Sorry you guys! I've had major writers block on this story and quite a few of my others. Hopefully, the other updates will follow this one soon. For my other stories of course. Anyway please forgive me for the super long wait.

Disclaimer: Everyone knows who Twilight belongs to or else I'd be rich, and die of happiness.

One hour later...

After I put on more of my fighting clothes, got everything in the training weapons catagory , and made sure that Carlisle had everything he needed, I went to retrieve Carlisle. I ended up sneaking up on him and he jumped into the air in fear.

"Lesson number one, never let anyone sneak up on you. Keep your senses open. All of them. You need all of them. Don't breathe when you are being stalked or if you are sneaking up on somebody unless it is nessasary to talk. It makes it harder for your enemies to detect you, and that gives you an advantage. You can detect them first." I said. I would've taught him that anyway, but that seemed like the perfect opening. I started to walk towards the clearing, where I will train him. If I'm not mistaking, Demetri, Jane, and Felix are training the others in the next clearing. Maybe I'd pop in later.

"Okay, now that you know Lesson munber one, we will move to the next one. I'm going to teach you how to work your senses to your advantage." Carlisle nodded as I continued. "Allow your senses to work together. Catch the scent, listen to the shifts in nature, and wind, and let your mind detect your opponents moves and location. Close your eyes Carlisle. Good. Now I want you to find me." He nodded and I teleported fifty feet to his right. I moved the slightest bit to see if he was doing what I had taught him. His head snapped in my direction and he sped over towards me to where he was standing right in front of me.

"Very good Carlisle. You can open your eyes now." He looked straight at me and I could see his satisfaction on finding me. "Lesson number three. Don't let your opponent know what you are feeling. Keep your face blank, void of all emotion. If your enemy knows your emotions, they will use it against you. Carlisle Lesson three is about endurance and tolerance. I'm going to send you pain. Low volts to high volts. I don't won't to see that you are in pain. I don't want you to show it."

"Now's your chance Carlisle. Drop out now if you don't want pain. If you can't handle it." I said.

"I'm not leaving. I'm doing this for Esme. And for my family." He answered with defiance covering his features. I nodded. I started a storm above us. Above only the clearing. I shocked him with a low volt of lightning. Then I gradually went higher. I saw him cleanch his teeth as I got to 250 volts. I would stop when I got to 400 volts. No sooner. I hit 350, and the only thing he was doing was grinding his teeth together. When I got to 400, he was focusing on his breathing. I could tell. I stopped and he gasped and fell to the ground.

"That was very good for your first time. We will do it again sometime before the session is over. Now I'm going to test your speed and agility. Lesson four. I'm going to send various objects your way. They'll come at you very fast and from different directions. Including my weapons, trees, and boulders. I might even send some pain your way to test and make sure that even if you are in pain, you won't let it distract you enough to let your enemy overtake you. You can avoid getting hurt by the objects or you will get hurt. Your choice of course." I said in a emotionless voice. He merely nodded. "Beginning in 5...4...3...2...1"

On one, I started to move all of the obstacles with my mind. He was doing remarkably well. Carlisle was dodging all of the weapons, smashing boulders, and splintering trees. It looked too easy. Almost like he was having fun. I decided to make it harder for him and I sent hundreds of rocks flying at him all at the same time. I watched as he avoided each one. He even grabbed a gun and shot some of them while avoiding the rest.

He had almost made it through the rocks, so I decided that it would be a good time to send him a little shock and that is exactly what I did. He cringed slightly, but neither his face nor movements altered. I was impressed. As soon as I ran out of things to toss his way, I started to think about the next lesson he should be taught.

"Excellent Carlisle. I must say that I am impressed. Have you done anything like this before?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes and no. I studied a lot of books with marshial arts many years ago, but I never actually put any of the knowledge I learned into good use." Carlisle said with an indifferent expression.

"That's good then. I don't have much more to teach you, but I will test everything that I have shown you so far. You will fight others. Then you will fight me. Of course, I will give you pointers and tips as you fight others. Things that you may need to work on, things that you neglect to do, and things that could get you into trouble if you do when we fight Victoria. Then you will be blindfolded and I will test how well you understood the first lessons? Is that clear?"

"Crystal," he answered.

"Okay. Something I know for a fact is that you care about others and you often seek to help them. You are very compassionate. This is a strong and healthy trait when you are at home living in peace, but when you are at war, this can cause you your life as well as many others. I'm not saying that you should ignore the fact that someone dear to you needs your help, but I am saying that you don't need to let it distract you when you are in a fight. You opponent will use that to catch you off gaurd and end you. Understand?" I asked. He nodded as his face took on a more serious look.

"Okay Carlisle. I want to see how well you handle being ganged up on." I called the 10 of the newest members of the Volturi guard to fight Carlisle. Some had swords and others didn't. I gave Calisle a sword of his own to use, as well as a dagger. He fought them as I yelled out directions. I also threw in my own little diversions. I'd throw a tree at Carlisle and he'd dodge it and use it to his advantage.

