Cheshire felt his heart pounding harshly as he heard the soft high pitched mew of a baby kitten. Alice giggled softly, curling around the kitties and unlacing her corset so they could feed. There were only two, but she loved them both dearly.

Cheshire laid down in front of Alice and nudged the female closer to her so that she could feed like her brother was. Alice sat up holding them softly to her breasts. Then she looked at Cheshire her eyes shining.

"Alice love" He whispered kissing her softly. "I was thinking… is there any chance you might want some more kittens? I mean not right now but…"

"Of course" She smiled and kissed his cheek.

Cheshire had always seemed so immature but, when it came to things like this, he seemed to transform into a new person… well I guess the correct classification would be cat. And he became responsible like he had never been before. Responsible and mature and all around sweet.

Cheshire took the girl from Alice and kissed her head softly. "What should we name her?" He asked.

"Rose?" Alice whispered holding the boy.

"That sounds perfect…"

"What about him?"

"Don't you want to name him?"

"I picked her name.."

"I kind of like the name Tux…" He smiled wide.

"Then Tux and Rose it is…"

((poor children XD The reason I picked those two names is Rose is my current cat… and to Tux… R.I.P he was such a cute kitty))