Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed; if I did it would have continued for along long time. The only ones I own are Nixie and Charlie and JR. From now on, Charlie will be known as Prue.

[Scene: Attic. Chris is in tears as he flips through the Book of Shadows. He casts the Power of Three spell, hoping that Prue would return.]

Chris: Hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night. The oldest of Gods are invoked here, the great work of magic is sought. (A candle flickers. He's surrounded by herb jars, chalices and other ritualistic items.) In this night and in this hour, I call upon the ancient power. (He looks up and closes his eyes.) Bring back my cousin. Bring back the Power of Three. (He keeps his eyes closed for a prayerful beat, then he opens them, looks at the candle, but sees nothing. Blindly determined, he starts flipping through pages until he finds another spell, To Call a Lost Witch. He expertly finds and mixes certain ingredients {rosemary, cypress, yarrow root} into a silver bowl as he chants from the book.) Powers of the witches' rise. Course unseen across the skies. Come to us, who call you near. Come to us and settle here. (Then, he finds an athame and slices the left finger of his left hand so that blood can symbolically spill directly from his heart and into the bowl.) Blood to blood, I summon thee. Blood to blood, return to me.

(A faint gust of wind flickers the candle, but not much else. He buries his face in his hands in defeat.)

Piper: Chris? (Chris looks up, hopeful.)

Chris: Prue? (He looks at the candle. Piper enters, wearing her nightclothes and jacket. She has a tear-stained face.)

Piper: Sweetie, it 4 o'clock in the morning. What are you doing? (Chris doesn't answer, just stares blankly at the book. Piper notices Chris is bleeding and gets a towel.) You're bleeding.

(Chris doesn't notice, doesn't care. Piper finds a clean cloth, takes Chris' hand and wraps the wound.)

Chris: I don't understand why magic can't fix this. And why we can't bring Prue back. It's not like we haven't cheated death before. We've done it a million times in the future and I know you've done it to. I don't understand why this time isn't any different.

Piper: Because your dad can't heal the dead, Chris. You know that.

Chris: There's other magic, magic that we've used before. (He flips through the pages and fights the tears.) Scrying, calling a lost witch, reversing time. (He slams the Book of Shadows shut. He stands up.) It's like the book just deserted us and deserted Prue, and I don't understand why. (Piper takes Chris' other hand, holds them both, shares his pain.)

Piper: We lost a family member. A daughter, a niece and a cousin and...

Chris: (Cuts her of) and a mother.

Piper: What?

Chris: I said, and a mother. Nixie lost her mother.

Piper: I know. How can we ever understand that? (Pause) We've tried every magical way to bring her back… but we can't. She's gone. (Their eyes well up as they face the harsh reality, then they fall into each other's arms. It's a nightmare neither one of them can ever wake up from.) I just - I thank God that I didn't lose you too. (Piper gives him a little kiss. She breaks the hug. She sighs.) You know, I remember doing exactly what you did when I lost your Aunt Prue.

Chris: I know mom, you've told me that story.

Piper: Really? Well anyway, we should get some rest. Prue would never forgive us if we looked like this for her "funeral" (She quotes with her fingers.)

(Chris can't help but smile through the tears at that. He stands up, looks down at the Book of Shadows one last time. Arm-in-arm, they exit, shutting the door behind them. A beat, then a mysterious wind returns our attention to the Book of Shadows. The symbol, the triquetra, on the cover begins to glow.)

Opening Credits

[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Phoebe, dressed for a funeral, adjust some flowers on the table. She walks into the living room, where Victor, dressed in a dark suit, is sitting on the chair, staring vacantly at the floor bearing the kind of grief only a parent who's lost a child knows. She gives her Dad a small kiss.]

Phoebe: Can I get you anything? (She touches him tenderly on the shoulder. He looks up at her.)

Victor: Shouldn't I be asking you that instead sweetie? I know how you feel; a parent shouldn't bury their child. It's okay to cry, losing someone is always hard.

Phoebe: I didn't lose her. She's right there. (Points at the bassinet next to them, where baby Prue and baby Chris are lying) so why should I cry for something I didn't lose.

