt. But his eyes shot up to her immediately after one look at her plaided red clothing. Ignore it. Ignore it. Kukai gave a forced smile as he tried not to think about his newly discovered...drawing ability. He actually practiced some last night. But quickly stopped when he started to feel sick for practicing such crude pictures.

"You ruined my life." Nadeshiko blurted out. Oops. She obviously didn't want that to slip out. And miraculously, Kukai didn't seem to mind. Or was oblivious to that fact. Or maybe he was just used to it.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Yuiki was telling me about that yesterday." Kukai waved his hand, as if mocking something. "But at least she got suspended, right? That's what counts?" Kukai stopped himself as he watched Nadeshiko's face change. It went from tired to fearful in a flash. And suddenly she started to shake a little.

"Y-yeah." She's going to get me. What if she cuts off something else?

"Nadeshiko, are you okay?" Kukai asked, worried. His green eyes showing concern, and maybe even a little guilt somewhere in there. Nadeshiko only nodded her head and continued on her way to school. Kukai trailed a little bit behind her. "So, nice weather, huh?" No response. Well, that maybe sucks. The ten year old boy frowned. "Oh! That reminds me." Kukai added rather quickly.

"Yes?" Nadeshiko asked, really not in the mood for conversation with Kukai. She'd really, rather converse with Yoyo.


"Nakaido-sensei." Nadeshiko corrected.

"Nakaido-sensei..." Kukai continued. "Said that art club meetings would only be meeting on every other Wednesday after school. But we have one this week. I'm glad that we saved it, don't you?" Kukai asked. For a while, to two walked in silence. It was slightly unnerving Kukai. But then Nadeshiko seemed to show some life in her.

"Yes, I'm glad." Nadeshiko replied, looking up. "It's just another way I can create more memories with Yoyo before everything ends." A smile graced Nadeshiko's lips at the very thought. And Kukai grew a little bit uncomfortable. "But..." Nadeshiko stopped walking and looked at Kukai, her eyes showing a little bit of indecisiveness. "I should know." She whispered. "That I'm quitting on drawing."

"What?" His words came out blunt and in denial. "But, art club needs-"

"I'm not quitting." Nadeshiko added, answering him before he had the chance to jump to conclusions. "I just want to find other ways to be creative. Drawing is not the only thing that is considered artful." To this, Kukai nodded his head in agreement. But something in him died a little and his eyes hollowed.

"But Nade... Drawing is a part of you now." Nadeshiko furrowed her brows. What did he know about her?

"You don't know anything about me. Your only ten years old, like me." She reasoned, whether it was to reason with herself or Kukai, Nadeshiko didn't know. But for a moment, it was like Nadeshiko saw something in Kukai that made it look or seem like he could understand something, anything about her.

"Your right Nade, I still don't know you. But I know that something that you hate to love, it's part of you now." Kukai knew that Nadeshiko knew what he was talking about. Drawing was their only place to find solitude from the world. Where no one, friend or family, could breach. Just yourself and your own creativity.

It was silent until Nadeshiko breathed out a sigh she didn't even know she was holding. His words stung.

"Your probably..." Nadeshiko started to say. "...probably the most incorrigible person I have ever met." Kukai tilted his head.

"What does that mean?" A small smile touched Nadeshiko's lips that Kukai failed to notice.

"I'm going to continue to walk to school." She started taking long strides and Kukai had to run to catch up to her.

"Can I join you?"

You kind of already do that all the time.


"Your warming up to him?" Yoyo mused as he and Nadeshiko entered their classroom. Nadeshiko—who had been trying to sleep whilst the teacher wasn't looking—looked at Yoyo. He seemed a little sad.

"What? No, I'd never, Yo-chan. I don't-"

"Like him." Yoyo finished. "That I know. You guys argue a lot." To this, Yoyo giggled a boyish giggle. "It's just... Well, I noticed that you didn't really bite his head off when you guys entered school today."

"Always observant, Yo-chan." Nadeshiko smiled as she slowly reached for his hand across the empty space next to them. "But...he just doesn't leave me alone like most people."

"Like me." Yoyo added, gripping her hand. She smiled.

"Yeah, like you. Iku-nii. Nakaido-sensei. And Amu-chan now."

"We're getting friends Nade-chan. That's what's happening." To this, Nadeshiko frowned. To be honest, all she wanted was Ikuto and Yoyo. Maybe even Nakaido to notice her every now and then. Nadeshiko wasn't even sure she was a friend type to other people. "Why don't you try letting Souma be your friend?" He asked. Nadeshiko let go of Yoyo's hand then and shrugged shoulders.

"He...likes my art." She softly replied.

"I do too." Yoyo chipped in. Giving him a sideways glance, Nadeshiko pursed her lips together.

"He likes my art. Yo-chan... I don't think you get it." With that said, Yoyo shifted a little in his seat slightly irritated and grumbled.

And that Souma does?


Amu blushed in her seat as Tadase sat next to her in the art room. It was Wednesday, after school and it was only them alone. Not that Amu was a perverted girl, she was very girly and had discovered her newly founded crush on the blonde boy. He had soft, gentle pink eyes and was like a prince she'd read in her fairytale books back in head start. And Tadase spoke different languages. Like, English and Spanish. Even if Amu couldn't tell the difference between them yet, she knew he could speak those languages and probably more.

People called him a multi-bilingual show-off. But who cares about the people who said them? He was nice too—something other people couldn't be these days.

"Buenos tardes, Hinamori-chan. ¿Cómo estás?" Tadase greeted. Amu looked at Tadase with a little confusion on her face. To that reaction, Tadase realized his mistake. "Oh, lo siento. I mean, I'm sorry. I meant to say: Good afternoon. How are you?"

