Hey guys!!! as promised i would have this up by friday... whish is today!!! gosh this week has been hectic! Im so happy i can lay back and relax... and plus I have a 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!! you know with Culumbus (is that how you spell the dudes name?) day and all.... but anyways...... Umm all i want to tell you is that you'll get PREVIEWS to every new chapter to this story in Make Love Not War... so be on the look out.... anyways enjoy!

P.S. If you haven't read That Thing You Do I suggest you do seeing as this is the sequel to it...

Disclaimer: Yeah right... like i'd own Twilight! Only in my wildest dreams!

Chapter 1: Denali Clan

Bella P.O.V.

"Come on Emmy! I'll race ya!" I said. Emmet chuckled and ran out of the house.

"Okay... Ready. Set.-"

"GO!" I shouted cutting him off. I took off sprinting. The trees in a blur and the sounds of small animals running away.

"Hey squirt! Thats not fair!" He shouted after me. I laughed and sped up once I noticed he was gaining up on me.

"Run, Bella, run!" Alice called from the house with a country accent, using the famous line from the movie Forest Gump. (haha I couldn't resist.. run forest run!)

I laughed even harder but was cut off when I ran into something hard.

"Uff!" I breathed as I flew backwards, hitting a tree. I heard Emmets booming laugh in the background as he caught up to me.

"You okay there squirt?" He said helping me up. I nodded and looked over to see what made me fly backwards. Standing there was a clan of five beautiful vampires.

"Umm..." Was all I said. Emmet chuckled.

"Hey Tanya." He said, looking at the woman with strawberry blonde hair. She smiled.

"Emmet." Then she looked at me curiously. "Who's this?" She asked.

"This is Bella.... remember? We talked to you guys a couple of years ago..." He said trailing off. Slowly comprehension showed in her eyes.

"Bella? The little human girl you guys adopted?" She asked. Emmet nodded. Tanya smiled at me.

"Well welcome to the family Bella. I'm Tanya.. and this is my family." She said gesturing behind her. "This is Kate." She said pointing to a girl with blonde hair. "Irina." She said pointing to another blonde. "Carmen." She said ponting to the black haired woman. "And Eleazer." She said pointing to the black haired man.

"Hello." I said.

"Well come on!" Emmet boomed. "Let's get going. Everyone will be happy to see that you guys are here." Everyone nodded and followed after Emmet and I. Soon we burst through the door to see the whole family standing in the foyer. Edward smiled only having eyes for me and came up to me. He kissed me on the forehead and then turned to face Tanya and her clan. I noticd the look of pure shock on her face.

"Well the Denali Clan. What a suprise." Daddy said with a smile. Tanya smiled at him but it seemed forced.

"Hello Carlisle. Long time no see." She said. Daddy laughed and gave her a hug. Mommy smiled and walked over to them.

"Well you all seem to be well. How have you guys been." She asked. Irina shrugged.

"We've been good." She said turning towards me. "You never did tell us your daughter was this beautiful the last time we spoke though." And I knew if I were still human I would have been as red as a tomato. Mommy smiled and looked over at me, with love in her eyes. I smiled at her too.

"Well come on... lets not stand around any more! Lets go to the living room, so you guys can tell us what you've all been up to!" Alice said, skipping towards the living room.

Rosalie P.O.V.

"Yeah it was unbelievable! Humans can be so gross sometimes!" Kate said. We all laughed. "I mean he just stood there like it was nothing! No facial expressions or excuses! He just let one rip! And it stunk too!" She said, making us burst out into laughter again.

"God that's funny!" Emmet said. I smiled and took his hand in mine.

"Yeah... Well you should have been there when Bella was like five! She had the most worst stomach ac-"

"Jasper!" My daughter gasped. I had to press my lips together to stop myself from laughing. "You tell that story and I swear to god i'll send you a visual scene you don't want to see!" She threatened. Jasper glared.

"You wouldn't!" He said.

"Oh I would! You just try me!" She said. Edward laughed and wrapped his arm around Bella. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tanya stiffen.

"What is she talking about?" Carmen asked.