Victor: Honey, you can't look at it like that. Yes she's technically alive, but she still died and if you don't acknowledge that then you'll never be able to move on.

Phoebe: What if I don't want to move on? What if I just wanna give up? I mean after everything we've lost and now this.

Victor: What are you talking about sweetie?

Phoebe: I'm talking about mom, Prue and now my daughter. I keep losing people I love to evil and there's nothing I can do about it. And now we're holding a funeral for a body that doesn't even exist.

Victor: Oh baby, come here.

(She walks over to him and they hug. Phoebe looks up to find Paige entering the parlor with Cole. She's dressed in a funeral's dress and Cole's dressed in a suit.)

Paige: Look who's here.

Phoebe: Cole! (She goes to him and embraces him in her arms and then releases him.) I was afraid you weren't going to make it to the funeral.

Cole: What funeral!? (He exclaims angrily) There isn't even a body to bury.

Phoebe: It's symbolic Cole. There may be nothing to bury, but there is something to say goodbye to. I thought you understood that.

Cole: I did. I do. It's just hard enough as it is, knowing that she's not gonna come down those stairs. Knowing that I won't be able to hug her and tell her how much I love her or even hear her voice.

Phoebe: You can still do all those things. She's not gone forever Cole. She just moved on, you just need to think about her being in the future with her family again. With us. Telling the future you how much she loves you.

Cole: I know, but I still expect to see her walking down the stairs and hugging me.

Phoebe: Me too.

Cole: I shouldn't even be here. I should be out looking for Barbas.

Phoebe: Barbas, why?

Cole: Because he had something to do with Prue's death and is gonna feel my wrath.

[Scene: Piper and Leo's bedroom. Chris is sitting on the bed partially dressed, sitting in front of him is Nixie playing with her toys, he just stares at her lost in his thoughts. A beat later, Paige eases open the door and enters.]

Paige: Chris? (He doesn't react, just keeps looking. Paige approaches him.) Honey, we have to go.

Chris: I don't want to go.

Paige: Why not? (She sits down beside him.)

Chris: Because if I go, that'll mean that Prue's really not coming back, and I don't think I can handle that.

Paige: We can handle it together. (Chris shakes his head.)

Chris: She's been there my whole life. I've always had a cousin, my best friend. And I don't know how to live without her?

Paige: You don't have to.

Chris: What do you mean?

Paige: I mean, after the funeral we're sending you home, right? (He nods) when you get home she'll be there waiting for you and it'll be like she never died.

Chris: You promise?

Paige: Would I ever lie to you?

Chris: (Chris smiles and hugs his aunt.) thanks Aunt Paige.

[Scene: Parlor. A picture of Prue is standing on a pedestal amongst the flowers. An ivory-dressed, Wiccan Priestess stands before a blue silk covered altar table, which is adorned with a ceremonial chalice. A tied, silver cord lays before the chalice, three lit candles surround it, symbolizing birth, death, and the rebirth. The service comes across a part traditional, part New Age. Piper has Wyatt in her arms, Phoebe, Leo, Cole, Chris with Nixie in his arms; Paige and Victor are seated close to the priestess. The bassinet with the babies is right next to Piper. Everyone is crying but Cole and Leo are trying to stay strong for their family. There is a little plaque under Prue's picture with the triquetra that reads "PRUDENCE HALLIWELL "Forever in our Hearts."]

Priestess: That which belongs to fellowship and love. That which belongs to the circle, remains with us. The wheel turns. As life is a day, so our sister has passed into night. Nothing is final, and we who remain behind know that one day, we will once again share the bread and wine with our sister. O' blessed spirit, we bid you farewell, for you awaits a new destiny. (With that, she unties the silver cord and gently lays it into the chalice. She blows out the candles. Everyone is crying now.)

[Scene: Attic. Everyone is gathered there and they are standing in front of the triquetra, Paige is drawing on the wall.]

Cole: Do you have a spell to get to the future?

Chris: Yeah, I do. (He shows them a piece of paper)

Piper: Let me see that. (She takes the paper) I don't want to repeat past mistakes. (She looks at the spell and so do her sisters)

Paige: Wow, that's a great spell. Did you write it?

