Hiya guys! Well it's been like what? two months since I updated? Yeah I know a long time. Sorry about that :) anyways this is the LAST chapter buddies. Sorry. But i'm officialy done with this story. But anyways enjoy chapter 10!!!

Disclaimer: Nope I don't own Twilight....

Chapter 10: My love has returned.

Bella P.O.V.

"Edward." I gasped. My eyes widening in suprise. At that moment I had to fight so hard not to run into his arms. My love had returned to me.

"Well isn't this nice?" A voice sneered. Then we all turned our heads in the direction to see where the voice came from. Ah, look! It's Alec and Jane. The two siblings who were into incest. Well I guess since we're already damned it doesn't matter much. Right? Dayton sent to me. I had to fight the urge to smile. It wouldn't seem right to smile at a time like this.

"Alec." Aro said with a nod of his head.

"What are they doing here?" Jane asked. Aro sighed heavily and stood up.

"The Cullen's want their dear Bella back." He said.

"Absolutely not!" Alec yelled.

Edward P.O.V.

The sight of Bella standing there made me want to grab her into my arms. But I couldn't for one this just didn't seem like the time and place, and two...well I was kind of questioning the boy standing next to her.

"And why not?!" Rosalie shouted back from her place beisde Emmet.

"Because she belongs to us now." Alec sneered looking at her.

"Excuse me?!" Bella yelled. Her bright red eyes flaring up. Her stance tensed up and she pulled her lips back from her teeth in a snarl. Well i've never seen her look so defensive. I noticed suddenly that everyone in the room took a unconsious step back. "But I don't belong to anyone! I'm not a piece of property!"

"Bella dear." Aro said.

"Don't call me dear." Bella said, clenching her small hands into fists.

"And I so hoped to get out of this with out fighting." Carlisle said. I sighed heavily and looked over at Aro.

"Should we get back to the point?" I asked. Aro slowly took his eyes of a seething Bella and looked at me curiously.

"I suppose so." He said.

"Alright. Well that main reason we came here-"

"We just want Bella back! Please!" Alice said cutting me off. I looked over at her shocked. This was not the plan we had set up. "Just trust me on this Edward....something has changed." Alice thought to me. But before I could even reply back she was at it again. "What if we just compromise."

"Compromise?" Aro said. At this point everyone was looking at Alice strangly. Even Bella was. I guess she wasn't expecting this either. Has the world of war really gotten to her?

"Yes." Alice said with a nod. She took a step away from Jasper and one closer to Aro. "I can already see that you won't want to give Bella up. But what if we can figure something else to where you'll still be able to keep your power." She said. Aro looked at Alice for a long while before he suddenly nodded.

"I'm listening." He said. Alice gave him a small smile and I noticed her small tensed shoulders relax.

"Well what i'm getting at here is. We get to take Bella back home, she gets to come back and live with us. Her friend gets to come also." Alice added as an after thought.

"And?" Aro stressed.

"And when need be or when the time comes and you need their help. Well you can have them. They get to come back here or to where ever you need them. And when the job is done they get to come back home to us." Alice said. Aro sighed heavily and turned to look at Marcus and Caius. They both looked at him their faces bored but their eyes were sending him a silent message.

"And if we agree to this?" Aro asked, not turning around to face Alice.

"Well then this plan goes into action." Alice said, as if it were obvious. Which it was.

"And we can call on them whenever we want?" Aro asked, finally turning around to look at us. All of us nodded. But Bella was looking at Alice wide eyed.

"Of course." Alice replied.

"No double standards though." Emmet added in.

Dayton P.O.V.

Well this seems easier than I thought it would be. But I guess no matter what we will still have a connection with the Volturi. "Should it be this easy?" I sent to Bella. I mean she looked as shocked as I felt. Bella just gave me a small shrug.

"Leave then!" Aro said, with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"What?" Bella asked in a shocked whisper. Aro then turned to look at her.

"Would you like to stay here?" He asked, hope showing in his expression. But Bella uickly shook her head no. At that Aro's expression turned to one of anger. "Then leave!" He all but shouted.

"Come on Bella." I said, grabbing a hole of her elbow.

Bella P.O.V. (one month later.)

"Dayton." I said with a sigh. "You're no better than Jasper at this game."

"Hey!" Jasper called from the other room. I just laughed.

"Yeah well....I never was one to be intrested in these kind of games. Why are they so confusing?" Dayton said. I just laughed and stood up.

"Maybe you and Jasper could play it with eachother." I said. "That way it would be likely for you both to loose."

"Oh just shut up." He grumbeld.

"Bella?" Edward called. "You ready to go hunt?"

"Sure." I said, suddenly appearing infront of him. He gave me his heart melting crooked smile and grabbed a hold of my hand.

"I love you. So much." Edward said, as we dashed through the forest. I smiled up at him.

"I love you too."

~The End~

Well there you all go. Short yes. And did this chapter suck balls? Absolutely. But oh well. I kinda lost steam for it, so if you didn't like it sorry. But I just wanted to get over with. Anyways review please!

~TnmElovr (Tay)