Genesis walked up to the puppy and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "You. Me. Bed. Now." Zack looked at him, with those huge, purple/blue eyes. "!"

No is a dirty word. never gonna say it first. No is just a thought that never crosses my mind.

Genesis just chuckled and forced the younger boy into his car. "Genesis! What the hell are you doing, man?!"

Maybe in the parking lot. Better bring your friend along. Better off together than just one at a time.

Soon they were drinving. On there way to Genesis's apartment. Genesis had his hand between Zack's legs. Actively rubbing the sensative skin. Zack let out a loud moan. "G..genesis! Stop it!" Genesis just smirked. "You know you want it."

S is for the simple need. E is for the ecstasty. X is just to mark the spot cause thats the one you really want.

Zacks face flushed. "So what if I do?! wouldn't be honorable!" Genesis cackled. "Angeals rubbing off on you. You sound just like him the first time me and him went at it."

Yes! sex is always the answer. It's never a question, cause the answers yes. Yeah the answers just a segjestion, when you ask the question, then its always yes, yeah!

When they finally arrived at his appartment, the aburn haired SOLDIER dragged the youger man up stairs, and into his room. Quickly locking the door, he pinned Zack to his bed. Quickly looking him up and down before stripping himself and the puppy.

I'm loving what you wanna wear, wonderin' whats under there. Wonder if i'll ever have it under my tongue.

Genesis quickly got to work. He pumped the boys hardend cock. The whole time looking him right in the eyes. Until his mouth found its way between Zack's legs. he began to suck. Zack threw his head back in a long, loud, moan. "G...genensis..." He whimperd. "Aw. What is it puppy? Want me to stop?" He purred.

I'd love to try to set you free. All of you, all over me. Love to hear the sound you make the second your done.

"Oh God no! Don't stop, please!" Genesis smirked. "Your wish is my command." He nipped. He sucked. He gulped. He licked. And started the process all over again. Zack's moans getting louder and louder eachtime.

S is for the simple need. E is for the ectasty. X is just to make the spot, cause thats the one you really want. Yes! Sex is always the answer. Its never a question cause the answers yes. Oh! The answers yes. Not just a suggestion, when you ask the question, then its always yes. Yeah!

Then the phone rang. Genesis smirked. "I'll be right back, puppy." Zack wimperd. "Hurry..." Genesis answerd his cell phone. It was Angeal. "Hey um Genesis, do you know where zack is? He won't answer his phone." Genesis's smirk grew. "I'm afraid he's busy at the moment. Please try again later." Then he hung up. Going back to his puppy. This was gonna be a long and fun night.