Chris: No Pr… (Having a hard time saying her name) Prue did.

Piper:Well it's a good spell.

Chris: She's always been the best at spells and I was always best at potions.

Cole: Just like your mothers.

Chris: Yeah, I guess.

(Awkward silence)

Phoebe: Hey Chris, I was wondering if you could tell us about something Prue kept saying?

Chris: Sure, anything. What is it?

Phoebe: Well, she kept saying something about being thee Charmed One. What did she mean by that?

Chris: Oh that. I was wondering when you would ask.

Paige: You don't have to tell us if you don't want to.

Chris: No it's okay, I don't mind. (He takes a deep breathe) I don't know if you remember, but when Prue and I first got here we told you that Paige would die. (They nod) well with the death of Aunt Paige, the Power of three died to. But when Prue was born she was the first Charmed girl and another prophecy was discovered in magic school. It said "the third child born into the Charmed legacy shall be a girl; this girl shall posses the powers of her mother and aunts. She will be able to access the Power of Three and aid her family in riding the world of evil, she shall be known as The Charmed One". It goes on to tell more, but I can't remember much else. The Elders where very happy when they discovered the prophecy, because that meant that good had a fighting chance ones again. But now with Aunt Paige being alive and the Power of Three still existing, I don't know what will happen to Prue's powers and her destiny.

Leo: Wow. Who discovers that prophecy?

Chris: I don't know. But I guess you guys could find it, if you wanted to.

Piper: I guess.


Chris: Hey, Uncle Cole. Can I talk to you for a minute?

Cole: Sure. What about?

Chris: I was thinking in private. (Smiles at his family)

Cole: Of course. Let's go to mine and Phoebe's room. (They leave)

Paige: What's that about?

Phoebe: He feels guilty.

Piper: Who? Chris?

Phoebe: Yeah.

Leo: About what?

Phoebe: Prue's death. He thinks it's his fault.

Piper: That's ridicules.

[Cut to Phoebe and Cole's room. Chris and Cole walk in.]

Cole: So, what do you want to talk about?

Chris: I think you know.

Cole: (Thinks about it for a minute) Oh. Chris you don't have to.

Chris: I want to. I'm sorry Uncle Cole; I should have protected her like I promised I would. I know you hate me for not keeping her safe and you have every right to…

Cole: (Cuts him of) What? I don't hate you Chris. I could never hate you. You're my nephew and I love you.

Chris: But it should have been me, if she hadn't gotten in the way, she would have lived…

Cole: (Cuts him of again) and you would have been the one who died.

Chris: At least Nixie would have her mother.


Cole: I don't want to talk about this anymore, I accept your apology even though there's nothing to apologize for and I forgive you even though there's nothing to forgive. Okay?

Chris: Okay.

Cole: And Chris again, I don't hate you.

Chris: Thanks Uncle Cole.

Cole: (they hug) your welcome, now lets get you home.

Chris: Okay. (They walk out)

[Cut to the attic. The girls and Leo are sitting in silence, watching Nixie and Wyatt play and the babies sleep. Cole and Chris walk in]

Chris: So ready to do this?

(They look at the men in the doorway.)

Leo: Yes, let's get you home for real this time.

(He smiles at his father. He goes over to the playpen and lifts Wyatt)

Chris: You be good for mommy and daddy okay. (He hugs him and the puts him down and picks up Nixie) let's go home to mamma, Nixie.

Phoebe: (He walks over to Phoebe. She and Chris hug.) I'm really gonna miss you.

Chris: I'll miss you too.

Phoebe: (Takes Nixie from him) Goodbye my little angel. (She hugs him and Cole comes over to hug her as well)

Paige: (Chris goes over to Paige) Aw. Here comes the hugging part.

(She gives him a hug. Chris hugs Piper.)

Piper: Thank you for coming here. I love you.

Chris: I love you so much, mom. (Hugs Leo) You to dad.

Leo: I love you to son.

Cole: (Chris comes over to Cole. Cole gives Chris a hug) Take care of yourself and my little girl.

Chris: I will this time, I promise. (He takes Nixie from Phoebe)

Piper: Now go on. Hurry. You be safe.