"I'm fine thank you." Amu replied with a smile on her face. The pink haired female could feel her face growing her hair color. "What language was that?" She asked, folding her hands together on the table.

"Spanish. My abuela, grandmother, is from Chile. So she taught me some. We're going to visit my abuelo, grandfather's grave after the school year." Tadase explained. Amu smiled, a smile that went unnoticed by Tadase as he was busy thinking of his grandmother. A warm soul she was.

"Can you speak other languages?" Amu asked, tilting her head to the side, snapping Tadase out of his thoughts.

"Oh? Yes. A few. English, Arabian and French." Amu's ears perked up.

"French?" Tadase nodded his head. "Like Lulu and Utau De Morcef?" Amu asked, her eyes widening. Tadase only nodded his head.

"Yes. I've known those two since birth." Amu felt a little envious of Lulu and Utau. They never mentioned to her or Saaya that they knew Tadase so well. But then again, she never really mentioned she liked Tadase either. "They are very pretty, don't you think?" Tadase asked. Amu suddenly felt sick.

"Yes, yes they are." Feeling a little sad inside, Amu averted her eyes to the ground. Maybe he likes one of them.

"I thought so too. They're like sisters to me." Tadase explained as he noticed that Amu's happiness deflated rather quickly. Amu's inside's suddenly grew warm like her face did all over again.

Well that changed everything. And suddenly the feeling of embarrassment washed over Amu's features. She even gave a light and struggled giggle.


"Uh? Hello?" Kukai asked, interrupting the two students. Both Tadase and Amu turned around.

"Yeah Kukai?" Tadase said in a low, playful tone. To this, Amu could immediately tell that Kukai was on a different bases than anyone else who associated themselves with Tadase. Not friends. Brothers. "What's up?"

"Tadase! Just the man I was looking for. Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Kukai asked, looking at Amu nervously. Tadase jumped off of his seat and walked towards Kukai. Before reaching the door, Tadase looked over his shoulders and smiled at Amu.

"I'll be back later."

"Yeah." Amu replied happily as she looked out the window after he left. A smile couldn't help but spread across Amu's face and a lingering feeling of warmth passed over her.

"Amu-chan?" Nadeshiko appearing before the pinket. Amu, who was startled, looked back over at Nadeshiko.

"Yes?" Amu asked, smiling to the brunet. Nadeshiko looked nervously around them, checking to see if it was only them in the room. It was for now. Suddenly, Nadeshiko's face turned a little pink.

"I was wondering, since you were really good with cutting my hair, do you... Maybe... Want to fix it? Because I don't like it just hanging down." Straightening up, Amu clasped her hands together.

"Sit next to me. I'll see what I can do!" She exclaimed rather happily.


"What's wrong?" Tadase asked as he and Kukai just continued to walk up and down the same hallway they've been doing for the past two minutes. Taking a deep breath, Kukai looked Tadase in the eyes.

"I have something to confess." Kukai exclaimed.

"Can I listen in on it too?" Yoyo asked, as if poofing behind them like magic. Kukai gave a startled yelp as Tadase stood frozen for a moment or two.

"What? No!" Kukai snapped as he regained composure. "This is...a secret." Yoyo smiled as he measured the taller boys up.

"C'mon, we're all dudes. Lemme' know too." He pouted, crossing his arms. Tadase laughed and looked over at Kukai.

"I don't think it would be bad if you told him too." To that statement, Kukai glared at Tadase, but literally gave in. Why not?

"Fine, but both of you cannot laugh. This is serious." Kukai pointed out, face turning red.

"Promise." The other two boys said simultaneously as they scooted closer to Kukai.

"So what is it?" Tadase questioned, a little eager to hear Kukai's secret. Though the kind blonde never showed it out in public or to Kukai's face, he always thought that Kukai's secrets were the funniest. That whenever Kukai left his house after telling his secret, a bubble of laughter would always erupt from Tadase's lips.

"Well, a few nights ago... So both of you know that my drawing ability isn't as great."

"It sucks." Yoyo chided in. Tadase stifled a laugh but held silent to his tongue when Kukai glared at the petite boy.

"Thank you for that Yoyo. But anyways..." Kukai continued, clenching his fists together in a tight hold. Just 'cuz your a show-off with clay. "I drew...something that night."

"Like?" Tadase queered, pink eyes squinting.

"Like..." Kukai bit his lip. "Nade's panties?" The tanned ten year old finished and his face was on fire. Yoyo gasped at Kukai's confession.

"Are you serious?" Yoyo exclaimed almost a little too loudly.

"Sshhh! This is top secret! Don't tell anyone!" Kukai pleaded. Tadase stared at his friend in utter shock.

"That's really...uhh...splendid!" Tadase chuckled nervously.

"Souma, you're a pervert." Yoyo complimented.

"Gee, thanks!" Kukai feigned his excitement. "Remind me to never, ever, ever tell you guys anything ever again." He grumbled.

"No, it's... Well..." Tadase tried to explain. "Do you, like Fujisaki?" Kukai immediately shook his head "no."

"Of course not. That's crazy talking." Kukai retorted, ignoring his stomach flip. Damn stomach ache. "Let's go back to the art room." Before the other two had a chance to reply, Kukai started walking away. Tadase and Yoyo looked at each other in doubt.

Tadase smiled knowingly and continued Kukai's movement.

Yoyo frowned and his stomach tightened. The petite boy didn't like the feeling that was starting to eat him up.