Once that was done, the members were all on the weapons were charmed so that they would do slight damage when major injuries should have been given. That is how I avoided any of the members, as well as Carlisle's death.

Carlisle had done exceedingly well and I, of course, told him. Next I blind folded him and told him to use his senses and detected where things are coming at him and how fast they were going. I did lesson four all over again, as I had promised, but this time he was blindfolded.

Carlisle didn't surprised me when this repeat of a lesson left not a scratch on him. I took his blindfold off.

" there is only one thing left for you to do. That is to fight first, then hand on hand combat. When I say combat, you immediately drop your sword and fight. I won't stop or hesitate to see if you are ready." I said. I kept my voice even as I drew my on sword and held it out for him to touch. This signaled that he was ready to duel.

I made the first move and he barely dodged it. We continued on like this for some time. He was moving me backwards, but I had a trick for that. I teleported behind him. This took him off guard and I swiped the sword's blade and made a deep slash into his back. He showed no pain as he turned around and started with more defensive moves. I got three more deep cuts into him. His shirt was barely there and you could see the venom. He had yet to injure me in anyway.

I teleported rocks at him and when he dodged them, He jumped into a tree. I hissed at him. I used the wind and it created a small hurricane that allowed me to float high in the air and it carried me where I wanted it to take me. I knocked him out of the tree and he rolled continuosly through the forest. Unfortunately I knocked him out in the direction of the clearing that the others where in. Just as I suspected, the others could clearly be seen and they could see us. The had stopped all that they had been doing and were now watching us. Mainly, they watched me land with the tornado deminishing by my doing. Carlisle finally stopped rolling and he landed at Demetri's feet. The others looked shocked at his condition.

As he got back up, he tried to get me off guard and swipe under my feet.

"Big mistake, Carlisle. You moved to slow for that move, and you never should've attempted it while you are recovering yourself from a fall." I said in a stern voice. He gave a little nod to show me that he heard and that he understood. I swiped my sword across his arm.

"You left your side open and vulnerable. I could have easily staked you and then cut off your head while you were down. Just position yourself and make sure there are no room for you opponent to get an easy attack." He nodded and when his back was to the Cullens, I heard several gasps and that distracted me and he used that to his advantage. He got a good swipe at my stomach. It only stung, but it was deep nevertheless.

"Very good. Learn from my mistakes." I said. I heard Demetri start to talk to the others, letting them know what I did wrong and telling them to watch us.

"Do you see how she stands?" I'm assuming they nodded because he continued. "That is the right position you stand in when you are sword fighting.

I teleported to Carlisle's left and he sniffed the wind. He was using his senses and that was an excellent thing. I sent a bolt of lightning his way so I could catch his face. It remained stoic.

"Good," I complimented when he turned to me and began fighting again. "Combat."

I threw my sword to the side and tackled him. I didn't stay down long and it took him to long to get up. I grabbed his leg and spun around until I finally released him and he flew across the clearing and shattered the boulder he landed against. I didn't stop. He eventually knocked me down and I easily swiped his legs out from under him and he fell to the ground and I got up.

"That's how that move is done." I said simply. I tossed him in the air and on his way back down, I kicked him right in the stomach and he flew at Felix's feet.

"Watch her carefully," Felix said.

"Learn your opponent." I said it loud so that the others could hear me. "Learn how they move, learn how they attack, learn how the defend, learn what is most common for them to do, and learn how to use those to your advantage." I said. I grabbed Carlisle arm, and effectively spun him around. I grabbed his neck and let my teeth hover over him. "You lose." I said releasing his arm and I heard him growl in frustration.

"Oh, Carlisle. You shouldn't be so down on yourself." Jane said.

"I lost." He said simply.

"But you won. You got very far. I don't think any of my fights have lasted that long. Two hours. The longest it has ever taken me to go in for the kill is 30 minutes. So in a way, you won." I said. "Your session is done. Every day, we will train for two hours. Just fighting and we'll touch up on some of the stuff that we went over today." With that, I threw a 'good luck' over to the others and made my exit. Something in my gut told me that I should stay though so I stopped and thought about it.


Sorry about the long wait. I hope this was worth the wait. I typed more than I was going to. So tell me what you think. I think I'm going to make the next chapter in Edward and Carlisle's pov.

In case none of you knew this... I don't have a beta for this story and many of my others. Anyone know any good ones? Anyone want to be a beta. Not just a person that edits, but a person that inputs ideas and possibly help me write the chapters. You don't have to have any experience, of course, but I would appreciate you being a little creative.

On another note, there is a really awesome story that my friend posted. It is called 'Rebuilding' and it is by "BleedingLove101". It is really awesome so far. This is her summary...

"Six years ago, she was newlywed and her future was bright. Now, she was in a city she knew nothing about and where nobody knew her. She had just committed a crime, although it was a just punishment in her eyes, and had no idea what was in store for her."
I won't tell you to much about it, but I suggest that you read it and spread the word about this awesome story and the awesome author.
Oh and don't forget to review for her and for me. :) smiles :)