Chris: Thanks for all your help. (He turns to the Triquetra and pulls out the spell) "Winds of time, gather round, give me wings, to speed my way, in my journey forward in time, open a portal to a future day" (after he finishes the spell a glowing blue portal opens and he turns to his family) I love you all, take care of each other. (To Nixie) can you say bye?

Nixie: Bye. (She waves) Wouw yu.

(They wave back at their legacy. Chris and Nixie step into the portal and their gone)

(The Halliwell family share a moment of silence)

Paige: I can't believe they're gone.

Piper: I know, it seems like it was only yesterday they orbed in from the future.

Phoebe: I miss them already.

Piper: (trying to lift everyone's spirit) Why don't I make us an amazing dinner?

Cole: I'm not hungry, I'm gonna go to the underworld and see if I can get any leads on Barbas. (He fades out)

Leo: I think I'll do the same. (He kisses Piper on the cheek and orbs out)

Piper: How about you girls?

Phoebe: I'm not hungry ether. I'm gonna go lie down. (She walks over to the bassinet and picks up her daughter and leaves the attic.)

Paige: Well I'm kinda hungry. (Piper laughs at her sister)

(Sensing that his cousin isn't next to him makes Chris squirm until he starts to cry)

Piper: (Walks over to the bassinet) shh. Its okay baby, mommy's here. (She picks him up and rocks him back and forth until he stops crying) that's it, good boy. (To Paige) could you get Wyatt?

Paige: Sure. (She goes over to Wyatt and picks him up) there you go, big guy.

Piper: Come on, let's go downstairs and I'll make us something to eat. (They walk out of the attic)

[Scene: Future Manor. Prue is sitting on Aunt Pearls couch and reading the book. To her right side the wall glows blue and the portal appears. Chris walks through with Nixie in his arms. Prue looks up.]

Prue: (closes the Book and runs to them) you're back. (She hugs them and takes Nixie) Hey baby, mommies missed you.

Nixie: Mamma. (She giggles)

Chris: (Looks shocked at the cousin he watched die) Prue?

Prue: Yeah, Chrissie. It's really me. (She smiles)

Chris: Prue! (He throws his arms around her and pulls her into a tight embrace) I'm so sorry. Sorry.

Prue: Chrissie. It's okay. It's all in the past. I'm just happy that you're here, safe, with my baby.

Chris: Yeah. So what happened after you die…disappeared?

Prue: I woke up in Aunt Piper's bed, but I wasn't dyeing. There was just blood on my clothes. I shimmered out of the room and into my room, or what I thought was my room. Turns out you have a sister.

Chris: (Shocked) A…a sister?

Prue: Yeah. Her name's Melinda and she looks exactly like your mom. Anyways I borrowed some of her clothes and went downs stairs. I saw mom and Peyton. I ran to them and hugged them and told them I loved them and then more people kept coming.

Chris: What do you mean more people?

Prue: Family members. I have three sisters Chris. And Aunt Paige is alive and married and we have cousins.

Chris: What? How many?

Prue: Well…

(She was interrupted by a boy walking in. he was tall, a little taller then Chris and had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked to be 18-19 years old)

Boy: Hey Prue. You found Chris and Nixie. Good, cause Aunt Piper was getting worried, anyways she send me up to tell you that dinner was ready.

Prue: Okay thanks JR.

Junior: No problem, se down there. (He walks out of the attic)

Chris: (shocked) who was that?

Prue: That's JR, he's Aunt Paige's oldest.

Chris: Okay, I need names and ages of everyone. (They get up and walk downstairs)

Prue: Okay, well JR is the oldest of the ones after us, he's 19 and the there is my sister, Peyton who's also 19 and Melinda, your sister who's also 19. They where born with days apart. (She keeps telling him about their family.)

The End

AU: that's it everyone. I'm done with my first story, I promise there'll be a sequel, but I'm gonna work on another story until then. It's called Gemini Chronicles. It's another Charmed adventure following the life of Jaime Turner, the daughter of Cole Turner and his wife named Melinda Hunter. So until next time.

Love Gemini369.