"Oh well Bella here is really unique." Carlisle said. "She can send.... visions to people. Like for example she can send you something that she has experienced or something that she wants to happen, or can just send out something random for us to see." He explained.

"So what... say if she wanted to make us see a monkey dancing she could do it?" Kate asked. Carlisle nodded.

"Really? Well can we experience it?" Eleazar asked. Bella smiled and nodded.

"Sure." She said. Bella then closed her eyes and soon enough my vision went black also.

Tiffany dressed me in a yellow sundress, curled my hair and put half of it up in a yellow ribbon.

"Okay." Tiffany said leading my into a room with chairs and a table. "Just get your self comfortable and I'll go get the family, alright?" She asked. I nodded my head, and Tiffany sat me down in one of the chairs. When she left the room I became extremly nervous, hoping that the family would like me. After a minute Tiffany poked her head through the door and smiled at me. "Their here." And with that she opened the door letting seven people file in. Wow these were really pretty people. They quitely took their seats at the table and smiled at me.

"Hello Bella." A pretty blond man said.

"Hi." I Said quitely.

"AWW!!!! Did you hear her voice?! Isn't that just the most cutest voice you've ever heard?" A small pixie looking girl sqeualed bouncing in her seat.

"Alice... calm down." A women with caramel colored hair said. The Alice girl pouted, making me giggle. When she heard me laugh she smiled at me.

"Alright." the blond man said smiling. "Lets introduce ourselves. Shall we?" He asked. When they all nodded he turned to me. "Bella im Carlisle, and this is my wife...." He said gesturing towards the women with caramel colored hair.

"Esme." She finished for him.

"I'm Rosalie." Said a pretty blonde girl giving me a sweet smile. I smiled back shyly at her.

"I'm Emmet!" A big muscley guy boomed. My eyes widend and I shrunk into my seat a little.

"I'm Alice!" The small girl black haired girl said.

"Jasper." A honey blond boy said, giving me a small smile.

"I'm Edward." A smooth voice said. I looked to my right to see pretty a boy with bronze colored hair staring at me strangly.

"Hi, every one." I said in a small voice. Alice quickly jumped out of her seat, ran over to me and gave me a huge hug. I shivered a little at her cold embrace but huged her lightly back.

"Oh... please can we keep her?" She asked letting go of me, but staying by my side. The blond girl Rosalie chuckled.

"Alice she's not a pet." She said.

Slowly our vision came back and I smiled looking over at Bella.

"Wow." Tanya breathed. "That's your gift?" She asked. Bella smiled a little and nodded. Emmet laughed and looked over at Bella.

"I never knew you thought of me as pretty Bella!" He said. Bella glared at him but soon got a wicked glint in her eyes. Then once again my vision went black.

"Bella..." Emmet gasped. "You can't be serious!"

"Oh please Emmy!" I said pouting. "It'll be so much more fun if you wore the outfit." Emmet sighed.

"Fine... but im not wearing the shoes." He said. I sqeualed and hugged his leg. As he walked off I smiled. Soon enough he walked out of my bathroom and started laughing so hard I fell to the floor at the sight of him.

Emmets white legs were sticking out of a hideous purple skirt, a puke green tank top was stretched out on his broad chest, while a yellow jacket covered his arms, and he was wearing a hot pink hat with a feather on it.

When my vision came back I was laughing. Everyone in the entire room was laughing... all excpet Emmet that is.

"Oh Emmy... lighten up." I said between my laughs.

"I can't still can't believe she suckered you into wearing that." Edward chuckled.

Tanya P.O.V. (bet you weren't expecting that were ya?)

Soon everyone was chattering back and forth happily after Bella's little display of what her talent was. And I have to say I was impressed. Thats a very intresting gift. And I may know just the right people who would be intrested in having her. I smiled softly and looked over to see Edward nuzzling Bella's neck as she laughed at something Alice said.

Yeah laugh it up slut! But soon enough you'll be gone and i'll have Edward all to myself.

Well there you guys go!!! I hope you all liked it! Review please!!!!

P.S. Who else is excited for the new season of Degrassi??!!?